DeleteLexicon - Amazon Polly


The following Python code example uses the AWS SDK for Python (Boto) to delete a lexicon in the region specified in your local AWS configuration. The example deletes only the specified lexicon. It asks you to confirm that you want to proceed before actually deleting the lexicon.

The following code example uses default credentials stored in the AWS SDK configuration file. For information about creating the configuration file, see Setting up the AWS CLI.

For more information on this operation, see the reference for the DeleteLexicon API.

from argparse import ArgumentParser from sys import version_info from boto3 import Session from botocore.exceptions import BotoCoreError, ClientError # Define and parse the command line arguments cli = ArgumentParser(description="DeleteLexicon example") cli.add_argument("name", type=str, metavar="LEXICON_NAME") arguments = cli.parse_args() # Create a client using the credentials and region defined in the adminuser # section of the AWS credentials and configuration files session = Session(profile_name="adminuser") polly = session.client("polly") # Request confirmation prompt = input if version_info >= (3, 0) else raw_input proceed = prompt((u"This will delete the \"{0}\" lexicon," " do you want to proceed? [y,n]: ").format( if proceed in ("y", "Y"): print(u"Deleting {0}...".format( try: # Request deletion of a lexicon by name response = polly.delete_lexicon( except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as error: # The service returned an error, exit gracefully cli.error(error) print("Done.") else: print("Cancelled.")