AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Calls the AWS Batch RegisterJobDefinition API operation.


-JobDefinitionName <String>
-Metadata_Annotation <Hashtable>
-NetworkConfiguration_AssignPublicIp <AssignPublicIp>
-RetryStrategy_Attempt <Int32>
-ContainerProperties_Command <String[]>
-ConsumableResourceProperties_ConsumableResourceList <ConsumableResourceRequirement[]>
-PodProperties_Container <EksContainer[]>
-RuntimePlatform_CpuArchitecture <String>
-RepositoryCredentials_CredentialsParameter <String>
-LinuxParameters_Device <Device[]>
-PodProperties_DnsPolicy <String>
-ContainerProperties_Environment <KeyValuePair[]>
-RetryStrategy_EvaluateOnExit <EvaluateOnExit[]>
-ContainerProperties_ExecutionRoleArn <String>
-PodProperties_HostNetwork <Boolean>
-ContainerProperties_Image <String>
-PodProperties_ImagePullSecret <ImagePullSecret[]>
-PodProperties_InitContainer <EksContainer[]>
-LinuxParameters_InitProcessEnabled <Boolean>
-ContainerProperties_InstanceType <String>
-ContainerProperties_JobRoleArn <String>
-Metadata_Label <Hashtable>
-LogConfiguration_LogDriver <LogDriver>
-NodeProperties_MainNode <Int32>
-LinuxParameters_MaxSwap <Int32>
-ContainerProperties_MountPoint <MountPoint[]>
-Metadata_Namespace <String>
-NodeProperties_NodeRangeProperty <NodeRangeProperty[]>
-NodeProperties_NumNode <Int32>
-RuntimePlatform_OperatingSystemFamily <String>
-LogConfiguration_Option <Hashtable>
-Parameter <Hashtable>
-PlatformCapability <String[]>
-FargatePlatformConfiguration_PlatformVersion <String>
-ContainerProperties_Privileged <Boolean>
-PropagateTag <Boolean>
-ContainerProperties_ReadonlyRootFilesystem <Boolean>
-ContainerProperties_ResourceRequirement <ResourceRequirement[]>
-SchedulingPriority <Int32>
-LogConfiguration_SecretOption <Secret[]>
-ContainerProperties_Secret <Secret[]>
-PodProperties_ServiceAccountName <String>
-LinuxParameters_SharedMemorySize <Int32>
-PodProperties_ShareProcessNamespace <Boolean>
-EphemeralStorage_SizeInGiB <Int32>
-LinuxParameters_Swappiness <Int32>
-Tag <Hashtable>
-EcsProperties_TaskProperty <EcsTaskProperties[]>
-Timeout <JobTimeout>
-LinuxParameters_Tmpf <Tmpfs[]>
-Type <JobDefinitionType>
-ContainerProperties_Ulimit <Ulimit[]>
-ContainerProperties_User <String>
-ContainerProperties_Volume <Volume[]>
-PodProperties_Volume <EksVolume[]>
-ContainerProperties_Memory <Int32>
-ContainerProperties_Vcpus <Int32>
-Select <String>
-PassThru <SwitchParameter>
-Force <SwitchParameter>
-ClientConfig <AmazonBatchConfig>


Registers an Batch job definition.


-ClientConfig <AmazonBatchConfig>
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ConsumableResourceProperties_ConsumableResourceList <ConsumableResourceRequirement[]>
The list of consumable resources required by a job.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_Command <String[]>
The command that's passed to the container. This parameter maps to Cmd in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the COMMAND parameter to docker run. For more information, see
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_Environment <KeyValuePair[]>
The environment variables to pass to a container. This parameter maps to Env in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the --env option to docker run.We don't recommend using plaintext environment variables for sensitive information, such as credential data.Environment variables cannot start with "AWS_BATCH". This naming convention is reserved for variables that Batch sets.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_ExecutionRoleArn <String>
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the execution role that Batch can assume. For jobs that run on Fargate resources, you must provide an execution role. For more information, see Batch execution IAM role in the Batch User Guide.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_Image <String>
Required. The image used to start a container. This string is passed directly to the Docker daemon. Images in the Docker Hub registry are available by default. Other repositories are specified with repository-url/image:tag. It can be 255 characters long. It can contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), underscores (_), colons (:), periods (.), forward slashes (/), and number signs (#). This parameter maps to Image in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the IMAGE parameter of docker run.Docker image architecture must match the processor architecture of the compute resources that they're scheduled on. For example, ARM-based Docker images can only run on ARM-based compute resources.
  • Images in Amazon ECR Public repositories use the full registry/repository[:tag] or registry/repository[@digest] naming conventions. For example,
  • Images in Amazon ECR repositories use the full registry and repository URI (for example, 123456789012.dkr.ecr.<region-name><repository-name>).
  • Images in official repositories on Docker Hub use a single name (for example, ubuntu or mongo).
  • Images in other repositories on Docker Hub are qualified with an organization name (for example, amazon/amazon-ecs-agent).
  • Images in other online repositories are qualified further by a domain name (for example,
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_InstanceType <String>
The instance type to use for a multi-node parallel job. All node groups in a multi-node parallel job must use the same instance type.This parameter isn't applicable to single-node container jobs or jobs that run on Fargate resources, and shouldn't be provided.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_JobRoleArn <String>
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that the container can assume for Amazon Web Services permissions. For more information, see IAM roles for tasks in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_Memory <Int32>
This parameter is deprecated, use resourceRequirements to specify the memory requirements for the job definition. It's not supported for jobs running on Fargate resources. For jobs that run on Amazon EC2 resources, it specifies the memory hard limit (in MiB) for a container. If your container attempts to exceed the specified number, it's terminated. You must specify at least 4 MiB of memory for a job using this parameter. The memory hard limit can be specified in several places. It must be specified for each node at least once.This parameter is deprecated.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_MountPoint <MountPoint[]>
The mount points for data volumes in your container. This parameter maps to Volumes in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the --volume option to docker run.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_Privileged <Boolean>
When this parameter is true, the container is given elevated permissions on the host container instance (similar to the root user). This parameter maps to Privileged in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the --privileged option to docker run. The default value is false.This parameter isn't applicable to jobs that are running on Fargate resources and shouldn't be provided, or specified as false.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_ReadonlyRootFilesystem <Boolean>
When this parameter is true, the container is given read-only access to its root file system. This parameter maps to ReadonlyRootfs in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the --read-only option to docker run.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_ResourceRequirement <ResourceRequirement[]>
The type and amount of resources to assign to a container. The supported resources include GPU, MEMORY, and VCPU.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_Secret <Secret[]>
The secrets for the container. For more information, see Specifying sensitive data in the Batch User Guide.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_Ulimit <Ulimit[]>
A list of ulimits to set in the container. This parameter maps to Ulimits in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the --ulimit option to docker run.This parameter isn't applicable to jobs that are running on Fargate resources and shouldn't be provided.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_User <String>
The user name to use inside the container. This parameter maps to User in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the --user option to docker run.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_Vcpus <Int32>
This parameter is deprecated, use resourceRequirements to specify the vCPU requirements for the job definition. It's not supported for jobs running on Fargate resources. For jobs running on Amazon EC2 resources, it specifies the number of vCPUs reserved for the job.Each vCPU is equivalent to 1,024 CPU shares. This parameter maps to CpuShares in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the --cpu-shares option to docker run. The number of vCPUs must be specified but can be specified in several places. You must specify it at least once for each node.This parameter is deprecated.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-ContainerProperties_Volume <Volume[]>
A list of data volumes used in a job.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-EcsProperties_TaskProperty <EcsTaskProperties[]>
An object that contains the properties for the Amazon ECS task definition of a job.This object is currently limited to one task element. However, the task element can run up to 10 containers.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-EphemeralStorage_SizeInGiB <Int32>
The total amount, in GiB, of ephemeral storage to set for the task. The minimum supported value is 21 GiB and the maximum supported value is 200 GiB.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-FargatePlatformConfiguration_PlatformVersion <String>
The Fargate platform version where the jobs are running. A platform version is specified only for jobs that are running on Fargate resources. If one isn't specified, the LATEST platform version is used by default. This uses a recent, approved version of the Fargate platform for compute resources. For more information, see Fargate platform versions in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always be used with caution.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-JobDefinitionName <String>
The name of the job definition to register. It can be up to 128 letters long. It can contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
Accept pipeline input?True (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-LinuxParameters_Device <Device[]>
Any of the host devices to expose to the container. This parameter maps to Devices in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the --device option to docker run.This parameter isn't applicable to jobs that are running on Fargate resources. Don't provide it for these jobs.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-LinuxParameters_InitProcessEnabled <Boolean>
If true, run an init process inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes. This parameter maps to the --init option to docker run. This parameter requires version 1.25 of the Docker Remote API or greater on your container instance. To check the Docker Remote API version on your container instance, log in to your container instance and run the following command: sudo docker version | grep "Server API version"
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-LinuxParameters_MaxSwap <Int32>
The total amount of swap memory (in MiB) a container can use. This parameter is translated to the --memory-swap option to docker run where the value is the sum of the container memory plus the maxSwap value. For more information, see --memory-swap details in the Docker documentation.If a maxSwap value of 0 is specified, the container doesn't use swap. Accepted values are 0 or any positive integer. If the maxSwap parameter is omitted, the container doesn't use the swap configuration for the container instance that it's running on. A maxSwap value must be set for the swappiness parameter to be used.This parameter isn't applicable to jobs that are running on Fargate resources. Don't provide it for these jobs.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-LinuxParameters_SharedMemorySize <Int32>
The value for the size (in MiB) of the /dev/shm volume. This parameter maps to the --shm-size option to docker run.This parameter isn't applicable to jobs that are running on Fargate resources. Don't provide it for these jobs.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-LinuxParameters_Swappiness <Int32>
You can use this parameter to tune a container's memory swappiness behavior. A swappiness value of 0 causes swapping to not occur unless absolutely necessary. A swappiness value of 100 causes pages to be swapped aggressively. Valid values are whole numbers between 0 and 100. If the swappiness parameter isn't specified, a default value of 60 is used. If a value isn't specified for maxSwap, then this parameter is ignored. If maxSwap is set to 0, the container doesn't use swap. This parameter maps to the --memory-swappiness option to docker run.Consider the following when you use a per-container swap configuration.
  • Swap space must be enabled and allocated on the container instance for the containers to use.By default, the Amazon ECS optimized AMIs don't have swap enabled. You must enable swap on the instance to use this feature. For more information, see Instance store swap volumes in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances or How do I allocate memory to work as swap space in an Amazon EC2 instance by using a swap file?
  • The swap space parameters are only supported for job definitions using EC2 resources.
  • If the maxSwap and swappiness parameters are omitted from a job definition, each container has a default swappiness value of 60. Moreover, the total swap usage is limited to two times the memory reservation of the container.
This parameter isn't applicable to jobs that are running on Fargate resources. Don't provide it for these jobs.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-LinuxParameters_Tmpf <Tmpfs[]>
The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount. This parameter maps to the --tmpfs option to docker run.This parameter isn't applicable to jobs that are running on Fargate resources. Don't provide this parameter for this resource type.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-LogConfiguration_LogDriver <LogDriver>
The log driver to use for the container. The valid values that are listed for this parameter are log drivers that the Amazon ECS container agent can communicate with by default.The supported log drivers are awslogs, fluentd, gelf, json-file, journald, logentries, syslog, and splunk.Jobs that are running on Fargate resources are restricted to the awslogs and splunk log drivers.
Specifies the Amazon CloudWatch Logs logging driver. For more information, see Using the awslogs log driver in the Batch User Guide and Amazon CloudWatch Logs logging driver in the Docker documentation.
Specifies the Fluentd logging driver. For more information including usage and options, see Fluentd logging driver in the Docker documentation.
Specifies the Graylog Extended Format (GELF) logging driver. For more information including usage and options, see Graylog Extended Format logging driver in the Docker documentation.
Specifies the journald logging driver. For more information including usage and options, see Journald logging driver in the Docker documentation.
Specifies the JSON file logging driver. For more information including usage and options, see JSON File logging driver in the Docker documentation.
Specifies the Splunk logging driver. For more information including usage and options, see Splunk logging driver in the Docker documentation.
Specifies the syslog logging driver. For more information including usage and options, see Syslog logging driver in the Docker documentation.
If you have a custom driver that's not listed earlier that you want to work with the Amazon ECS container agent, you can fork the Amazon ECS container agent project that's available on GitHub and customize it to work with that driver. We encourage you to submit pull requests for changes that you want to have included. However, Amazon Web Services doesn't currently support running modified copies of this software.This parameter requires version 1.18 of the Docker Remote API or greater on your container instance. To check the Docker Remote API version on your container instance, log in to your container instance and run the following command: sudo docker version | grep "Server API version"
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-LogConfiguration_Option <Hashtable>
The configuration options to send to the log driver. This parameter requires version 1.19 of the Docker Remote API or greater on your container instance. To check the Docker Remote API version on your container instance, log in to your container instance and run the following command: sudo docker version | grep "Server API version"
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-LogConfiguration_SecretOption <Secret[]>
The secrets to pass to the log configuration. For more information, see Specifying sensitive data in the Batch User Guide.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Metadata_Annotation <Hashtable>
Key-value pairs used to attach arbitrary, non-identifying metadata to Kubernetes objects. Valid annotation keys have two segments: an optional prefix and a name, separated by a slash (/).
  • The prefix is optional and must be 253 characters or less. If specified, the prefix must be a DNS subdomain− a series of DNS labels separated by dots (.), and it must end with a slash (/).
  • The name segment is required and must be 63 characters or less. It can include alphanumeric characters ([a-z0-9A-Z]), dashes (-), underscores (_), and dots (.), but must begin and end with an alphanumeric character.
Annotation values must be 255 characters or less.Annotations can be added or modified at any time. Each resource can have multiple annotations.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Metadata_Label <Hashtable>
Key-value pairs used to identify, sort, and organize cube resources. Can contain up to 63 uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). Labels can be added or modified at any time. Each resource can have multiple labels, but each key must be unique for a given object.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Metadata_Namespace <String>
The namespace of the Amazon EKS cluster. In Kubernetes, namespaces provide a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster. Names of resources need to be unique within a namespace, but not across namespaces. Batch places Batch Job pods in this namespace. If this field is provided, the value can't be empty or null. It must meet the following requirements:
  • 1-63 characters long
  • Can't be set to default
  • Can't start with kube
  • Must match the following regular expression: ^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?$
For more information, see Namespaces in the Kubernetes documentation. This namespace can be different from the kubernetesNamespace set in the compute environment's EksConfiguration, but must have identical role-based access control (RBAC) roles as the compute environment's kubernetesNamespace. For multi-node parallel jobs, the same value must be provided across all the node ranges.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-NetworkConfiguration_AssignPublicIp <AssignPublicIp>
Indicates whether the job has a public IP address. For a job that's running on Fargate resources in a private subnet to send outbound traffic to the internet (for example, to pull container images), the private subnet requires a NAT gateway be attached to route requests to the internet. For more information, see Amazon ECS task networking in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. The default value is "DISABLED".
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-NodeProperties_MainNode <Int32>
Specifies the node index for the main node of a multi-node parallel job. This node index value must be fewer than the number of nodes.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-NodeProperties_NodeRangeProperty <NodeRangeProperty[]>
A list of node ranges and their properties that are associated with a multi-node parallel job.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-NodeProperties_NumNode <Int32>
The number of nodes that are associated with a multi-node parallel job.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Parameter <Hashtable>
Default parameter substitution placeholders to set in the job definition. Parameters are specified as a key-value pair mapping. Parameters in a SubmitJob request override any corresponding parameter defaults from the job definition.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PassThru <SwitchParameter>
Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the JobDefinitionName parameter. The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^JobDefinitionName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PlatformCapability <String[]>
The platform capabilities required by the job definition. If no value is specified, it defaults to EC2. To run the job on Fargate resources, specify FARGATE.If the job runs on Amazon EKS resources, then you must not specify platformCapabilities.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PodProperties_Container <EksContainer[]>
The properties of the container that's used on the Amazon EKS pod.This object is limited to 10 elements.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PodProperties_DnsPolicy <String>
The DNS policy for the pod. The default value is ClusterFirst. If the hostNetwork parameter is not specified, the default is ClusterFirstWithHostNet. ClusterFirst indicates that any DNS query that does not match the configured cluster domain suffix is forwarded to the upstream nameserver inherited from the node. For more information, see Pod's DNS policy in the Kubernetes documentation.Valid values: Default | ClusterFirst | ClusterFirstWithHostNet
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PodProperties_HostNetwork <Boolean>
Indicates if the pod uses the hosts' network IP address. The default value is true. Setting this to false enables the Kubernetes pod networking model. Most Batch workloads are egress-only and don't require the overhead of IP allocation for each pod for incoming connections. For more information, see Host namespaces and Pod networking in the Kubernetes documentation.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PodProperties_ImagePullSecret <ImagePullSecret[]>
References a Kubernetes secret resource. It holds a list of secrets. These secrets help to gain access to pull an images from a private registry.ImagePullSecret$name is required when this object is used.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PodProperties_InitContainer <EksContainer[]>
These containers run before application containers, always runs to completion, and must complete successfully before the next container starts. These containers are registered with the Amazon EKS Connector agent and persists the registration information in the Kubernetes backend data store. For more information, see Init Containers in the Kubernetes documentation.This object is limited to 10 elements.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PodProperties_ServiceAccountName <String>
The name of the service account that's used to run the pod. For more information, see Kubernetes service accounts and Configure a Kubernetes service account to assume an IAM role in the Amazon EKS User Guide and Configure service accounts for pods in the Kubernetes documentation.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PodProperties_ShareProcessNamespace <Boolean>
Indicates if the processes in a container are shared, or visible, to other containers in the same pod. For more information, see Share Process Namespace between Containers in a Pod.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PodProperties_Volume <EksVolume[]>
Specifies the volumes for a job definition that uses Amazon EKS resources.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-PropagateTag <Boolean>
Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the job or job definition to the corresponding Amazon ECS task. If no value is specified, the tags are not propagated. Tags can only be propagated to the tasks during task creation. For tags with the same name, job tags are given priority over job definitions tags. If the total number of combined tags from the job and job definition is over 50, the job is moved to the FAILED state.If the job runs on Amazon EKS resources, then you must not specify propagateTags.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-RepositoryCredentials_CredentialsParameter <String>
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret containing the private repository credentials.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-RetryStrategy_Attempt <Int32>
The number of times to move a job to the RUNNABLE status. You can specify between 1 and 10 attempts. If the value of attempts is greater than one, the job is retried on failure the same number of attempts as the value.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-RetryStrategy_EvaluateOnExit <EvaluateOnExit[]>
Array of up to 5 objects that specify the conditions where jobs are retried or failed. If this parameter is specified, then the attempts parameter must also be specified. If none of the listed conditions match, then the job is retried.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-RuntimePlatform_CpuArchitecture <String>
The vCPU architecture. The default value is X86_64. Valid values are X86_64 and ARM64.This parameter must be set to X86_64 for Windows containers.Fargate Spot is not supported for ARM64 and Windows-based containers on Fargate. A job queue will be blocked if a Fargate ARM64 or Windows job is submitted to a job queue with only Fargate Spot compute environments. However, you can attach both FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT compute environments to the same job queue.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-RuntimePlatform_OperatingSystemFamily <String>
The operating system for the compute environment. Valid values are: LINUX (default), WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_CORE, WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_FULL, WINDOWS_SERVER_2022_CORE, and WINDOWS_SERVER_2022_FULL.The following parameters can’t be set for Windows containers: linuxParameters, privileged, user, ulimits, readonlyRootFilesystem, and efsVolumeConfiguration.The Batch Scheduler checks the compute environments that are attached to the job queue before registering a task definition with Fargate. In this scenario, the job queue is where the job is submitted. If the job requires a Windows container and the first compute environment is LINUX, the compute environment is skipped and the next compute environment is checked until a Windows-based compute environment is found.Fargate Spot is not supported for ARM64 and Windows-based containers on Fargate. A job queue will be blocked if a Fargate ARM64 or Windows job is submitted to a job queue with only Fargate Spot compute environments. However, you can attach both FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT compute environments to the same job queue.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-SchedulingPriority <Int32>
The scheduling priority for jobs that are submitted with this job definition. This only affects jobs in job queues with a fair share policy. Jobs with a higher scheduling priority are scheduled before jobs with a lower scheduling priority.The minimum supported value is 0 and the maximum supported value is 9999.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Select <String>
Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'. Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Batch.Model.RegisterJobDefinitionResponse). Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Batch.Model.RegisterJobDefinitionResponse will result in that property being returned. Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Tag <Hashtable>
The tags that you apply to the job definition to help you categorize and organize your resources. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. For more information, see Tagging Amazon Web Services Resources in Batch User Guide.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Timeout <JobTimeout>
The timeout configuration for jobs that are submitted with this job definition, after which Batch terminates your jobs if they have not finished. If a job is terminated due to a timeout, it isn't retried. The minimum value for the timeout is 60 seconds. Any timeout configuration that's specified during a SubmitJob operation overrides the timeout configuration defined here. For more information, see Job Timeouts in the Batch User Guide.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
The type of job definition. For more information about multi-node parallel jobs, see Creating a multi-node parallel job definition in the Batch User Guide.
  • If the value is container, then one of the following is required: containerProperties, ecsProperties, or eksProperties.
  • If the value is multinode, then nodeProperties is required.
If the job is run on Fargate resources, then multinode isn't supported.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)

Common Credential and Region Parameters

-AccessKey <String>
The AWS access key for the user account. This can be a temporary access key if the corresponding session token is supplied to the -SessionToken parameter.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-Credential <AWSCredentials>
An AWSCredentials object instance containing access and secret key information, and optionally a token for session-based credentials.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-EndpointUrl <String>
The endpoint to make the call against.Note: This parameter is primarily for internal AWS use and is not required/should not be specified for normal usage. The cmdlets normally determine which endpoint to call based on the region specified to the -Region parameter or set as default in the shell (via Set-DefaultAWSRegion). Only specify this parameter if you must direct the call to a specific custom endpoint.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-NetworkCredential <PSCredential>
Used with SAML-based authentication when ProfileName references a SAML role profile. Contains the network credentials to be supplied during authentication with the configured identity provider's endpoint. This parameter is not required if the user's default network identity can or should be used during authentication.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
-ProfileLocation <String>
Used to specify the name and location of the ini-format credential file (shared with the AWS CLI and other AWS SDKs)If this optional parameter is omitted this cmdlet will search the encrypted credential file used by the AWS SDK for .NET and AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio first. If the profile is not found then the cmdlet will search in the ini-format credential file at the default location: (user's home directory)\.aws\credentials.If this parameter is specified then this cmdlet will only search the ini-format credential file at the location given.As the current folder can vary in a shell or during script execution it is advised that you use specify a fully qualified path instead of a relative path.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
AliasesAWSProfilesLocation, ProfilesLocation
-ProfileName <String>
The user-defined name of an AWS credentials or SAML-based role profile containing credential information. The profile is expected to be found in the secure credential file shared with the AWS SDK for .NET and AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio. You can also specify the name of a profile stored in the .ini-format credential file used with the AWS CLI and other AWS SDKs.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
AliasesStoredCredentials, AWSProfileName
-Region <Object>
The system name of an AWS region or an AWSRegion instance. This governs the endpoint that will be used when calling service operations. Note that the AWS resources referenced in a call are usually region-specific.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
-SecretKey <String>
The AWS secret key for the user account. This can be a temporary secret key if the corresponding session token is supplied to the -SessionToken parameter.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)
AliasesSK, SecretAccessKey
-SessionToken <String>
The session token if the access and secret keys are temporary session-based credentials.
Accept pipeline input?True (ByPropertyName)


This cmdlet returns an Amazon.Batch.Model.RegisterJobDefinitionResponse object containing multiple properties.

Supported Version

AWS Tools for PowerShell: 2.x.y.z