Generate and verify MAC - AWS Payment Cryptography

Generate and verify MAC

Message Authentication Codes (MAC) are typically used to authenticate the integrity of a message (whether it's been modified). Cryptographic hashes such as HMAC (Hash-Based Message Authentication Code), CBC-MAC and CMAC (Cipher-based Message Authentication Code) additionally provide additional assurance of the sender of the MAC by utilizing cryptography. HMAC is based on hash functions while CMAC is based on block ciphers.

All MAC algorithms of this service combine a cryptographic hash function and a shared secret key. They take a message and a secret key, such as the key material in a key, and return a unique tag or mac. If even one character of the message changes, or if the secret key changes, the resulting tag is entirely different. By requiring a secret key, cryptographic MACs also provides authenticity; it is impossible to generate an identical mac without the secret key. Cryptographic MACs are sometimes called symmetric signatures, because they work like digital signatures, but use a single key for both signing and verification.

AWS Payment Cryptography supports several types of MACs:


Denoted by KeyUsage of ISO9797_ALGORITHM1

ISO9797 ALGORITHM 3 (Retail MAC)

Denoted by KeyUsage of ISO9797_ALGORITHM3


Denoted by KeyUsage of TR31_M6_ISO_9797_5_CMAC_KEY


Denoted by KeyUsage of TR31_M7_HMAC_KEY including HMAC_SHA224, HMAC_SHA256, HMAC_SHA384 and HMAC_SHA512