Using the COPY command with Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database - Amazon Aurora

Using the COPY command with Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database

You can use the \copy functionality in the psql utility for importing data into and exporting data from Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database

Using the COPY command to load data into Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database

Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database is compatible with the \copy functionality in the psql utility for importing data.

In Limitless Database as in Aurora PostgreSQL, the following aren't supported:

  • Direct SSH access to DB instances – You can't copy a data file (such as in .csv format) to the DB instance host and run COPY from the file.

  • Using local files on the DB instance – Use COPY ... FROM STDIN and COPY ... TO STDOUT.

The COPY command in PostgreSQL has options for working with local files (FROM/TO) and transmitting data using a connection between the client and the server (STDIN/STDOUT). For more information, see COPY in the PostgreSQL documentation.

The \copy command in the PostgreSQL psql utility works with local files on the computer where you run the psql client. It invokes the respective COPY ... FROM STDIN or COPY ... FROM STDOUT command on the remote (for example, Limitless Database) server to which you connect. It reads data from the local file to STDIN or writes to it from STDOUT.

Splitting data into multiple files

Data is stored on multiple shards in Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database. To speed up data loading using \copy, you can split your data into multiple files. Then import independently for each data file by running separate \copy commands in parallel.

For example, you have an input data file in CSV format with 3 million rows to import. You can split the file into chunks each holding 200,000 rows (15 chunks):

split -l200000 data.csv data_ --additional-suffix=.csv -d

This results in files data_00.csv through data_14.csv. You can then import data using 15 parallel \copy commands, for example:

psql -h -U username -c "\copy test_table from '/tmp/data_00.csv';" postgres_limitless & psql -h -U username -c "\copy test_table FROM '/tmp/data_01.csv';" postgres_limitless & ... psql -h -U username -c "\copy test_table FROM '/tmp/data_13.csv';" postgres_limitless & psql -h -U username -c "\copy test_table FROM '/tmp/data_14.csv';" postgres_limitless

Using this technique, the same amount of data is imported approximately 10 times faster than using a single \copy command.

Using the COPY command to copy Limitless Database data to a file

You can use the \copy command to copy data from a limitless table to a file, as shown in the following example:

postgres_limitless=> \copy test_table TO '/tmp/test_table.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;