Monitoring AWS PCS metrics using CloudWatch - AWS PCS

Monitoring AWS PCS metrics using CloudWatch

You can monitor AWS PCS cluster health using Amazon CloudWatch, which collects data from your cluster and turns it into near real-time metrics. These statistics are retained for a period of 15 months, so that you can access historical information and gain a better perspective on how your cluster is performing. Cluster metrics are sent to CloudWatch at 1-minute periods. For more information about CloudWatch, see What Is Amazon CloudWatch? in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

AWS PCS publishes the following metrics into the AWS/PCS namespace in CloudWatch. They have a single dimension, ClusterId.

Name Description Units
ActualCapacity IdleCapacity + UtilizedCapacity Count
CapacityUtilization UtilizedCapacity / ActualCapacity Count
DesiredCapacity ActualCapacity + PendingCapacity Count
IdleCapacity Count of instances that are running but not allocated to jobs Count
UtilizedCapacity Count of instances that are running and allocated to jobs Count