The following sections list and describe the quotas, formerly referred to as limits, that apply to Amazon Pinpoint resources and operations. Some quotas can be increased, while others cannot. To determine whether you can request an increase for a quota, refer to the Eligible for Increase column or statement in each section.
Project quotas
The following table lists the quotas related to projects in Amazon Pinpoint.
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Projects |
In each AWS Region, you can have up to 100 projects. |
No |
API request quotas
Amazon Pinpoint implements quotas that restrict the size and number of requests that you can make to the Amazon Pinpoint API from your AWS account.
The maximum size of an invocation (request and response) payload is 7 MB, unless otherwise specified for a particular type of resource. To determine whether a resource has a different quota, see the appropriate section of this topic for that type of resource.
The maximum number of requests varies by quota type and API operation. Amazon Pinpoint implements two types of quotas for API requests:
Rate quotas – Also referred to as rate limits, this type of quota defines the maximum number of requests that you can make per second for a particular operation. It controls the rate of requests that are sent or received per account.
Burst quotas – Also referred to as burst limits or burst capacity, this type of quota defines the maximum number of requests that are concurrently in-flight for an account.
The following table lists the rate and burst quotas for the Amazon Pinpoint API.
Operation | Default burst/rate quota (Requests per second) |
CreateCampaign |
25 |
CreateEmailTemplate | 10 |
CreateInAppTemplate | 10 |
CreateImportJob | 300 |
CreatePushTemplate | 10 |
CreateSegment |
25 |
CreateSmsTemplate | 10 |
CreateVoiceTemplate | 10 |
DeleteCampaign | 25 |
DeleteEndpoint | 5 |
DeleteSegment | 25 |
GetEndpoint | 10 |
PhoneNumberValidate | 20 |
PutEvents | 15 |
SendMessages | 4,000 |
SendUsersMessages | 6,000 |
UpdateCampaign | 25 |
UpdateEmailTemplate | 10 |
UpdateEndpoint | 10 |
UpdateEndpointsBatch | 2 |
UpdateInAppTemplate | 10 |
UpdatePushTemplate | 10 |
UpdateSegment | 25 |
UpdateSmsTemplate | 10 |
UpdateVoiceTemplate | 10 |
All other operations | 300 |
The following table lists the file import quota for
Operation | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Maximum number of import files | 10,000 files per import job | No |
If you exceed one of these quotas, Amazon Pinpoint throttles the request—that is, it
rejects an otherwise valid request and returns a TooManyRequests
Throttling is based on the total number of requests that you make from your account for
a specific operation in a specific AWS Region. In addition, throttling decisions are
calculated independently for each operation. For example, if Amazon Pinpoint throttles a request
for the SendMessages
operation, a concurrent request for the
operation can complete successfully.
Campaign quotas
The following quotas apply to the Campaigns resource of the Amazon Pinpoint API.
The following quotas apply per AWS Region and some can be increased. For more information, see Requesting a quota increase in the Service Quotas User Guide.
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Active campaigns |
200 per account NoteAn active campaign is a campaign that
hasn't completed or failed. Active campaigns have a status of
No |
Maximum segment size | For imported segments: 100,000,000 per campaign For dynamic segments: unlimited |
No |
Event-based campaigns |
Each project can include up to 25 campaigns that are sent when events occur. Campaigns that use event-based triggers have to use dynamic segments. They can't use imported segments. If you integrate your app with Amazon Pinpoint by using an AWS Mobile SDK, messages from event-based campaigns are sent only to customers whose apps are running AWS Mobile SDK for Android version 2.7.2 or later, or AWS Mobile SDK for iOS version 2.6.30 or later. If Amazon Pinpoint can't deliver a message from an event-based campaign within five minutes, it drops the message and doesn't attempt to redeliver it. |
No |
Email quotas
The quotas in the following sections apply to the email channel.
Email message quotas
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Maximum message size, including attachments |
10 MB per message |
No |
Number of verified identities |
10,000 identities NoteIdentities refers to email addresses or domains, or any combination of the two. Every email you send using Amazon Pinpoint must be sent from a verified identity. |
No |
Email sender and recipient quotas
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Sender address |
All sending addresses or domains must be verified. |
No |
Recipient address | If your account is in the sandbox, all recipient email addresses
or domains must be verified. If your account is out of the sandbox, you can send to any valid address. |
Yes |
Number of recipients per message |
50 recipients per message |
No |
Number of identities that you can verify |
10,000 identities per AWS Region NoteIdentities refers to email addresses or domains, or any combination of the two. Every email you send using Amazon Pinpoint must be sent from a verified identity. |
No |
Email sending quotas
The sending quota, sending rate, and sandbox limits are shared between the two services in the same Region. If you use Amazon SES in us-east-1, and you’ve been removed from the sandbox and had your sending quota/rate increased, then those changes all apply to your Pinpoint account in us-east-1.
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Number of emails that can be sent per 24-hour period (sending quota) | If your account is in the sandbox, 200 emails per 24-hour period.
If your account is out of the sandbox, the quota varies based on your specific use case. NoteThis quota is based on the number of recipients, as opposed to the number of unique messages sent. A recipient is any email address on the To: line. |
Number of emails that can be sent each second (sending rate) | If your account is in the sandbox, 1 email per second. If your account is out of the sandbox, the rate varies based on your specific use case. NoteThis rate is based on the number of recipients, as opposed to the number of unique messages sent. A recipient is any email address on the To: line. |
Endpoint quotas
The following quotas apply to the Endpoints resource of the Amazon Pinpoint API.
The maximum number of attributes supported per endpoint is 250, and the maximum endpoint size is 15 KB. This number of attributes might be limited, however, by the total size of an endpoint, which includes all attributes. If you run into any errors when adding attributes to your template, consider decreasing the amount of data in each attribute or decreasing the number of attributes.
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Endpoint size | Maximum size 15 KB | No |
Attributes assigned to the |
250 for all attribute parameters per application |
No |
Attributes assigned to the |
250 for all attribute parameters per application |
No |
Attributes assigned to the |
250 for all attribute parameters per application |
No |
Attributes assigned to the |
250 for all attribute parameters per application |
No |
Attribute name length |
50 characters |
No |
Attribute value length |
100 characters |
No |
100 per payload. The payload size can't exceed 7 MB. |
No |
Endpoints with the same user ID |
15 unique endpoints per user ID |
No |
Values assigned to |
50 per attribute |
No |
Values assigned to |
50 per attribute |
No |
Endpoint import quotas
The following quotas apply to importing endpoints into Amazon Pinpoint.
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Active import jobs |
10 per account Import jobs only count against this quota if they are running. Once the import job has completed it no longer counts against this quota. |
No |
Import size | 1 GB per import job For example, if each endpoint is 4 KB or less, you can import 250,000 endpoints. |
No |
Event ingestion quotas
The following quotas apply to the ingestion of events using the AWS Mobile SDKs and the Events resource of the Amazon Pinpoint API.
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Maximum number of custom event types |
1,500 per app |
No |
Maximum number of custom attribute keys |
500 per app |
No |
Maximum number of custom attribute values per attribute key |
100,000. Any number that exceeds 100,000 is still registered, but won't be available in the Amazon Pinpoint analytics console. |
No |
Maximum number of characters per attribute key |
50 |
No |
Maximum number of characters per attribute value |
200. If the number of characters exceeds 200 the event is dropped. |
No |
Maximum number of custom metric keys |
500 per app |
No |
Maximum number of events in a request |
100 per request |
No |
Maximum size of a request |
4 MB |
No |
Maximum size of an individual event |
1,000 KB |
No |
Maximum number of attribute keys and metric keys for each event |
40 per request |
No |
Journey quotas
The following quotas apply to journeys.
The following quotas apply per AWS Region and some can be increased. For more information, see Requesting a quota increase in the Service Quotas User Guide.
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Maximum number of active journeys |
50 per account |
No |
Maximum number of active EventTriggeredJourneys | 20 per account | No |
Maximum number of journey activities |
40 per journey |
No |
Maximum segment size | For imported segments: 100,000,000 per journey. For dynamic segments: unlimited |
No |
Maximum contact center activities | 3 per journey | No |
Maximum number of closed days rules | 20 per channel | No |
Maximum length of closed day rule name | 150 characters | No |
Maximum number of days between start and end time for a closed days rule | 7 days | No |
Maximum number of open hours rules | 4 per day | No |
Lambda quotas
The following quotas apply to Amazon Pinpoint configurations for retrieving and processing data from Lambda
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Maximum size of an invocation payload (request and response) for a Lambda function | 6 MB | No |
Maximum amount of time to wait for a Lambda function to process data | 15 seconds | No |
Maximum number of event attributes per endpoint | 5 | No |
Maximum number of characters for an event attribute name | 128 characters | No |
Maximum number of characters for an event attribute value | 128 characters | No |
Maximum amount of days a journey can run | 540 days | No |
Machine learning quotas
The following quotas apply to Amazon Pinpoint configurations for retrieving and processing data from machine learning (ML) models.
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Maximum number of model configurations | 1 per message template 100 per account |
No |
Maximum number of recommendations | 5 per endpoint or user | No |
Maximum number of recommended attributes per endpoint or user | 1, if the attribute values aren't processed by an AWS Lambda
function 10, if the attribute values are processed by an AWS Lambda function |
No |
Maximum length of a recommended attribute name | 50 characters for an attribute name 25 characters for an attribute display name (the name that appears in the Attribute finder on the console) |
No |
Maximum length of a recommended attribute value that's retrieved from Amazon Personalize | 100 characters | No |
Maximum size of an invocation payload (request and response) for a Lambda function | 6 MB | No |
Maximum amount of time to wait for a Lambda function to process data | 15 seconds | No |
Maximum number of attempts to invoke a Lambda function | 3 attempts | No |
Depending on how you configure Amazon Pinpoint to use an ML model, additional quotas may apply. To learn about Amazon Personalize quotas, see Quotas in the Amazon Personalize Developer Guide. To learn about AWS Lambda quotas, see Quotas in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
Message template quotas
The following quotas apply to message templates for your Amazon Pinpoint account.
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Maximum number of message templates |
20,000 per account |
No |
Maximum number of versions |
5,000 per template |
No |
Maximum number of characters in an email template |
600,000 characters |
No |
Maximum number of characters in an in-app template | 200,000 characters | No |
Maximum number of characters in the default template parts of a push notification template |
4,000 characters | No |
Maximum number of characters in ADM-specific template parts of a push notification template | 6,000 characters | No |
Maximum number of characters in APNs-specific template parts of a push notification template | 4,000 characters | No |
Maximum number of characters in Baidu-specific template parts of a push notification template | 4,000 characters | No |
Maximum number of characters in FCM-specific template parts of a push notification template | 4,000 characters | No |
Maximum number of characters in an SMS template |
1,600 characters | No |
Maximum number of characters in a voice template | 10,000 characters | No |
Push notification quotas
The following quotas apply to messages that Amazon Pinpoint sends through push notification channels.
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Maximum number of push notifications that can be sent per second in a campaign | 25,000 notifications per second | Yes |
Amazon Device Messaging (ADM) message payload size |
6 KB per message |
No |
Apple Push Notification service (APNs) message payload size |
4 KB per message |
No |
APNs sandbox message payload size |
4 KB per message |
No |
Baidu Cloud Push message payload size |
4 KB per message |
No |
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) message payload size |
4 KB per message |
No |
In-app message quotas
The following quota applies to in-app messages that you manage with Amazon Pinpoint.
The following quotas apply per AWS Region and some can be increased. For more information, see Requesting a quota increase in the Service Quotas User Guide.
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Maximum number of times you can call the
GetInAppMessages API per second. |
5,000 requests per second | Yes |
In-app messaging campaigns | Each project can include up to 25 campaigns that use the in-app messaging channel. | Yes, see Requesting a quota increase in the Service Quotas User Guide |
Segment quotas
The following quota applies to the Segments resource of the Amazon Pinpoint API.
Resource | Default quota | Eligible for increase |
Maximum number of dimensions that can be used to create a segment |
100 per segment |
No |
Maximum number of segment groups per segment | 5 | No |
Maximum number of source segments per segment | 5 | No |
Maximum depth of source segments. For example if a segment has a source segment which also has a source segment, the depth chain is not longer than this limit. |
5 | No |
SMS quotas
For SMS quotas, see SMS quotas in the AWS End User Messaging SMS user guide.
10DLC quotas
For 10DLC quotas, see 10DLC quotas in the AWS End User Messaging SMS user guide.
Voice quotas
For voice quotas, see Voice quotas in the AWS End User Messaging SMS user guide.
Requesting a quota increase
If the value in the Eligible for Increase column in any of the preceding tables is Yes, you can request an increase for that quota.
To request a quota increase
Sign in to the AWS Management Console at
. -
Create a new AWS Support case at
. -
On the Your support cases pane, choose Create case.
Choose the Looking for service limit increases? link.
Under Service quota increase, for Service, choose one of the following options:
To request a quota increase that's related to the email channel, choose Pinpoint Email.
To request a quota increase for SMS spending limits or SMS sending rates, choose Pinpoint SMS. For all other SMS quota increases, choose Pinpoint
To request a quota increase that's related to the voice channel, choose Pinpoint Voice.
To request a quota increase that's related to any other Amazon Pinpoint feature, choose Pinpoint.
Depending on the Service that you choose you may be asked to enter the following:
(Optional) For Provide a link to the site or app which will be sending SMS messages, provide information about the website, application, or service that will send SMS messages.
(Optional) For What type of messages do you plan to send, choose the type of message that you plan to send using your long code:
One Time Password – Messages that provide passwords that your customers use to authenticate with your website or application.
Promotional – Noncritical messages that promote your business or service, such as special offers or announcements.
Transactional – Important informational messages that support customer transactions, such as order confirmations or account alerts. Transactional messages must not contain promotional or marketing content.
(Optional) For Which AWS Region will you be sending messages from, choose the region that you'll be sending messages from.
(Optional) For Which countries do you plan to send messages to, enter the country or region that you want to purchase short codes in.
(Optional) In the How do your customers opt to receive messages from you, provide details about your opt-in process.
(Optional) In the Please provide the message template that you plan to use to send messages to your customers field, include the template that you will be using.
Under Requests, do the following:
For Region choose your AWS Region.
For Resource Type, choose General Limits. The Resource Type field is only present for some Services.
For Quota choose the quota to change.
For New quota value enter a new value for the quota.
To request an increase to the same quota in an additional AWS Region, choose Add another request, and then choose the additional AWS Region and fill out the new request.
Choose the quota that you want to increase, and then enter the new value that you want for the quota.
Under Case description, fexplain why you're requesting the quota increase.
Under Contact options, for Preferred contact language, choose the language that you prefer to use when communicating with the AWS Support team.
For Contact method, choose your preferred method of communicating with the AWS Support team.
Choose Submit.
The AWS Support team provides an initial response to your request within 24 hours.
In order to prevent our systems from being used to send unsolicited or malicious content, we have to consider each request carefully. If we’re able to do so, we'll grant your request within this 24-hour period. However, if we need to obtain additional information from you, it might take longer to resolve your request.
We might not be able to grant your request if your use case doesn’t align with our policies.