Visualize AI/ML model results using Flask and AWS Elastic Beanstalk - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

Visualize AI/ML model results using Flask and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Created by Chris Caudill (AWS) and Durga Sury

Environment: PoC or pilot

Technologies: Machine learning & AI; Analytics; DevOps; Web & mobile apps

Workload: Open-source

AWS services: Amazon Comprehend; AWS Elastic Beanstalk


Visualizing output from artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) services often requires complex API calls that must be customized by your developers and engineers. This can be a drawback if your analysts want to quickly explore a new dataset.

You can enhance the accessibility of your services and provide a more interactive form of data analysis by using a web-based user interface (UI) that enables users to upload their own data and visualize the model results in a dashboard.

This pattern uses Flask and Plotly to integrate Amazon Comprehend with a custom web application and visualize sentiments and entities from user-provided data. The pattern also provides the steps to deploy an application by using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. You can adapt the application by using Amazon Web Services (AWS) AI services or with a custom trained model hosted on an endpoint (for example, an Amazon SageMaker endpoint).

Prerequisites and limitations



  • This pattern’s Flask application is designed to work with .csv files that use a single text column and are restricted to 200 rows. The application code can be adapted to handle other file types and data volumes.

  • The application doesn’t consider data retention and continues to aggregate uploaded user files until they are manually deleted. You can integrate the application with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for persistent object storage or use a database such as Amazon DynamoDB for serverless key-value storage.

  • The application only considers documents in the English language. However, you can use Amazon Comprehend to detect a document’s primary language. For more information about the supported languages for each action, see API reference in the Amazon Comprehend documentation.

  • A troubleshooting list that contains common errors and their solutions is available in the Additional information section.


Flask application architecture

Flask is a lightweight framework for developing web applications in Python. It is designed to combine Python’s powerful data processing with a rich web UI. The pattern’s Flask application shows you how to build a web application that enables users to upload data, sends the data to Amazon Comprehend for inference, and then visualizes the results.   The application has the following structure:

  • static – Contains all the static files that support the web UI (for example, JavaScript, CSS, and images)

  • templates – Contains all of the application's HTML pages

  • userData – Stores uploaded user data

  • – The Flask application file

  • – Functions to make API calls to Amazon Comprehend

  • – The application configuration file

  • requirements.txt – The Python dependencies required by the application

The script contains the web application's core functionality, which consists of four Flask routes. The following diagram shows these Flask routes.

The four Flask routes that make up the web application's core functionality.
  • / is the application's root and directs users to the upload.html page (stored in the templates directory).

  • /saveFile is a route that is invoked after a user uploads a file. This route receives a POST request via an HTML form, which contains the file uploaded by the user. The file is saved in the userData directory and the route redirects users to the /dashboard route.

  • /dashboard sends users to the dashboard.html page. Within this page's HTML, it runs the JavaScript code in static/js/core.js that reads data from the /data route and then builds visualizations for the page.

  • /data is a JSON API that presents the data to be visualized in the dashboard. This route reads the user-provided data and uses the functions in to send the user data to Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis and named entity recognition (NER). Amazon Comprehend’s response is formatted and returned as a JSON object.

Deployment architecture

For more information about design considerations for applications deployed using Elastic Beanstalk on the AWS Cloud, see in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk documentation.

Architecture diagram for using Flask and Elastic Beanstalk to visualize AI/ML model results.

Design considerations

Technology stack

  • Amazon Comprehend 

  • Elastic Beanstalk 

  • Flask 

Automation and scale

Elastic Beanstalk deployments are automatically set up with load balancers and auto scaling groups. For more configuration options, see Configuring Elastic Beanstalk environments in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk documentation.


  • AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is a unified tool that provides a consistent interface for interacting with all parts of AWS.

  • Amazon Comprehend uses natural language processing (NLP) to extract insights about the content of documents without requiring special preprocessing.

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk helps you quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS Cloud without having to learn about the infrastructure that runs those applications.

  • Elastic Beanstalk CLI (EB CLI) is a command line interface for AWS Elastic Beanstalk that provides interactive commands to simplify creating, updating, and monitoring environments from a local repository.

  • The Flask framework performs data processing and API calls using Python and offers interactive web visualization with Plotly.


The code for this pattern is available in the GitHub Visualize AI/ML model results using Flask and AWS Elastic Beanstalk repository.


TaskDescriptionSkills required

Clone the GitHub repository.

Pull the application code from the GitHub Visualize AI/ML model results using Flask and AWS Elastic Beanstalk repository by running the following command:

git clone

Note: Make sure that you configure your SSH keys with GitHub.


Install the Python modules.

After you clone the repository, a new local aws-comprehend-elasticbeanstalk-for-flask directory is created. In that directory, the requirements.txt file contains the Python modules and versions that run the application. Use the following commands to install the modules:

cd aws-comprehend-elasticbeanstalk-for-flask

pip install -r requirements.txt

Python developer

Test the application locally.

Start the Flask server by running the following command:


This returns information about the running server. You should be able to access the application by opening a browser and visiting http://localhost:5000

Note: If you're running the application in an AWS Cloud9 IDE, you need to replace the command in the file with the following line:'IP', ''),port=int(os.getenv('PORT', 8080)))

You must revert this change before deployment.

Python developer
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Launch the Elastic Beanstalk application.

To launch your project as an Elastic Beanstalk application, run the following command from your application’s root directory:

eb init -p python-3.6 comprehend_flask --region us-east-1


  • comprehend_flask is the name of the Elastic Beanstalk application and can be changed according to your requirements. 

  • You can replace the AWS Region with a Region of your choice. The default Region in AWS CLI is used if you don't specify a Region.

  • The application was built with Python version 3.6. You might encounter errors if you use other Python versions.

Run the eb init -i command for more deployment configuration options.

Architect, Developer

Deploy the Elastic Beanstalk environment.

Run the following command from the application's root directory:

eb create comprehend-flask-env

Note: comprehend-flask-env is the name of the Elastic Beanstalk environment and can be changed according to your requirements. The name can only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.

Architect, Developer

Authorize your deployment to use Amazon Comprehend.

Although your application might be successfully deployed, you should also provide your deployment with access to Amazon Comprehend. ComprehendFullAccess is an AWS managed policy that provides the deployed application with permissions to make API calls to Amazon Comprehend.

Attach the ComprehendFullAccess policy to aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role (this role is automatically created for your deployment’s Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances) by running the following command:

aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ComprehendFullAccess --role-name aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role

Important: aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role is created when your application deploys. You must complete the deployment process before you can attach the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy.

Developer, Security architect

Visit your deployed application.

After your application successfully deploys, you can visit it by running the eb open command.

You can also run the eb status command to receive details about your deployment. The deployment URL is listed under CNAME.

Architect, Developer
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Authorize Elastic Beanstalk to access the new model.

Make sure that Elastic Beanstalk has the required access permissions for your new model endpoint. For example, if you use an Amazon SageMaker endpoint, your deployment needs to have permission to invoke the endpoint. 

For more information about this, see InvokeEndpoint in the Amazon SageMaker documentation.

Developer, Security architect

Send the user data to a new model.

To change the underlying ML model in this application, you must change the following files:

  • – This is the Python script that connects with Amazon Comprehend, processes the response, and returns the final result to the application. In this script, you can either route the data to another AI service on the AWS Cloud or you can send the data to a custom model endpoint. We recommend that you also format the results in this script for logical separation and the reusability of this pattern.

  • – If you change the name of the script or functions, you need to update the application script to reflect those changes.

Data scientist

Update the dashboard visualizations.

Typically, incorporating a new ML model means that visualizations must be updated to reflect the new results. These changes are made in the following files:

  • templates/dashboard.html – The prebuilt application only accounts for two basic visualizations. The entire layout of the page can be adjusted in this file.

  • static/js/core.js – This script captures the formatted output of the Flask server's /data route and uses Plotly to create visualizations. You can add or update the page's charts.

Web developer
TaskDescriptionSkills required

Update your application's requirements file.

Before sending changes to Elastic Beanstalk, update the requirements.txt file to reflect any new Python modules by running the following command in your application's root directory:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Python developer

Redeploy the Elastic Beanstalk environment.

To ensure that your application changes are reflected in your Elastic Beanstalk deployment, navigate to your application's root directory and run the following command:

eb deploy

This sends the most recent version of the application's code to your existing Elastic Beanstalk deployment.

Systems administrator, Architect

Related resources

Additional information

Troubleshooting list

The following are six common errors and their solutions.

Error 1 

Unable to assume role "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxx:role/aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role". Verify that the role exists and is configured correctly.

Solution: If this error occurs when you run eb create, create a sample application on the Elastic Beanstalk console to create the default instance profile. For more information about this, see Creating an Elastic Beanstalk environment in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk documentation.

Error 2

Your WSGIPath refers to a file that does not exist.

Solution: This error occurs in deployment logs because Elastic Beanstalk expects the Flask code to be named If you chose a different name, run eb config and edit the WSGIPath as shown in the following code sample:

aws:elasticbeanstalk:container:python: NumProcesses: '1' NumThreads: '15' StaticFiles: /static/=static/ WSGIPath:

Make sure that you replace with your file name.

You can also leverage Gunicorn and a Procfile. For more information about this approach, see Configuring the WSGI server with a Procfile in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk documentation.

Error 3

Target WSGI script '/opt/python/current/app/' does not contain WSGI application 'application'.

Solution: Elastic Beanstalk expects the variable that represents your Flask application to be named application. Make sure that the file uses application as the variable name:

application = Flask(__name__)

Error 4

The EB CLI cannot find your SSH key file for keyname

Solution: Use the EB CLI to specify which key pair to use or to create a key pair for your deployment’s EC2 instances. To resolve the error, run eb init -i and one of the options will ask:

Do you want to set up SSH for your instances?

Respond with Y to either create a key pair or specify an existing key pair.

Error 5

I’ve updated my code and redeployed but my deployment is not reflecting my changes.

Solution: If you’re using a Git repository with your deployment, make sure that you add and commit your changes before redeploying.

Error 6

You are previewing the Flask application from an AWS Cloud9 IDE and run into errors.

Solution: For more information about this, see Previewing running applications in the AWS Cloud9 IDE in the AWS Cloud9 documentation.

Natural language processing using Amazon Comprehend

By choosing to use Amazon Comprehend, you can detect custom entities in individual text documents by running real-time analysis or asynchronous batch jobs. Amazon Comprehend also enables you to train custom entity recognition and text classification models that can be used in real time by creating an endpoint.

This pattern uses asynchronous batch jobs to detect sentiments and entities from an input file that contains multiple documents. The sample application provided by this pattern is designed for users to upload a .csv file containing a single column with one text document per row. The file in the GitHub Visualize AI/ML model results using Flask and AWS Elastic Beanstalk repository reads the input file and sends the input to Amazon Comprehend for processing.


Amazon Comprehend inspects the text of a batch of documents for named entities and returns the detected entity, location, type of entity, and a score that indicates Amazon Comprehend’s level of confidence. A maximum of 25 documents can be sent in one API call, with each document smaller than 5,000 bytes in size. You can filter the results to show only certain entities based on the use case. For example, you could skip the ‘quantity’ entity type and set a threshold score for the detected entity (for example, 0.75). We recommend that you explore the results for your specific use case before choosing a threshold value. For more information about this, see BatchDetectEntities in the Amazon Comprehend documentation.


Amazon Comprehend inspects a batch of incoming documents and returns the prevailing sentiment for each document (POSITIVE, NEUTRAL, MIXED, or NEGATIVE). A maximum of 25 documents can be sent in one API call, with each document smaller than 5,000 bytes in size. Analyzing the sentiment is straightforward and you choose the sentiment with the highest score to be displayed in the final results. For more information about this, see BatchDetectSentiment in the Amazon Comprehend documentation.


Flask configuration handling

Flask servers use a series of configuration variables to control how the server runs. These variables can contain debug output, session tokens, or other application settings. You can also define custom variables that can be accessed while the application is running. There are multiple approaches for setting configuration variables.

In this pattern, the configuration is defined in and inherited within

  • contains the configuration variables that are set up on the application's startup. In this application, a DEBUG variable is defined to tell the application to run the server in debug mode. Note: Debug mode should not be used when running an application in a production environment. UPLOAD_FOLDER is a custom variable that is defined to be referenced later in the application and inform it where uploaded user data should be stored.

  • initiates the Flask application and inherits the configuration settings defined in This is performed by the following code:

application = Flask(__name__) application.config.from_pyfile('')