An object that contains the Opportunity
lifecycle's details.
In the following list, the required parameters are described first.
- ClosedLostReason
Specifies the reason code when an opportunity is marked as Closed Lost. When you select an appropriate reason code, you communicate the context for closing the
, and aid in accurate reports and analysis of opportunity outcomes. The possible values are:-
Customer Deficiency: The customer lacked necessary resources or capabilities.
Delay/Cancellation of Project: The project was delayed or canceled.
Legal/Tax/Regulatory: Legal, tax, or regulatory issues prevented progress.
Lost to Competitor—Google: The opportunity was lost to Google.
Lost to Competitor—Microsoft: The opportunity was lost to Microsoft.
Lost to Competitor—SoftLayer: The opportunity was lost to SoftLayer.
Lost to Competitor—VMWare: The opportunity was lost to VMWare.
Lost to Competitor—Other: The opportunity was lost to a competitor not listed above.
No Opportunity: There was no opportunity to pursue.
On Premises Deployment: The customer chose an on-premises solution.
Partner Gap: The partner lacked necessary resources or capabilities.
Price: The price was not competitive or acceptable to the customer.
Security/Compliance: Security or compliance issues prevented progress.
Technical Limitations: Technical limitations prevented progress.
Customer Experience: Issues related to the customer's experience impacted the decision.
Other: Any reason not covered by the other values.
People/Relationship/Governance: Issues related to people, relationships, or governance.
Product/Technology: Issues related to the product or technology.
Financial/Commercial: Financial or commercial issues impacted the decision.
Type: String
Valid Values:
Customer Deficiency | Delay / Cancellation of Project | Legal / Tax / Regulatory | Lost to Competitor - Google | Lost to Competitor - Microsoft | Lost to Competitor - SoftLayer | Lost to Competitor - VMWare | Lost to Competitor - Other | No Opportunity | On Premises Deployment | Partner Gap | Price | Security / Compliance | Technical Limitations | Customer Experience | Other | People/Relationship/Governance | Product/Technology | Financial/Commercial
Required: No
- NextSteps
Specifies the upcoming actions or tasks for the
. Use this field to communicate with AWS about the next actions required for theOpportunity
.Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 255.
Required: No
- NextStepsHistory
Captures a chronological record of the next steps or actions planned or taken for the current opportunity, along with the timestamp.
Type: Array of NextStepsHistory objects
Array Members: Minimum number of 0 items. Maximum number of 50 items.
Required: No
- ReviewComments
Indicates why an opportunity was sent back for further details. Partners must take corrective action based on the
.Type: String
Required: No
- ReviewStatus
Indicates the review status of an opportunity referred by a partner. This field is read-only and only applicable for partner referrals. The possible values are:
Pending Submission: Not submitted for validation (editable).
Submitted: Submitted for validation, and AWS hasn't reviewed it (read-only).
In Review: AWS is validating (read-only).
Action Required: Issues that AWS highlights need to be addressed. Partners should use the
API action to update the opportunity and helps to ensure that all required changes are made. Only the following fields are editable when theLifecycle.ReviewStatus
isAction Required
After updates, the opportunity re-enters the validation phase. This process repeats until all issues are resolved, and the opportunity's
is set toApproved
. -
Approved: Validated and converted into the AWS seller's pipeline (editable).
Rejected: Disqualified (read-only).
Type: String
Valid Values:
Pending Submission | Submitted | In review | Approved | Rejected | Action Required
Required: No
- ReviewStatusReason
Indicates the reason a decision was made during the opportunity review process. This field combines the reasons for both disqualified and action required statuses, and provide clarity for why an opportunity was disqualified or requires further action.
Type: String
Required: No
- Stage
Specifies the current stage of the
's lifecycle as it maps to AWS stages from the current stage in the partner CRM. This field provides a translated value of the stage, and offers insight into theOpportunity
's progression in the sales cycle, according to AWS definitions.Note
A lead and a prospect must be further matured to a
opportunity before submission. Opportunities that were closed/lost before submission aren't suitable for submission.The descriptions of each sales stage are:
Prospect: AWS identifies the opportunity. It can be active (Comes directly from the end customer through a lead) or latent (Your account team believes it exists based on research, account plans, sales plays).
Qualified: Your account team engaged with the customer to discuss viability and requirements. The customer agreed that the opportunity is real, of interest, and may solve business/technical needs.
Technical Validation: All parties understand the implementation plan.
Business Validation: Pricing was proposed, and all parties agree to the steps to close.
Committed: The customer signed the contract, but AWS hasn't started billing.
Launched: The workload is complete, and AWS has started billing.
Closed Lost: The opportunity is lost, and there are no steps to move forward.
Type: String
Valid Values:
Prospect | Qualified | Technical Validation | Business Validation | Committed | Launched | Closed Lost
Required: No
- TargetCloseDate
Specifies the date when AWS expects to start significant billing, when the project finishes, and when it moves into production. This field informs the AWS seller about when the opportunity launches and starts to incur AWS usage.
Ensure the
Target Close Date
isn't in the past.Type: String
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: