AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-CDOnPremiseInstanceTag Calls the AWS CodeDeploy AddTagsToOnPremisesInstances API operation.
Add-CDResourceTag Calls the AWS CodeDeploy TagResource API operation.
Get-CDApplication Calls the AWS CodeDeploy GetApplication API operation.
Get-CDApplicationBatch Calls the AWS CodeDeploy BatchGetApplications API operation.
Get-CDApplicationList Calls the AWS CodeDeploy ListApplications API operation.
Get-CDApplicationRevision Calls the AWS CodeDeploy GetApplicationRevision API operation.
Get-CDApplicationRevisionBatch Calls the AWS CodeDeploy BatchGetApplicationRevisions API operation.
Get-CDApplicationRevisionList Calls the AWS CodeDeploy ListApplicationRevisions API operation.
Get-CDDeployment Calls the AWS CodeDeploy GetDeployment API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentBatch Calls the AWS CodeDeploy BatchGetDeployments API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentConfig Calls the AWS CodeDeploy GetDeploymentConfig API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentConfigList Calls the AWS CodeDeploy ListDeploymentConfigs API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentGroup Calls the AWS CodeDeploy GetDeploymentGroup API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentGroupBatch Calls the AWS CodeDeploy BatchGetDeploymentGroups API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentGroupList Calls the AWS CodeDeploy ListDeploymentGroups API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentInstance Calls the AWS CodeDeploy GetDeploymentInstance API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentInstanceBatch Calls the AWS CodeDeploy BatchGetDeploymentInstances API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentInstanceList Calls the AWS CodeDeploy ListDeploymentInstances API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentList Calls the AWS CodeDeploy ListDeployments API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentTarget Calls the AWS CodeDeploy GetDeploymentTarget API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentTargetBatch Calls the AWS CodeDeploy BatchGetDeploymentTargets API operation.
Get-CDDeploymentTargetList Calls the AWS CodeDeploy ListDeploymentTargets API operation.
Get-CDGitHubAccountTokenNameList Calls the AWS CodeDeploy ListGitHubAccountTokenNames API operation.
Get-CDOnPremiseInstance Calls the AWS CodeDeploy GetOnPremisesInstance API operation.
Get-CDOnPremiseInstanceBatch Calls the AWS CodeDeploy BatchGetOnPremisesInstances API operation.
Get-CDOnPremiseInstanceList Calls the AWS CodeDeploy ListOnPremisesInstances API operation.
Get-CDResourceTag Calls the AWS CodeDeploy ListTagsForResource API operation.
New-CDApplication Calls the AWS CodeDeploy CreateApplication API operation.
New-CDDeployment Calls the AWS CodeDeploy CreateDeployment API operation.
New-CDDeploymentConfig Calls the AWS CodeDeploy CreateDeploymentConfig API operation.
New-CDDeploymentGroup Calls the AWS CodeDeploy CreateDeploymentGroup API operation.
Register-CDApplicationRevision Calls the AWS CodeDeploy RegisterApplicationRevision API operation.
Register-CDOnPremiseInstance Calls the AWS CodeDeploy RegisterOnPremisesInstance API operation.
Remove-CDApplication Calls the AWS CodeDeploy DeleteApplication API operation.
Remove-CDDeploymentConfig Calls the AWS CodeDeploy DeleteDeploymentConfig API operation.
Remove-CDDeploymentGroup Calls the AWS CodeDeploy DeleteDeploymentGroup API operation.
Remove-CDGitHubAccountToken Calls the AWS CodeDeploy DeleteGitHubAccountToken API operation.
Remove-CDOnPremiseInstanceTag Calls the AWS CodeDeploy RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstances API operation.
Remove-CDResourcesByExternalId Calls the AWS CodeDeploy DeleteResourcesByExternalId API operation.
Remove-CDResourceTag Calls the AWS CodeDeploy UntagResource API operation.
Resume-CDDeployment Calls the AWS CodeDeploy ContinueDeployment API operation.
Skip-CDWaitTimeForInstanceTermination Calls the AWS CodeDeploy SkipWaitTimeForInstanceTermination API operation.
Stop-CDDeployment Calls the AWS CodeDeploy StopDeployment API operation.
Unregister-CDOnPremiseInstance Calls the AWS CodeDeploy DeregisterOnPremisesInstance API operation.
Update-CDApplication Calls the AWS CodeDeploy UpdateApplication API operation.
Update-CDDeploymentGroup Calls the AWS CodeDeploy UpdateDeploymentGroup API operation.
Write-CDLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus Calls the AWS CodeDeploy PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus API operation.


Name Description
Get-CDApplications Calls the AWS CodeDeploy BatchGetApplications API operation.
Get-CDDeployments Calls the AWS CodeDeploy BatchGetDeployments API operation.