Create a log transformer by copying an existing one - Amazon CloudWatch Logs

Create a log transformer by copying an existing one

You can use the console to copy the JSON configuration of an existing transformer. You can then use that code to create an identical transformer by using the AWS CLI, or you can modify the configuration first.

To create a log transformer by copying an existing one
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Logs, Log groups.

  3. Choose the log group that has the transformer that you want to copy.

  4. Choose the Transformations tab. You might have to scroll the tab list to the right to see it.

  5. Choose Manage transformer.

  6. Choose Copy transformer. This copies the transformer JSON to your clipboard.

  7. Create a file and paste in the transformer configuration. In this example we'll call the file CopiedTransformer.json

  8. Use the AWS CLI to create a new transformer with that configuration.

    aws logs put-transformer --log-group-identifier my-log-group-name \ --transformer-config file://CopiedTransformer.json