AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.


Name Description
Get-EBAccountAttribute Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeAccountAttributes API operation.
Get-EBApplication Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeApplications API operation.
Get-EBApplicationVersion Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeApplicationVersions API operation.
Get-EBAvailableSolutionStackList Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk ListAvailableSolutionStacks API operation.
Get-EBConfigurationOption Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeConfigurationOptions API operation.
Get-EBConfigurationSetting Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeConfigurationSettings API operation.
Get-EBDNSAvailability Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk CheckDNSAvailability API operation.
Get-EBEnvironment Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeEnvironments API operation.
Get-EBEnvironmentHealth Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeEnvironmentHealth API operation.
Get-EBEnvironmentInfo Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk RetrieveEnvironmentInfo API operation.
Get-EBEnvironmentManagedAction Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeEnvironmentManagedActions API operation.
Get-EBEnvironmentManagedActionHistory Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeEnvironmentManagedActionHistory API operation.
Get-EBEnvironmentResource Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeEnvironmentResources API operation.
Get-EBEvent Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeEvents API operation.
Get-EBInstanceHealth Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeInstancesHealth API operation.
Get-EBPlatformBranch Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk ListPlatformBranches API operation.
Get-EBPlatformVersion Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk ListPlatformVersions API operation.
Get-EBPlatformVersionDetail Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribePlatformVersion API operation.
Get-EBResourceTag Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk ListTagsForResource API operation.
Group-EBEnvironment Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk ComposeEnvironments API operation.
New-EBApplication Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk CreateApplication API operation.
New-EBApplicationVersion Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk CreateApplicationVersion API operation.
New-EBConfigurationTemplate Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk CreateConfigurationTemplate API operation.
New-EBEnvironment Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk CreateEnvironment API operation.
New-EBPlatformVersion Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk CreatePlatformVersion API operation.
New-EBStorageLocation Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk CreateStorageLocation API operation.
Register-EBEnvironmentOperationsRole Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk AssociateEnvironmentOperationsRole API operation.
Remove-EBApplication Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DeleteApplication API operation.
Remove-EBApplicationVersion Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DeleteApplicationVersion API operation.
Remove-EBConfigurationTemplate Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DeleteConfigurationTemplate API operation.
Remove-EBEnvironmentConfiguration Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DeleteEnvironmentConfiguration API operation.
Remove-EBPlatformVersion Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DeletePlatformVersion API operation.
Request-EBEnvironmentInfo Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk RequestEnvironmentInfo API operation.
Restart-EBAppServer Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk RestartAppServer API operation.
Set-EBEnvironmentCNAME Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk SwapEnvironmentCNAMEs API operation.
Start-EBEnvironmentRebuild Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk RebuildEnvironment API operation.
Stop-EBEnvironment Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk TerminateEnvironment API operation.
Stop-EBEnvironmentUpdate Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk AbortEnvironmentUpdate API operation.
Submit-EBEnvironmentManagedAction Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk ApplyEnvironmentManagedAction API operation.
Test-EBConfigurationSetting Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk ValidateConfigurationSettings API operation.
Unregister-EBEnvironmentOperationsRole Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DisassociateEnvironmentOperationsRole API operation.
Update-EBApplication Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk UpdateApplication API operation.
Update-EBApplicationResourceLifecycle Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk UpdateApplicationResourceLifecycle API operation.
Update-EBApplicationVersion Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk UpdateApplicationVersion API operation.
Update-EBConfigurationTemplate Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk UpdateConfigurationTemplate API operation.
Update-EBEnvironment Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk UpdateEnvironment API operation.
Update-EBResourceTag Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk UpdateTagsForResource API operation.


Name Description
Get-EBApplications Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeApplications API operation.
Get-EBApplicationVersions Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeApplicationVersions API operation.
Get-EBAvailableSolutionStack Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk ListAvailableSolutionStacks API operation.
Get-EBConfigurationOptions Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeConfigurationOptions API operation.
Get-EBConfigurationSettings Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeConfigurationSettings API operation.
Get-EBEnvironmentResources Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk DescribeEnvironmentResources API operation.
Set-EBEnvironmentCNAMEs Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk SwapEnvironmentCNAMEs API operation.
Test-EBConfigurationSettings Calls the AWS Elastic Beanstalk ValidateConfigurationSettings API operation.