Publishing extensions to make them available for public use - Extension Development for CloudFormation

Publishing extensions to make them available for public use

After you've developed and registered a private extension, you can make it publicly available to general CloudFormation users by publishing it to the CloudFormation registry, as a third-party public extension.

Public third-party extensions enable you to offer CloudFormation users ways to model, provision, and configure environments containing AWS and third-party resources. As with private extensions, public extensions are treated the same as any resource published by Amazon within CloudFormation; users can use CloudFormation capabilities to create, provision, and manage the extensions you provide in a safe and repeatable manner, just as they would any AWS resource. This includes CloudFormation management capabilities such as change sets, drift detection, and resource import.

Extensions published to the registry are visible by all CloudFormation users in the Regions in which they're published. Users can then activate your extension in their account, which makes it available for use in their templates. For more information, see Using public extensions in CloudFormation in the CloudFormation User Guide.


If your public extension implements event handlers, users of the extension may incur charges to their account. For example, suppose your public extension is a resource type with create, read, update, list, and delete handlers. Users using your extension in their stacks would incur charges when your handler code executes during the various resource create, read, update, list, and delete stack operations. This is in addition to any charges incurred for the resources themselves running.

For more information, see AWS CloudFormation pricing.

Developing a public extension for CloudFormation

To develop a public third-party extension, develop your extension as a private extension. Then, in each Region in which you want to make the extension publicly available:

  1. Register your extension as a private extension in the CloudFormation registry.

  2. Test your extension to make sure it meets all necessary requirements for being published in the CloudFormation registry.

  3. Publish your extension to the CloudFormation registry.


    Before you publish any extension in a given Region, you must first register as an extension publisher in that Region.

    To complete this in multiple Regions simultaneously, see Publishing extensions in multiple Regions using StackSets.

Prerequisite: Registering your account to publish CloudFormation extensions

To publish third-party extensions, register your extension publisher with CloudFormation. To do so, you must have an account with one of the following services. CloudFormation uses these services to verify your public identity as a publisher:

  • AWS Marketplace

  • Bitbucket

  • GitHub


    CloudFormation doesn't currently support GitHub Enterprise Cloud or GitHub Enterprise Server accounts for identity verification.

If you use your Bitbucket or GitHub account, you must create a connection between that account and the AWS account which you want to register as a publisher. For more information, see the following topics in the Developer Tools Console User Guide:

Use RegisterPublisher to register your account to publish extensions. As part of registering as a publisher, you must accept the Terms and Conditions for extension publishers. If you use a Bitbucket or GitHub account for identity verification, you'll need to supply CloudFormation the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for your connection to that account.

In addition, you'll need the following permissions:

  • codestar-connections:GetConnection

  • codestar-connections:UseConnection

For more information, see AWS CodeConnections permissions reference in the Developer Tools console User Guide.

When you register, CloudFormation assigns your account a publisher ID under which your extensions will be published. This publisher ID applies across all AWS Regions.

Testing your public extension before publishing

To publish your public extension, it must pass all test requirements defined for it:

  • For resource types, this includes passing all contracts tests defined for the type. For more information about testing resource types, see Testing resource types using contract tests.

  • For modules, this includes determining if the module's model meets all necessary requirements. For information about publication requirements for modules, see Requirements for publishing a public module.

  • For Hooks, this includes determining if the Hook meets all the necessary requirements. For information about publication requirements for Hooks, see Testing registered Hooks.

Use TestType to have CloudFormation perform the required tests on an extension. After running the test, CloudFormation assigns a test status to the extension. An extension must have a test status of PASSED in a given Region before it can be published there.

If you don't specify a version, CloudFormation uses the default version of the extension in your account and Region for testing.

Because testing may take some time, TestType is an asynchronous operation. Once you've initiated testing on an extension using TestType, you can use DescribeType to monitor the current test status and test status description for the extension.

The tests that CloudFormation runs against your extension are non-exhaustive and generic, which means that you should also thoroughly test your extension to ensure that it performs as expected. Using your privately registered extension in stack templates is the CloudFormation equivalent of testing your extension in a sandbox environment. Publishing your extension doesn't change any provisioning behavior of your extension; it only makes it available to all customers in the Region in which the extension is published.

Publishing your public extension to the CloudFormation registry

After your extension has passed all necessary test requirements, you can publish it to make it publicly available for use through the CloudFormation registry. Publishing your extension makes it available in all AWS accounts in the Region. Use PublishType to publish your extension in each desired Region.

Versioning your public extension

When publishing your extension, you can specify a public version number. This is separate and distinct from the private extension version that CloudFormation assigns to a private extension when you register it. If you don't specify a version number, CloudFormation increments the version number by one minor version release.

Use the following format, and adhere to semantic versioning when assigning a version number to your extension:


For more information, see Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

Versioning and updating activated public extensions

When a user activates a public extension for use in their account, they have the option to have CloudFormation automatically update to using a new minor version whenever one is released by the extension publisher. This only applies to minor version changes, including patches. For major version changes, users are required to manually update to a new major version of an extension.

Increment to a new major version if the new version possibly contains breaking changes.

Open-sourcing your public extension project

It's considered a best practice to open-source your public extensions.