AWS::B2BI::Capability X12Details - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::B2BI::Capability X12Details

The X12Details property type specifies Property description not available. for an AWS::B2BI::Capability.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "TransactionSet" : String, "Version" : String }


TransactionSet: String Version: String



Returns an enumerated type where each value identifies an X12 transaction set. Transaction sets are maintained by the X12 Accredited Standards Committee.

Required: No

Type: String

Allowed values: X12_110 | X12_180 | X12_204 | X12_210 | X12_211 | X12_214 | X12_215 | X12_259 | X12_260 | X12_266 | X12_269 | X12_270 | X12_271 | X12_274 | X12_275 | X12_276 | X12_277 | X12_278 | X12_310 | X12_315 | X12_322 | X12_404 | X12_410 | X12_417 | X12_421 | X12_426 | X12_810 | X12_820 | X12_824 | X12_830 | X12_832 | X12_834 | X12_835 | X12_837 | X12_844 | X12_846 | X12_849 | X12_850 | X12_852 | X12_855 | X12_856 | X12_860 | X12_861 | X12_864 | X12_865 | X12_869 | X12_870 | X12_940 | X12_945 | X12_990 | X12_997 | X12_999 | X12_270_X279 | X12_271_X279 | X12_275_X210 | X12_275_X211 | X12_276_X212 | X12_277_X212 | X12_277_X214 | X12_277_X364 | X12_278_X217 | X12_820_X218 | X12_820_X306 | X12_824_X186 | X12_834_X220 | X12_834_X307 | X12_834_X318 | X12_835_X221 | X12_837_X222 | X12_837_X223 | X12_837_X224 | X12_837_X291 | X12_837_X292 | X12_837_X298 | X12_999_X231

Update requires: No interruption


Returns the version to use for the specified X12 transaction set.

Required: No

Type: String

Allowed values: VERSION_4010 | VERSION_4030 | VERSION_5010 | VERSION_5010_HIPAA

Update requires: No interruption