AWS::ImageBuilder::DistributionConfiguration - AWS CloudFormation


A distribution configuration allows you to specify the name and description of your output AMI, authorize other AWS accounts to launch the AMI, and replicate the AMI to other AWS Regions. It also allows you to export the AMI to Amazon S3.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::ImageBuilder::DistributionConfiguration", "Properties" : { "Description" : String, "Distributions" : [ Distribution, ... ], "Name" : String, "Tags" : {Key: Value, ...} } }


Type: AWS::ImageBuilder::DistributionConfiguration Properties: Description: String Distributions: - Distribution Name: String Tags: Key: Value



The description of this distribution configuration.

Required: No

Type: String

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 1024

Update requires: No interruption


The distributions of this distribution configuration formatted as an array of Distribution objects.

Required: Yes

Type: Array of Distribution

Update requires: No interruption


The name of this distribution configuration.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: ^[-_A-Za-z-0-9][-_A-Za-z0-9 ]{1,126}[-_A-Za-z-0-9]$

Update requires: Replacement


The tags of this distribution configuration.

Required: No

Type: Object of String

Pattern: .{1,}

Update requires: No interruption

Return values


When you pass the logical ID of this resource to the intrinsic Ref function, Ref returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource, such as arn:aws:imagebuilder:us-west-2:123456789012:distribution-configuration/myexampledistribution.

For more information about using the Ref function, see Ref.


The Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. The following are the available attributes and sample return values.

For more information about using the Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function, see Fn::GetAtt.


Returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this distribution configuration. The following pattern is applied: ^arn:aws[^:]*:imagebuilder:[^:]+:(?:\d{12}|aws):(?:image-recipe|infrastructure-configuration|distribution-configuration|component|image|image-pipeline)/[a-z0-9-_]+(?:/(?:(?:x|\d+)\.(?:x|\d+)\.(?:x|\d+))(?:/\d+)?)?$.


Returns the name of the distribution configuration.


Create a distribution configuration resource for an AMI

The following example shows the schema for a DistributionConfiguration resource document for an AMI that is shared using launch permissions, presented in both YAML and JSON.


Resources: DistributionConfigurationAllParameters: Type: 'AWS::ImageBuilder::DistributionConfiguration' Properties: Name: 'distribution-configuration-name' Description: 'description' Distributions: - Region: 'us-west-2' AmiDistributionConfiguration: Name: 'ami-dist-config-name-1 {{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}' Description: 'Set launch permissions and specify a license configuration for destination Region.' AmiTags: AmiTagKey: 'ami-tag-key' LaunchPermissionConfiguration: UserGroups: - 'ExampleGroup1' - 'ExampleGroup2' UserIds: - '123123123123' # Example user Id A - '321321321321' # Example user Id B LicenseConfigurationArns: - 'example-license-configuration-arn' - Region: 'us-east-1' AmiDistributionConfiguration: Name: 'ami-dist-config-name-2 {{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}' Description: 'Distribute a copy of the AMI to specified target accounts.' TargetAccountIds: - '111122223333' - '444455556666' - Region: 'us-east-2' AmiDistributionConfiguration: Name: 'ami-dist-config-name-3 {{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}' Description: 'Distribute to orgs and OUs.' AmiTags: auto-delete: 'no' LaunchPermissionConfiguration: OrganizationArns: - 'arn:aws:organizations::123456789012:organization/o-myorganization123' OrganizationalUnitArns: - 'arn:aws:organizations::123456789012:ou/o-123example/ou-1234-myorganizationalunit' Tags: CustomerDistributionConfigTagKey1: 'CustomerDistributionConfigTagValue1' CustomerDistributionConfigTagKey2: 'CustomerDistributionConfigTagValue2'


{ "Resources": { "DistributionConfigurationAllParameters": { "Type": "AWS::ImageBuilder::DistributionConfiguration", "Properties": { "Name": "distribution-configuration-name", "Description": "description", "Distributions": [ { "Region": "us-west-2", "AmiDistributionConfiguration": { "Name": "ami-dist-config-name-1 {{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}", "Description": "Set launch permissions and specify a license configuration for destination Region.", "AmiTags": { "AmiTagKey": "ami-tag-key" }, "LaunchPermissionConfiguration": { "UserGroups": [ "ExampleGroup1", "ExampleGroup2" ], "UserIds": [ "123123123123", "321321321321" ] } }, "LicenseConfigurationArns": [ "example-license-configuration-arn" ] }, { "Region": "us-east-1", "AmiDistributionConfiguration": { "Name": "ami-dist-config-name-2 {{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}", "Description": "Distribute to specified target accounts.", "TargetAccountIds": [ "111122223333", "444455556666" ] } }, { "Region": "us-east-2", "AmiDistributionConfiguration": { "Name": "ami-dist-config-name-3 {{ imagebuilder:buildDate }}", "Description": "Distribute to orgs and OUs.", "AmiTags": { "auto-delete": "no" }, "LaunchPermissionConfiguration": { "OrganizationArns": [ "arn:aws:organizations::123456789012:organization/o-myorganization123" ], "OrganizationalUnitArns": [ "arn:aws:organizations::123456789012:ou/o-123example/ou-1234-myorganizationalunit" ] } } } ] }, "Tags": { "CustomerDistributionConfigTagKey1": "CustomerDistributionConfigTagValue1", "CustomerDistributionConfigTagKey2": "CustomerDistributionConfigTagValue2" } } } }

Create a distribution configuration resource for a container image

The following example shows the schema for a DistributionConfiguration resource document for a container image that is distributed to two Regions, presented in both YAML and JSON.


Resources: DistributionConfigurationAllParameters: Type: 'AWS::ImageBuilder::DistributionConfiguration' Properties: Name: 'distribution-configuration-all-parameters' Description: 'Set target repository and container tags for container distribution to two Regions.' Distributions: - Region: 'us-west-2' ContainerDistributionConfiguration: Description: 'test distribution cfn template' TargetRepository: Service: ECR RepositoryName: 'cfn-test' ContainerTags: - 'Tag1' - 'Tag2' - Region: 'us-east-1' ContainerDistributionConfiguration: Description: 'test distribution cfn template' TargetRepository: Service: ECR RepositoryName: 'cfn-test' ContainerTags: - 'Tag1' - 'Tag2' Tags: DistributionConfigurationTestTagKey1: 'DistributionConfigurationTestTagValue1' DistributionConfigurationTestTagKey2: 'DistributionConfigurationTestTagValue2'


{ "Resources": { "DistributionConfigurationAllParameters": { "Type": "AWS::ImageBuilder::DistributionConfiguration", "Properties": { "Name": "distribution-configuration-name", "Description": "Set target repository and container tags for container distribution to two Regions.", "Distributions": [ { "Region": "us-west-2", "ContainerDistributionConfiguration": { "Description": "description", "TargetRepository": { "Service": "ECR", "RepositoryName": "cfn-test" }, "ContainerTags": ["Tag1", "Tag2"] } }, { "Region": "us-east-1", "ContainerDistributionConfiguration": { "Description": "description", "TargetRepository": { "Service": "ECR", "RepositoryName": "cfn-test" }, "ContainerTags": ["Tag1", "Tag2"] } } ] }, "Tags": { "DistributionConfigurationTestTagKey1": "DistributionConfigurationTestTagValue1", "DistributionConfigurationTestTagKey2": "DistributionConfigurationTestTagValue2" } } } }

See also