Integrate a Bitbucket repository with AWS Amplify using AWS CloudFormation - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

Integrate a Bitbucket repository with AWS Amplify using AWS CloudFormation

Created by Alwin Abraham (AWS)

Environment: Production

Technologies: DevOps

AWS services: AWS Amplify; AWS CloudFormation


AWS Amplify helps you to quickly deploy and test static websites without having to set up the infrastructure that is typically required. You can deploy this pattern's approach if your organization wants to use Bitbucket for source control, whether to migrate existing application code or build a new application. By using AWS CloudFormation to automatically set up Amplify, you provide visibility into the configurations that you use.

This pattern describes how to create a front-end continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline and deployment environment by using AWS CloudFormation to integrate a Bitbucket repository with AWS Amplify. The pattern's approach means that you can build an Amplify front-end pipeline for repeatable deployments.

Prerequisites and limitations


  • An active Amazon Web Services (AWS) account

  • An active Bitbucket account with administrator access

  • Access to a terminal that uses cURL or the Postman application

  • Familiarity with Amplify

  • Familiarity with AWS CloudFormation

  • Familiarity with YAML-formatted files


Diagram showing user interaction with Bitbucket repository connected to AWS Amplify in AWS Cloud region.

Technology stack  

  • Amplify

  • AWS CloudFormation

  • Bitbucket


  • AWS Amplify – Amplify helps developers to develop and deploy cloud-powered mobile and web apps.

  • AWS CloudFormation – AWS CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your AWS resources so that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications that run in AWS.

  • Bitbucket – Bitbucket is a Git repository management solution designed for professional teams. It gives you a central place to manage Git repositories, collaborate on your source code, and guide you through the development flow.


The bitbucket-amplify.yml file (attached) contains the AWS CloudFormation template for this pattern.


TaskDescriptionSkills required
(Optional) Create a Bitbucket repository.
  1. Sign in to your Bitbucket account and create a new repository. For more information about this, see Create a Git repository in the Bitbucket documentation. 

  2. Record the workspace’s name.

Note: You can also use an existing Bitbucket repository.

DevOps engineer
Open the workspace settings.
  1. Open the workspace and choose the Repository tab.

  2. Choose the repository that you want to integrate with Amplify.

  3. Choose the name of the workspace that is above the repository's name.

  4. On the sidebar, choose Settings.

DevOps engineer
Create an OAuth consumer.
  1. In the Apps and Features section, choose OAuth consumers, and then choose Add consumer. 

  2. Enter a name for your consumer, for example, Amplify Integration.

  3. Enter a callback URL. Although this field is a required input, it’s not used to complete the integration so the value could be http://localhost:3000

  4. Check the box for This is a private consumer.

  5. Choose the following permissions:

    • Project Read

    • Repositories Admin

    • Pull requests Read

    • Webhooks Read  and Write

  6. Leave the default choices for all the other fields and choose Submit.

  7. Record the key and secret that are generated.

DevOps engineer
Obtain OAuth access token.
  1. Open a terminal window and run the following command: 

curl -X POST -u "KEY:SECRET" -d grant_type=client_credentials 

Important: Replace KEY and SECRET with the key and secret that you recorded earlier. 

2. Record the access token without using the quotation marks. The token is only valid for a limited time and the default time is two hours. You must run the AWS CloudFormation template in this timeframe.

DevOps engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required
Download the AWS CloudFormation template.

Download the bitbucket-amplify.yml AWS CloudFormation template (attached). This template creates the CI/CD pipeline in Amplify, in addition to the Amplify project and branch.

Create and deploy the AWS CloudFormation stack.
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console in the AWS Region that you want to deploy in and open the AWS CloudFormation console. 

  2. Choose Create Stack (with new resources) and then choose Upload a Template File

  3. Upload the bitbucket-amplify.yml file.

  4. Choose Next, enter a stack name, and then enter the following parameters:

    • Access token: Paste the OAuth access token that you created earlier.

    • Repository URL: Add the Bitbucket project repository’s URL. The URL is typically in the following format:<WORKSPACE_NAME>/<REPO_NAME>

    • Branch name: This must match the name of a branch in your Bitbucket repository. This branch doesn’t need to exist when you run the AWS CloudFormation stack but it is required for deploying code to the environment.

    • Project name: This is the name to associate with the Amplify project.

5. Choose Next and then choose Create Stack.

DevOps engineer
TaskDescriptionSkills required
Deploy the code to the branch in your repository.
  1. Clone your Bitbucket repository by running the following command: git clone<WORKSPACE_NAME>/<REPO_NAME>

  2. Check out the branch name that was used when running the AWS CloudFormation script. To create and check out a new branch, run the git checkout -b <BRANCH_NAME> command. To check out an existing branch, run the git checkout <BRANCH_NAME> command

  3. Commit the code into the branch and push it to the remote branch by running the git commit and git push commands.

  4. Amplify then builds and deploys the application.

For more information about this, see Basic Git commands in the Bitbucket documentation. 

App developer

Related resources

Authentication methods (Atlassian documentation)


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