Usage charts - Amazon Pinpoint

Usage charts

The Usage page includes charts and metrics that show how often your app is being used and how successfully it retains user interest over time.


Some of the charts and metrics on the Usage page refer to endpoints, while others refer to users. For information about the difference between users and endpoints, see Endpoints and users in Amazon Pinpoint analytics.

Viewing the usage charts

Complete the following steps to view the Usage charts and metrics on the Amazon Pinpoint console. You can filter the data by date and by endpoint attributes.

To view and filter the usage charts and metrics
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. On the All projects page, choose the project that you want to view usage data for.

  3. In the navigation pane, under Analytics, choose Usage.

  4. (Optional) To apply a filter that displays the data for a specific date or range of dates, use the date selector at the top of the page to choose the dates for the time period that you want. After you choose new dates, the page updates to show the data for the selected time period.

  5. (Optional) To apply a filter that displays data for only those users or endpoints that have specific attributes, expand the Filters section. Choose an attribute from the Endpoint Attributes list. After you choose an attribute, choose an attribute value from the Endpoint Attribute Values list. Then choose View charts to see the updated metrics.


    We hide this filter if you haven't used it in the past 90 days.

    If the Filters section shows a message stating that the filter is unavailable, choose More information, and then choose Enable filters. When you do, we restore the filter for your account in the current AWS Region. Depending on the amount of data that's associated with your account, this process can take up to 72 hours to complete.

    To further filter the data, repeat this step for each additional attribute and attribute value that you want to filter the data by.

Chart descriptions

The Usage page contains three sections: User metrics, Session metrics, and Authentication metrics.

User metrics

The User metrics section provides information about how users and endpoints interact with your application. These charts and metrics help you better understand user retention—that is, the likelihood that a customer who used your application in the past will use it again at a later time.


The following metrics can be affected by API operations that impact endpoints: Daily active endpoints, Monthly active endpoints, Daily active users, Monthly active users. For example, if you use the UpdateEndpoint or PutEvents API operations to modify endpoints, metrics such as Daily active users could indicate higher counts than Daily sessions.

For information about the difference between users and endpoints, see Endpoints and users in Amazon Pinpoint analytics.

Daily active endpoints

Shows the number of endpoints that opened your application for each day in the selected time period. This chart also provides the average number of daily active endpoints for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the number of daily active endpoints from the beginning to the end of the time period. If your app or project contains a high number of endpoints, there might be a delay of up to six hours for Amazon Pinpoint to display this data.

Monthly active endpoints

Shows the number of endpoints that opened your application at some point in the preceding 30 days for each day in the selected time period. This chart also provides the average number of monthly active endpoints for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the number of monthly active endpoints from the beginning to the end of the time period. If your app or project contains a high number of endpoints, there might be a delay of up to six hours for Amazon Pinpoint to display this data.

New endpoints

Shows the number of endpoints that were registered with Amazon Pinpoint for the first time for each day in the selected time period. This chart also provides the average number of new endpoints for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the number of new endpoints from the beginning to the end of the time period.

Daily active users

Shows the number of users that opened your application for each day in the selected time period. This chart also provides the average number of daily active users for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the number of daily active users from the beginning to the end of the time period.

Monthly active users

Shows the number of users that opened your application at some point in the preceding 30 days for each day in the selected time period. This chart also provides the average number of monthly active users for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the number of monthly active users from the beginning to the end of the time period.

New users

Shows the number of new user IDs that were created in Amazon Pinpoint for each day in the selected time period. This chart also provides the average number of new users for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the number of new users from the beginning to the end of the time period.

7-day retention rate

Shows the percentage of users who opened your app less than 8 days ago, and then opened it again at some point during the following 7 days. This chart also provides the average daily retention rate for the entire time period, the average daily retention rate for the time period, and the percentage change in the rate from the beginning to the end of the time period.

Sticky factor

Shows the portion of monthly active endpoints that were active on each day of the selected time period. For example, a sticky factor of 0.25 indicates that 25% of active endpoints from the previous 30 days were active on the chosen day. This chart also shows the average sticky factor for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the sticky factor rate from the beginning to the end of the time period. If your app or project contains a high number of endpoints, there might be a delay of up to six hours for Amazon Pinpoint to display this data.

Session metrics

The Session metrics section provides information about how often your app was opened. These metrics can help you better understand how often individual customers use your app, and the days and times that they're most likely to use your app.


Shows the number of times your app was opened for each day in the selected time period. This chart also provides the average number of sessions for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the number of sessions from the beginning to the end of the time period.

Sessions per endpoint

Shows the number of sessions for each endpoint. Amazon Pinpoint calculates this number by dividing the number of sessions in the time period by the number of unique endpoints that opened your app in the time period. This chart also provides the average number of sessions per endpoint for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the number of sessions per endpoint from the beginning to the end of the time period.

Sessions per user

Shows the number of sessions for each user. Amazon Pinpoint calculates this number by dividing the number of sessions in the time period by the number of unique users who opened your app in the time period. This chart also provides the average number of sessions per user for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the number of sessions per user from the beginning to the end of the time period.

Session heat map

Shows the days and times when endpoints opened your app. The times in this chart reflect each endpoint's local time. Darker rectangles in this chart indicate larger numbers of endpoints opening your app.

Authentication metrics

The Authentication metrics section provides information about how often existing users sign in to your app, and how often new users sign up for your app. These charts are useful for tracking the success of user acquisition programs, or the success of campaigns that attempt to draw disengaged users back to your app, for example.


Shows the number of times that users signed in to your app for each day in the selected time period. This chart also provides the average number of sign-ins for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the number of sign-ins from the beginning to the end of the time period.


Shows the number of times that users created new accounts for your app for each day in the selected time period. This chart also provides the average number of sign-ups for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the number of sign-ups from the beginning to the end of the time period.

Authentication failures

Shows the number of times that users attempted to sign in but were unable to do so for each day in the selected time period. This chart also provides the average number of authentication failures for the entire time period, and the percentage change in the number of authentication failures from the beginning to the end of the time period.