Copying a message template - Amazon Pinpoint

Copying a message template

To quickly create a new message template that's similar to an existing template, you can create a copy of the template. You can then edit the template copy without changing the original template.

To copy a message template
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Message templates.

  3. On the Message templates page, select the check box next to the template that you want to copy.

  4. On the Actions menu, choose Duplicate.

  5. For Template name, enter a name for the template copy. The name has to begin with a letter or number. It can contain up to 128 characters. The characters can be letters, numbers, underscores (_), or hyphens (‐).

  6. When you finish entering the name, choose Duplicate template. The template page opens and displays all the content and settings for the active version of the template that you copied.

  7. (Optional) To change the template copy, choose Edit, make the changes that you want, and then choose Save as new version.