Configure Jamf Pro for Connector for SCEP - AWS Private Certificate Authority

Configure Jamf Pro for Connector for SCEP

You can use AWS Private CA as an external certificate authority (CA) with the Jamf Pro mobile device management (MDM) system. This guide provides instructions on how to configure Jamf Pro after you create a general-purpose connector.

Configure Jamf Pro for Connector for SCEP

This guide provides instructions on how to configure Jamf Pro for use with Connector for SCEP. After you successfully configure Jamf Pro and Connector for SCEP, you'll be able to issue AWS Private CA certificates to your managed devices.

Jamf Pro requirements

Your implementation of Jamf Pro must meet the following requirements.

  • You must enable the Enable certificate-based authentication setting in Jamf Pro. You can find details on this setting on the Jamf Pro Security Settings page in the Jamf Pro documentation.

Step 1: (Optional - recommended) Obtain your private CA's fingerprint

A fingerprint is a unique identifier for your private CA that can be used to verify the identity of your CA when establishing trust with other systems or applications. Incorporating a certificate authority (CA) fingerprint allows managed devices to authenticate the CA they are connecting to and request certificates solely from the anticipated CA. We recommend using a CA fingerprint with Jamf Pro.

To generate a fingerprint for your private CA
  1. Obtain the private CA certificate from either AWS Private CA console or by using the GetCertificateAuthorityCertificate. Save it as ca.pem file.

  2. Install the OpenSSL Command Line Utilities.

  3. In OpenSSL, run the following command to generate the fingerprint:

    openssl x509 -in ca.pem -sha256 -fingerprint

Step 2: Configure AWS Private CA as an external CA in Jamf Pro

After you create a connector for SCEP, you must set AWS Private CA as an external certificate authority (CA) in Jamf Pro. You can set AWS Private CA as a global, external CA. Alternatively, you can use a Jamf Pro configuration profile to issue different certificates from AWS Private CA for different use cases, such as issuing certificates to a subset of devices in your organization. Guidance on implementing Jamf Pro configuration profiles is beyond the scope of this document.

To configure AWS Private CA as an external certificate authority (CA) in Jamf Pro
  1. In the Jamf Pro console, go to the PKI certificates settings page by going to Settings > Global > PKI certificates.

  2. Select the Management Certificate Template tab.

  3. Select External CA.

  4. Select Edit.

  5. (Optional) Select Enable Jamf Pro as SCEP Proxy for configuration profiles. You can use Jamf Pro configuration profiles to issue different certificates tailored to specific use-cases. For guidance on how to use configuration profiles in Jamf Pro, see Enabling Jamf Pro as SCEP Proxy for Configuration Profiles in the Jamf Pro documentation.

  6. Select Use a SCEP-enabled external CA for computer and mobile device enrollment.

  7. (Optional) Select Use Jamf Pro as SCEP Proxy for computer and mobile device enrollment. If you experience profile installation failures, see Troubleshoot profile installation failures.

  8. Copy and paste the Connector for SCEP public SCEP URL from the connector's details to the URL field in Jamf Pro. To view a connector's details, choose the connector from the Connectors for SCEP list. Alternatively, you can get the URL by calling GetConnector and copy the Endpoint value from the response.

  9. (Optional) Enter the name of the instance in the Name field. For example, you can name it AWS Private CA.

  10. Select Static for the challenge type.

  11. Copy a challenge password from your connector, and paste it into the Challenge field. A connector can have multiple challenge passwords. To view your connector's challenge passwords, navigate to your connector's details page in the AWS console and select the View password button. Alternatively, you can get a connector's challenge password(s) by calling GetChallengePassword and copy a Password value from the response. For information about using challenge passwords, see Understand Connector for SCEP considerations and limitations.

  12. Paste the challenge password into the Verify Challenge field.

  13. Choose a Key Size. We recommend a key size of 2048 or higher.

  14. (Optional) Select Use as digital signature. Select this for authentication purposes to grant devices secure access to resources like Wi-Fi and VPN.

  15. (Optional) Select Use for key encipherment.

  16. (Optional - recommended) Enter a hex string in the Fingerprint field. We recommend that you add a CA fingerprint to allow managed devices to verify the CA, and only request certificates from the CA. For instructions on how to generate a fingerprint for your private CA, see Step 1: (Optional - recommended) Obtain your private CA's fingerprint.

  17. Select Save.

Step 3: Set up a configuration profile signing certificate

To use Jamf Pro with Connector for SCEP, you must provide the signing and CA certificates for the private CA that's associated with your connector. You can do this by uploading a profile signing certificate keystore to Jamf Pro that contains both certificates.

Here are the steps to create a certificate keystore and upload it into Jamf Pro:

  • Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) using your internal processes.

  • Get the CSR signed by the private CA associated with your connector.

  • Create a profile signing certificate keystore that contains both the profile signing and CA certificates.

  • Upload the certificate keystore to Jamf Pro.

By following these steps, you can make sure that your devices can validate and authenticate the configuration profile signed by your private CA, enabling the use of Connector for SCEP with Jamf Pro.

  1. The following example uses OpenSSL and AWS Certificate Manager, but you can generate a certificate signing request using your preferred method.

    AWS Certificate Manager console
    To create a profile signing certificate using the ACM console
    1. Use ACM to request a private PKI certificate. Include the following:

      • Type - Use the same private CA type that's serving as the SCEP certificate authority for your MDM system.

      • In the Certificate authority details section, select the Certificate authority menu and choose the private CA that serves as the CA for Jamf Pro.

      • Domain name - Provide a domain name to be embedded into the certificate. You can use a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as, or a bare or apex domain name such as (which excludes www.).

    2. Use ACM to export the private certificate you created in the preceding step. Choose Export a file for the certificate, certificate chain, and encrypted key. Keep the Passphrase handy because you'll need it in the next step.

    3. In a terminal, run the following command in a folder containing the exported files to write the PKCS#12 bundle into the output.p12 file encoded by the passphrase you created in the previous step.

      openssl pkcs12 -export \ -in "Exported Certificate.txt" \ -certfile "Certificate Chain.txt" \ -inkey "Exported Certificate Private Key.txt" \ -name example \ -out output.p12 \ -passin pass:your-passphrase \ -passout pass:your-passphrase
    AWS Certificate Manager CLI
    To create a profile signing certificate using the ACM CLI
    • The following command shows how to create a certificate in ACM, and then export the files as a PKCS#12 bundle.

      PCA=<Enter your Private CA ARN> CERTIFICATE=$(aws acm request-certificate \ --certificate-authority-arn $PCA \ --domain-name <any valid domain name, such as> \ | jq -r '.CertificateArn') while [[ $(aws acm describe-certificate \ --certificate-arn $CERTIFICATE \ | jq -r '.Certificate.Status') != "ISSUED" ]] do sleep 1; done aws acm export-certificate \ --certificate-arn $CERTIFICATE \ --passphrase password | jq -r '.Certificate' > Certificate.pem aws acm export-certificate \ --certificate-arn $CERTIFICATE \ --passphrase password | jq -r '.CertificateChain' > CertificateChain.pem aws acm export-certificate \ --certificate-arn $CERTIFICATE \ --passphrase password | jq -r '.PrivateKey' > PrivateKey.pem openssl pkcs12 -export \ -in "Certificate.pem" \ -certfile "CertificateChain.pem" \ -inkey "PrivateKey.pem" \ -name example \ -out output.p12 \ -passin pass:passphrase \ -passout pass:passphrase
    OpenSSL CLI
    To create a profile signing certificate using OpenSSL CLI
    1. Using OpenSSL, generate a private key by running the following command.

      openssl genrsa -out local.key 2048
    2. Generate a certificate signing request (CSR):

      openssl req -new -key local.key -sha512 -out local.csr -subj "/CN=MySigningCertificate/O=MyOrganization" -addext keyUsage=critical,digitalSignature,nonRepudiation
    3. Using the AWS CLI, issue the signing certificate using the CSR you generated in the previous step. Run the following command, and note the certificate ARN in the response.

      aws acm-pca issue-certificate --certificate-authority-arn <SAME CA AS USED ABOVE, SO IT’S TRUSTED> --csr fileb://local.csr --signing-algorithm SHA512WITHRSA --validity Value=365,Type=DAYS
    4. Get the signing certificate by running the following command. Specify the certificate ARN from the previous step.

      aws acm-pca get-certificate --certificate-authority-arn <SAME CA AS USED ABOVE, SO IT’S TRUSTED> --certificate-arn <ARN OF NEW CERTIFICATE> | jq -r '.Certificate' >local.crt
    5. Get the CA certificate by running the following command.

      aws acm-pca get-certificate-authority-certificate --certificate-authority-arn <SAME CA AS USED ABOVE, SO IT’S TRUSTED> | jq -r '.Certificate' > ca.crt
    6. Using OpenSSL, output the signing certificate keystore in p12 format. Use the CRT files that you generated in steps four and five.

      openssl pkcs12 -export -in local.crt -inkey local.key -certfile ca.crt -name "CA Chain" -out local.p12
    7. When prompted, enter an export password. This password is your keystore password to provide to Jamf Pro.

  2. In Jamf Pro, navigate to the Management Certificate Template and go to the External CA pane.

  3. At the bottom of the External CA pane, select Change Signing and CA Certificates.

  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to upload the signing and CA certificates for the external CA.

Step 4: (Optional) Install certificate during user-initiated enrollment

To establish trust between your client devices and your private CA, you must ensure your devices trust the certificates issued by Jamf Pro. You can use Jamf Pro's User-Initiated Enrollment Settings to automatically install your AWS Private CA's CA certificate on the client devices when they request a certificate during the enrolllment process.

Troubleshoot profile installation failures

If you're experiencing profile installation failures after enabling Use Jamf Pro as SCEP Proxy for computer and mobile device enrollment, consult your device logs and try the following.

Device log error message Mitigation

Profile installation failed. Unable to obtain certificate from SCEP server at "<your-jamf-endpoint>". <MDM-SCEP:15001>

If you receive this error message while trying to enroll, retry the enrollment. It can take several tries before enrollment succeeds.

Profile installation failed. Unable to obtain certificate from SCEP server at "<your-jamf-endpoint>". <MDM-SCEP:14006>

Your challenge password might be misconfigured. Verify that the challenge password in Jamf Pro matches your connector’s challenge password.