Troubleshooting Ruler - Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

Troubleshooting Ruler

Using Monitor Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus events with CloudWatch Logs, you can troubleshoot Alert Manager and Ruler related issues. This section contains ruler related troubleshooting topics.

When the log contains the following ruler failure error

{ "workspaceId": "ws-12345c67-89c0-4d12-345b-f14db70f7a99", "message": { "log": "Evaluating rule failed, name=failure, group=canary_long_running_vl_namespace, namespace=canary_long_running_vl_namespace, err=found duplicate series for the match group {dimension1=\\\"1\\\"} on the right hand-side of the operation: [{__name__=\\\"fake_metric2\\\", dimension1=\\\"1\\\", dimension2=\\\"b\\\"}, {__name__=\\\"fake_metric2\\\", dimension1=\\\"1\\\", dimension2=\\\"a\\\"}];many-to-many matching not allowed: matching labels must be unique on one side", "level": "ERROR", "name": "failure", "group": "canary_long_running_vl_namespace", "namespace": "canary_long_running_vl_namespace" }, "component": "ruler" }

This means that some error occurred while executing the rule.

Action to take

Use the error message to troubleshoot the rule execution.