AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application - AWS CloudFormation


The AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application resource creates an Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application. For more information, see the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Developer Guide.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application", "Properties" : { "ApplicationCode" : String, "ApplicationDescription" : String, "ApplicationName" : String, "Inputs" : [ Input, ... ] } }


Type: AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application Properties: ApplicationCode: String ApplicationDescription: String ApplicationName: String Inputs: - Input



One or more SQL statements that read input data, transform it, and generate output. For example, you can write a SQL statement that reads data from one in-application stream, generates a running average of the number of advertisement clicks by vendor, and insert resulting rows in another in-application stream using pumps. For more information about the typical pattern, see Application Code.

You can provide such series of SQL statements, where output of one statement can be used as the input for the next statement. You store intermediate results by creating in-application streams and pumps.

Note that the application code must create the streams with names specified in the Outputs. For example, if your Outputs defines output streams named ExampleOutputStream1 and ExampleOutputStream2, then your application code must create these streams.

Required: No

Type: String

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 102400

Update requires: No interruption


Summary description of the application.

Required: No

Type: String

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 1024

Update requires: No interruption


Name of your Amazon Kinesis Analytics application (for example, sample-app).

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 128

Update requires: Replacement


Use this parameter to configure the application input.

You can configure your application to receive input from a single streaming source. In this configuration, you map this streaming source to an in-application stream that is created. Your application code can then query the in-application stream like a table (you can think of it as a constantly updating table).

For the streaming source, you provide its Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and format of data on the stream (for example, JSON, CSV, etc.). You also must provide an IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to read this stream on your behalf.

To create the in-application stream, you need to specify a schema to transform your data into a schematized version used in SQL. In the schema, you provide the necessary mapping of the data elements in the streaming source to record columns in the in-app stream.

Required: Yes

Type: Array of Input

Update requires: No interruption

Return values



Creating an Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Application

The following example demonstrates how to create and configure a Kinesis Data Analytics application.


--- Description: "Sample KinesisAnalytics via CloudFormation" Resources: BasicApplication: Type: AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application Properties: ApplicationName: "sampleApplication" ApplicationDescription: "SampleApp" ApplicationCode: "Example Application Code" Inputs: - NamePrefix: "exampleNamePrefix" InputSchema: RecordColumns: - Name: "example" SqlType: "VARCHAR(16)" Mapping: "$.example" RecordFormat: RecordFormatType: "JSON" MappingParameters: JSONMappingParameters: RecordRowPath: "$" KinesisStreamsInput: ResourceARN: !GetAtt InputKinesisStream.Arn RoleARN: !GetAtt KinesisAnalyticsRole.Arn InputKinesisStream: Type: AWS::Kinesis::Stream Properties: ShardCount: 1 KinesisAnalyticsRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: "sts:AssumeRole" Path: "/" Policies: - PolicyName: Open PolicyDocument: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: "*" Resource: "*" BasicApplicationOutputs: Type: AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput DependsOn: BasicApplication Properties: ApplicationName: !Ref BasicApplication Output: Name: "exampleOutput" DestinationSchema: RecordFormatType: "CSV" KinesisStreamsOutput: ResourceARN: !GetAtt OutputKinesisStream.Arn RoleARN: !GetAtt KinesisAnalyticsRole.Arn OutputKinesisStream: Type: AWS::Kinesis::Stream Properties: ShardCount: 1 ApplicationReferenceDataSource: Type: AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource DependsOn: BasicApplicationOutputs Properties: ApplicationName: !Ref BasicApplication ReferenceDataSource: TableName: "exampleTable" ReferenceSchema: RecordColumns: - Name: "example" SqlType: "VARCHAR(16)" Mapping: "$.example" RecordFormat: RecordFormatType: "JSON" MappingParameters: JSONMappingParameters: RecordRowPath: "$" S3ReferenceDataSource: BucketARN: !GetAtt S3Bucket.Arn FileKey: 'fakeKey' ReferenceRoleARN: !GetAtt KinesisAnalyticsRole.Arn S3Bucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Outputs: ApplicationPhysicalResourceId: Value: !Ref BasicApplication