Creating a batch inference job - Amazon Personalize

Creating a batch inference job

Create a batch inference job to get batch item recommendations for users based on input data from Amazon S3. The input data can be a list of users or items (or both) in JSON format. You can create a batch inference job with the Amazon Personalize console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or AWS SDKs.

When you create a batch inference job, you specify the Amazon S3 paths to your input and output locations. Amazon S3 is prefix based. If you provide a prefix for the input data location, Amazon Personalize uses all files matching that prefix as input data. For example, if you provide s3://<name of your S3 bucket>/folderName and your bucket also has a folder with a path of s3://<name of your S3 bucket>/folderName_test, Amazon Personalize uses all files in both folders as input data. To use only the files within a specific folder as input data, end the Amazon S3 path with a prefix delimiter, such as /: s3://<name of your S3 bucket>/folderName/ For more information about how Amazon S3 organizes objects, see Organizing, listing, and working with your objects.

For more information about the batch workflow in Amazon Personalize, including permissions requirements, recommendation scoring, and preparing and importing input data, see Getting batch recommendations.