Managing machine learning models in Amazon Pinpoint - Amazon Pinpoint

Managing machine learning models in Amazon Pinpoint

The Machine learning models page on the Amazon Pinpoint console provides a single location for you to view, change, and manage Amazon Pinpoint configuration settings for all the machine learning (ML) models that you've connected to your Amazon Pinpoint account in the current AWS Region. By using this page, you can perform management tasks such as viewing, changing, and deleting configuration settings for connections to ML models. You can also configure Amazon Pinpoint to connect to and use data from additional ML models.

To learn how to add and configure a connection to a model, see Setting up a recommender model in Amazon Pinpoint.

Viewing your collection of models

The Machine learning models page displays a list of all the configurations that you created to enable Amazon Pinpoint to connect to and use data from specific ML models for your account. To browse the list or find specific configurations quickly, you can sort and filter the list, choose which columns to display, and change other display settings for the list.

To view your collection of ML models
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Machine learning models. The Machine learning models page opens and displays the number of configurations in your collection and a list of those configurations.

  3. To customize the list or find a specific configuration quickly, choose any of the following options:

    • To sort the list by a specific type of value, click the column heading for that value. To change the sort order from ascending to descending or vice versa, click the column heading again.

    • To apply a filter that displays only those configurations whose names contain specific text, enter the text in the Search box above the list. To remove the filter, choose X in the Search box.

    • To change the number of configurations that are displayed in the list, choose the settings icon at the top of the page. Then, for Page size, choose the number of configurations that you want to display, and choose Save changes.

    • To add or remove columns from the list, choose the settings icon at the top of the page. Then, for Choose visible columns, turn each column on or off, and choose Save changes.

Viewing the settings for a model

By using the Machine learning models page, you can quickly find and open a specific configuration to view its settings and other information. For example, you can view a list of the attributes that the model provides for use in messages. After you open a configuration to view its settings, you can also change the settings for the configuration.

To view the settings for an ML model
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Machine learning models.

  3. On the Machine learning models page, choose the configuration whose settings you want to view.

The configuration page opens and displays the current settings for the configuration.

Changing the settings for a model

Before you change the configuration settings for an ML model, it's important to note that Amazon Pinpoint automatically applies your changes to message templates that use the model. (It applies the changes to both the active and latest versions of the template.) This means that your changes also affect any messages that use those templates and haven't been sent yet, such as campaign messages that are scheduled to be sent at a later time.

For this reason, your changes might prevent Amazon Pinpoint from sending messages that use the configuration and haven't been sent yet. Or, your changes could cause those messages to display in unexpected or unwanted ways. This depends on the configuration settings that you change. It also depends on how you designed the templates that use the model.

If you change the configuration settings for an ML model, be sure to also review and make the appropriate changes to any templates that use the current configuration for the model. For example, if you delete an attribute, be sure to also remove or replace that attribute in every template that uses the attribute. Also, be sure to make those changes to the appropriate versions of each message template. For more information, see Editing a message template.

If you don't want to apply your changes to existing templates and messages, you can create a copy of the configuration, and save the copy with the changes that you want. You can then use the configuration copy in new templates, or update existing templates to use the configuration copy.

To change the settings for an ML model
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Machine learning models.

  3. On the Machine learning models page, choose the configuration that you want to change. The configuration page opens and displays the current settings for the configuration.

  4. Choose Edit model.

  5. On the Set up model page, make your changes. You can change any of the settings, except the name of the configuration. To change the name of the configuration, you can create a copy of the configuration, save the copy with the name that you want, and then optionally delete the original configuration.

  6. When you finish changing these settings, choose Next.

  7. On the Add attributes page, make your changes, and then choose Next.

  8. On the Review and publish page, review the new settings and make sure that they're what you want. If they are, choose Publish to save your changes.

Copying a model

To quickly create a new configuration that's similar to an existing configuration for an ML model, you can create a copy of the configuration. You can then change settings for the configuration copy, without changing the original configuration.

To copy an ML model
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Machine learning models.

  3. On the Machine learning models page, select the check box next to the configuration that you want to copy.

  4. On the Actions menu, choose Duplicate.

  5. For Recommender model name, enter a name for the configuration copy. The name has to begin with a letter or number. It can contain up to 128 characters. The characters can be letters, numbers, underscores (_), or hyphens (‐).

  6. When you finish entering the name, choose Duplicate model. The configuration page opens and displays the current settings for the configuration that you copied.

  7. (Optional) To change the configuration copy, choose Edit model, and then make your changes. When you finish, choose Publish.

Deleting a model

If you want to remove the configuration for an ML model from Amazon Pinpoint completely, you can delete the configuration. When you delete a configuration, Amazon Pinpoint deletes all settings for the configuration and the configuration becomes unavailable for use in both new and existing message templates. You can't recover a configuration after you delete it.


If you delete a configuration, Amazon Pinpoint won't be able to send messages that use the configuration and haven't been sent yet, such as campaign messages that are scheduled to be sent at a later time. Before you delete a configuration, review and update the contents and settings for message templates that use the configuration. Also, review any campaigns and journey activities that use those templates, and update them as necessary.

If you delete a configuration, Amazon Pinpoint doesn't delete any resources or data that's used by the configuration and stored in other AWS services. This includes Amazon Personalize solutions and campaigns, and any AWS Lambda functions.

To delete an ML model
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Machine learning models.

  3. On the Machine learning models page, select the check box next to each configuration that you want to delete.

  4. On the Actions menu, choose Delete.

  5. In the window that appears, enter delete to confirm that you want to delete the selected configurations, and then choose Delete models.