Troubleshooting your Microsoft Teams connector
The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Microsoft Teams connector and suggested troubleshooting actions.
Error code | Error message | Suggested resolution |
MST-5001 | Exception occurred while sending request to MSTeams api, please try again later. | Error related to authentication. Check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5101 | Exception occurred while validating configuration. | Error related to configurations. Check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5102 | ClientID cannot be null in Repository configuration. | Error related to configurations. Check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5103 | TenantId cannot be null in Repository configuration. | Error related to configurations. Check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5104 | ClientSecret cannot be null in Repository configuration | Error related to configurations. Check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5105 | Please add a valid paymentModel under additionalProperties. The paymentModel should be one of the following. | Error related to configurations. Check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5106 | Please add valid startCalendarDateTime & endCalendarDateTime under additionalProperties: startCalendarDateTime & endCalendarDateTime should be in this format 2016-12-01T00:00:00Z. | Error related to configurations. Please check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5107 | isCrawlChatMessage should be true or false. | Error related to configurations. Please check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5108 | isCrawlMeetingChatValue should be true or false. | Error related to configurations. Please check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5109 | isCrawlChatAttachment should be true or false. | Error related to configurations. Please check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5110 | isCrawlMeetingFile should be true or false. | Error related to configurations. Please check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5111 | isCrawlMeetingNote should be true or false. | Error related to configurations. Please check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5112 | isCrawlChannelPost should be true or false. | Error related to configurations. Please check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5113 | isCrawlChannelAttachment should be true or false | Error related to configurations. Please check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5114 | isCrawlChannelWiki should be true or false. | Error related to configurations. Please check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5115 | isCrawlCalendarMeeting should be true or false. | Error related to configurations. Please check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5116 | Invalid clientId pattern. | Error related to configurations. Please check logs for the specific error message.. |
MST-5117 | ClientSecret Over maximum length. | Error related to configurations. Please check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5200 | Got exception from customer while accessing list of users. | Failure while fetching the list of users from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5201 | Got exception from customer while accessing list of chats. | Failure while fetching the list of chats from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5202 | Got exception from customer while accessing meeting chats. | Failure while fetching meeting chats from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5203 | Got exception from customer while accessing list of groups. | Failure while fetching the list of groups from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5204 | Got exception from customer while accessing list of channels. | Failure while fetching the list of channels from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5205 | Error occurred while fetching meeting events. | Failure while fetching meeting events from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5206 | Error occurred while fetching drive files. | Failure while fetching drive files from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5207 | Error while InterruptedException rate limit. | Failures while retrying API requests to fetch data from Microsoft Graph API. |
MST-5209 | Got exception from customer while running full crawl. | Failures while running full crawl iterator. Please refer logs or contact connector team for more information. |
MST-5210 | Exception occurred while accessing list of channel attachment from data source. | Failure while fetching the list of channels attachment from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5211 | Exception occurred while accessing meeting chat information for user. | Failure while accessing meeting chats from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5212 | Exception occurred while processing to access list of users. | Failure while processing to access list of users from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5213 | Exception occurred while processing to access list of groups. | Failure while processing to access list of groups from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5214 | Exception occurred while processing to access list of channel attachment. | Failure while processing to access list of channel attachment from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5215 | Exception occurred while processing to access meeting events. | Failure while processing to access meeting events from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5301 | Got exception from customer while running changelog. | Failures while handling changelog token. Please refer logs or contact connector team for more information. |
MST-5302 | Error in serializing change log token. | Failures while serializing change log token. Please refer logs or contact connector team for more information. |
MST-5303 | Error in de-serializing change log token. | Failures while de-serializing change log token. Please refer logs or contact connector team for more information. |
MST-5400 | Exception occurred while running Identity Crawler. | Error occurred while fetching groups details from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5401 | Error while build groups details for Identity Crawler. | Failures while de-serializing change log token. Please refer logs or contact connector team for more information. |
MST-5500 | Exception occurred while getting file content response. | Error occurred while fetching file content response details from Microsoft Graph API. Please check logs for more details. |
MST-5501 | Only String, String List, Date and Long formats are supported for field mappings. | Error related to unsupported field mappings. Please check logs for the specific error message. |
MST-5502 | IO Exception occurred. | IO Exception. |