BatchPutAttributes - Amazon SimpleDB



With the BatchPutAttributes operation, you can perform multiple PutAttribute operations in a single call. This helps you yield savings in round trips and latencies, and enables Amazon SimpleDB to optimize requests, which generally yields better throughput.

You can specify attributes and values for items using a combination of the Item.Y.Attribute.X.Name and Item.Y.Attribute.X.Value parameters. To specify attributes and values for the first item, you use Item.1.Attribute.1.Name and Item.1.Attribute.1.Value for the first attribute, Item.1.Attribute.2.Name and Item.1.Attribute.2.Value for the second attribute, and so on.

To specify attributes and values for the second item, you use Item.2.Attribute.1.Name and Item.2.Attribute.1.Value for the first attribute, Item.2.Attribute.2.Name and Item.2.Attribute.2.Value for the second attribute, and so on.

Amazon SimpleDB uniquely identifies attributes in an item by their name/value combinations. For example, a single item can have the attributes { "first_name", "first_value" } and { "first_name", second_value" }. However, it cannot have two attribute instances where both the Item.Y.Attribute.X.Name and Item.Y.Attribute.X.Value are the same.

Optionally, you can supply the Replace parameter for each individual attribute. Setting this value to true causes the new attribute value to replace the existing attribute value(s) if any exist. Otherwise, Amazon SimpleDB simply inserts the attribute values. For example, if an item has the attributes { 'a', '1' }, { 'b', '2'}, and { 'b', '3' } and the requester calls BatchPutAttributes using the attributes { 'b', '4' } with the Replace parameter set to true, the final attributes of the item are changed to { 'a', '1' } and { 'b', '4' }. This occurs because the new 'b' attribute replaces the old value.


You cannot specify an empty string as an item or attribute name.

The BatchPutAttributes operation succeeds or fails in its entirety. There are no partial puts.

You can execute multiple BatchPutAttributes operations and other operations in parallel. However, large numbers of concurrent BatchPutAttributes calls can result in Service Unavailable (503) responses.

This operation is vulnerable to exceeding the maximum URL size when making a REST request using the HTTP GET method.

This operation does not support conditions using Expected.Name, Expected.Value, or Expected.Exists.

The following limitations are enforced for this operation:

  • 256 attribute name-value pairs per item

  • 1 MB request size

  • 1 billion attributes per domain

  • 10 GB of total user data storage per domain

  • 25 item limit per BatchPutAttributes operation

Request Parameters

Name Description Required

The name of the item.

Type: String.

Default: None.



The name of the attribute for the specified item. Y or X can be any positive integer or 0.

Type: String.

Default: None.



The value of the attribute for the specified item. Y or X can be any positive integer or 0.

Type: String.

Default: None.



Flag to specify whether to replace the Attribute/Value or to add a new Attribute/Value. The replace parameter is more resource intensive than non-replace operations and is not recommended unless required. Y or X can be any positive integer or 0.

To reduce the request size and latencies, we recommend that you do not specify this request parameter at all.

Type: Boolean.

Default: false.


The name of the domain in which to perform the operation.

Type: String

Default: None.


When using eventually consistent reads, a GetAttributes or Select request (read) immediately after a DeleteAttributes or PutAttributes request (write) might not return the updated data. Some items might be updated before others, despite the fact that the operation never partially succeeds. A consistent read always reflects all writes that received a successful response prior to the read. For more information, see Consistency.

Response Elements

See Common Response Elements.

Special Errors

Error Description
DuplicateItemName Item item_name was specified more than once.
InvalidParameterValue Value value for parameter Name is invalid. Value exceeds maximum length of 1024.
InvalidParameterValue Value value for parameter Value is invalid. Value exceeds maximum length of 1024.
InvalidParameterValue Value value for parameter Item is invalid. Value exceeds max length of 1024.
InvalidParameterValue Value value for parameter Replace is invalid. The Replace flag should be either true or false.
MissingParameter The request must contain the parameter DomainName.
MissingParameter The request must contain the parameter ItemName.
MissingParameter Attribute.Value missing for Attribute.Name=attribute_name.
MissingParameter Attribute.Name missing for Attribute.Value=attribute_name.
MissingParameter No attributes for item item_name.
NoSuchDomain The specified domain does not exist.
NumberItemAttributesExceeded Too many attributes in this item.
NumberDomainAttributesExceeded Too many attributes in this domain.
NumberDomainBytesExceeded Too many bytes in this domain.


Too many items in a single call. Up to 25 items per call allowed.


Too many attributes for item itemName in a single call. Up to 256 attributes per call allowed.


Sample Request

The following example uses BatchPutAttributes on Shirt1, which has attributes (Color=Blue), (Size=Med), and (Price=0014.99) in MyDomain. If Shirt1 already had the Price attribute, this operation would replace the values for that attribute. Otherwise, a new (additional) Price attribute is created with the value 0014.99.

The example also uses BatchPutAttributes on Shirt2 which has attributes (Color=Red), (Size=Large), and (Price=0019.99). ?Action=BatchPutAttributes &Item.1.ItemName=Shirt1 &Item.1.Attribute.1.Name=Color &Item.1.Attribute.1.Value=Blue &Item.1.Attribute.2.Name=Size &Item.1.Attribute.2.Value=Med &Item.1.Attribute.3.Name=Price &Item.1.Attribute.3.Value=0014.99 &Item.1.Attribute.3.Replace=true &Item.2.ItemName=Shirt2 &Item.2.Attribute.1.Name=Color &Item.2.Attribute.1.Value=Red &Item.2.Attribute.2.Name=Size &Item.2.Attribute.2.Value=Large &Item.2.Attribute.3.Name=Price &Item.2.Attribute.3.Value=0019.99 &AWSAccessKeyId=[valid access key id] &DomainName=MyDomain &SignatureVersion=2 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=2009-01-12T15%3A03%3A05-07%3A00 &Version=2009-04-15 &Signature=[valid signature]

Sample Response

<BatchPutAttributesResponse> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>490206ce-8292-456c-a00f-61b335eb202b</RequestId> <BoxUsage>0.0000219907</BoxUsage> </ResponseMetadata> </BatchPutAttributesResponse>