pcluster list-official-images - AWS ParallelCluster

pcluster list-official-images

Describe official AWS ParallelCluster AMIs.

pcluster list-official-images [-h] [--architecture ARCHITECTURE] [--debug] [--os OS] [--query QUERY] [--region REGION]

Named arguments

-h, --help

Shows the help text for pcluster list-official-images.

--architecture ARCHITECTURE

Specifies the architecture to use to filter the results. If this parameter is not specified, all architectures are returned.


Enables debug logging.

--os OS

Specifies the operating system to use to filter the results. If this parameter is not specified, all operating systems are returned.

--query QUERY

Specifies the JMESPath query to perform on the output.

--region, -r REGION

Specifies the AWS Region to use. The AWS Region must be specified, using the Region setting in the image configuration file, the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable, the region setting in the [default] section of the ~/.aws/config file, or the --region parameter.

Example using AWS ParallelCluster version 3.1.2:

$ pcluster list-official-images { "images": [ { "amiId": "ami-015cfeb4e0d6306b2", "os": "ubuntu2004", "name": "aws-parallelcluster-3.1.2-ubuntu-2004-lts-hvm-x86_64-202202261505 2022-02-26T15-08-34.759Z", "version": "3.1.2", "architecture": "x86_64" }, { "amiId": "ami-036f23237ce49d25b", "os": "ubuntu2204", "name": "aws-parallelcluster-3.1.2-ubuntu-1804-lts-hvm-x86_64-202202261505 2022-02-26T15-08-17.558Z", "version": "3.1.2", "architecture": "x86_64" }, { "amiId": "ami-09e5327e694d89ef4", "os": "ubuntu2004", "name": "aws-parallelcluster-3.1.2-ubuntu-2004-lts-hvm-arm64-202202261505 2022-02-26T15-08-45.736Z", "version": "3.1.2", "architecture": "arm64" }, { "amiId": "ami-0b9b0874c35f626ae", "os": "alinux2", "name": "aws-parallelcluster-3.1.2-amzn2-hvm-x86_64-202202261505 2022-02-26T15-08-31.311Z", "version": "3.1.2", "architecture": "x86_64" }, { "amiId": "ami-0d0de4f95f56374bc", "os": "alinux2", "name": "aws-parallelcluster-3.1.2-amzn2-hvm-arm64-202202261505 2022-02-26T15-08-46.088Z", "version": "3.1.2", "architecture": "arm64" }, { "amiId": "ami-0ebf7bc54b8740dc6", "os": "ubuntu2204", "name": "aws-parallelcluster-3.1.2-ubuntu-1804-lts-hvm-arm64-202202261505 2022-02-26T15-08-45.293Z", "version": "3.1.2", "architecture": "arm64" } ] }