Using sample Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) with AWS PCS
AWS provides sample AMIs that you can use as a
starting point for working with AWS PCS.
Sample AMIs are for demonstration purposes and are not recommended for production
Find current AWS PCS sample AMIs
- AWS Management Console
AWS PCS sample AMIs have the following naming convention:
To find AWS PCS sample AMIs
Open the Amazon EC2 console.
Navigate to AMIs.
Choose Public images.
In Find AMI by attribute or tag, search for an AMI using the
templated name.
Sample AMI for Slurm 24.05 on Arm64 instances
Sample AMI for Slurm 24.05 on x86 instances
If there are multiple AMIs, use the AMI with the most recent time stamp.
Use the AMI ID when you create or update a compute node group.
You can find the latest AWS PCS sample AMI with the commands that follow. Replace
with the AWS Region where you use AWS PCS, such
as us-east-1
aws ec2 describe-images --region region-code
--owners amazon \
--filters 'Name=name,Values=aws-pcs-sample_ami-amzn2-x86_64-slurm-24.05*' \
'Name=state,Values=available' \
--query 'sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[-1].[Name,ImageId]' --output text
aws ec2 describe-images --region region-code
--owners amazon \
--filters 'Name=name,Values=aws-pcs-sample_ami-amzn2-arm64-slurm-24.05*' \
'Name=state,Values=available' \
--query 'sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[-1].[Name,ImageId]' --output text
Use the AMI ID when you create or update a compute node group.
Learn more about AWS PCS sample AMIs
To view the contents, configuration details for current and previous releases of the
AWS PCS sample AMIs, see Release notes for AWS PCS sample AMIs.
Build your own AMIs compatible with AWS PCS
To learn how to build your own AMIs that work with AWS PCS,
see Custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for