AWS::CloudTrail::Trail AdvancedEventSelector - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::CloudTrail::Trail AdvancedEventSelector

Advanced event selectors let you create fine-grained selectors for AWS CloudTrail management, data, and network activity events. They help you control costs by logging only those events that are important to you. For more information about configuring advanced event selectors, see the Logging data events, Logging network activity events, and Logging management events topics in the AWS CloudTrail User Guide.

You cannot apply both event selectors and advanced event selectors to a trail.

Supported CloudTrail event record fields for management events

  • eventCategory (required)

  • eventSource

  • readOnly

The following additional fields are available for event data stores:

  • eventName

  • eventType

  • sessionCredentialFromConsole

  • userIdentity.arn

Supported CloudTrail event record fields for data events

  • eventCategory (required)

  • resources.type (required)

  • readOnly

  • eventName

  • resources.ARN

The following additional fields are available for event data stores:

  • eventSource

  • eventType

  • sessionCredentialFromConsole

  • userIdentity.arn

Supported CloudTrail event record fields for network activity events

  • eventCategory (required)

  • eventSource (required)

  • eventName

  • errorCode - The only valid value for errorCode is VpceAccessDenied.

  • vpcEndpointId


For event data stores for CloudTrail Insights events, AWS Config configuration items, Audit Manager evidence, or events outside of AWS, the only supported field is eventCategory.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "FieldSelectors" : [ AdvancedFieldSelector, ... ], "Name" : String }



Contains all selector statements in an advanced event selector.

Required: Yes

Type: Array of AdvancedFieldSelector

Minimum: 1

Update requires: No interruption


An optional, descriptive name for an advanced event selector, such as "Log data events for only two S3 buckets".

Required: No

Type: String

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 1000

Update requires: No interruption