Use DetectKeyPhrases com um AWS SDK ou CLI - AWS SDKExemplos de código

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Use DetectKeyPhrases com um AWS SDK ou CLI

Os exemplos de código a seguir mostram como usar o DetectKeyPhrases.

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using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.Comprehend; using Amazon.Comprehend.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to use the Amazon Comprehend service to /// search text for key phrases. /// </summary> public static class DetectKeyPhrase { /// <summary> /// This method calls the Amazon Comprehend method DetectKeyPhrasesAsync /// to detect any key phrases in the sample text. /// </summary> public static async Task Main() { string text = "It is raining today in Seattle"; var comprehendClient = new AmazonComprehendClient(Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USWest2); // Call DetectKeyPhrases API Console.WriteLine("Calling DetectKeyPhrases"); var detectKeyPhrasesRequest = new DetectKeyPhrasesRequest() { Text = text, LanguageCode = "en", }; var detectKeyPhrasesResponse = await comprehendClient.DetectKeyPhrasesAsync(detectKeyPhrasesRequest); foreach (var kp in detectKeyPhrasesResponse.KeyPhrases) { Console.WriteLine($"Text: {kp.Text}, Score: {kp.Score}, BeginOffset: {kp.BeginOffset}, EndOffset: {kp.EndOffset}"); } Console.WriteLine("Done"); } }
  • Para API obter detalhes, consulte DetectKeyPhrasesem AWS SDK for .NET APIReferência.


Para detectar frases-chave no texto de entrada

O exemplo de detect-key-phrases a seguir analisa o texto de entrada e identifica as principais frases nominais. A pontuação de confiança do modelo pré-treinado também é gerada para cada previsão.

aws comprehend detect-key-phrases \ --language-code en \ --text "Hello Zhang Wei, I am John. Your AnyCompany Financial Services, LLC credit card \ account 1111-XXXX-1111-XXXX has a minimum payment of $24.53 that is due by July 31st. Based on your autopay settings, \ we will withdraw your payment on the due date from your bank account number XXXXXX1111 with the routing number XXXXX0000. \ Customer feedback for Sunshine Spa, 123 Main St, Anywhere. Send comments to Alice at"


{ "KeyPhrases": [ { "Score": 0.8996376395225525, "Text": "Zhang Wei", "BeginOffset": 6, "EndOffset": 15 }, { "Score": 0.9992469549179077, "Text": "John", "BeginOffset": 22, "EndOffset": 26 }, { "Score": 0.988385021686554, "Text": "Your AnyCompany Financial Services", "BeginOffset": 28, "EndOffset": 62 }, { "Score": 0.8740853071212769, "Text": "LLC credit card account 1111-XXXX-1111-XXXX", "BeginOffset": 64, "EndOffset": 107 }, { "Score": 0.9999437928199768, "Text": "a minimum payment", "BeginOffset": 112, "EndOffset": 129 }, { "Score": 0.9998900890350342, "Text": ".53", "BeginOffset": 133, "EndOffset": 136 }, { "Score": 0.9979453086853027, "Text": "July 31st", "BeginOffset": 152, "EndOffset": 161 }, { "Score": 0.9983011484146118, "Text": "your autopay settings", "BeginOffset": 172, "EndOffset": 193 }, { "Score": 0.9996572136878967, "Text": "your payment", "BeginOffset": 211, "EndOffset": 223 }, { "Score": 0.9995037317276001, "Text": "the due date", "BeginOffset": 227, "EndOffset": 239 }, { "Score": 0.9702621698379517, "Text": "your bank account number XXXXXX1111", "BeginOffset": 245, "EndOffset": 280 }, { "Score": 0.9179925918579102, "Text": "the routing number XXXXX0000.Customer feedback", "BeginOffset": 286, "EndOffset": 332 }, { "Score": 0.9978160858154297, "Text": "Sunshine Spa", "BeginOffset": 337, "EndOffset": 349 }, { "Score": 0.9706913232803345, "Text": "123 Main St", "BeginOffset": 351, "EndOffset": 362 }, { "Score": 0.9941995143890381, "Text": "comments", "BeginOffset": 379, "EndOffset": 387 }, { "Score": 0.9759287238121033, "Text": "Alice", "BeginOffset": 391, "EndOffset": 396 }, { "Score": 0.8376792669296265, "Text": "", "BeginOffset": 400, "EndOffset": 415 } ] }

Para obter mais informações, consulte Frases-chave no Guia do desenvolvedor do Amazon Comprehend.

  • Para API obter detalhes, consulte DetectKeyPhrasesna Referência de AWS CLI Comandos.

SDKpara Java 2.x

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import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development * environment, including your credentials. * * For more information, see the following documentation topic: * * */ public class DetectKeyPhrases { public static void main(String[] args) { String text = ", Inc. is located in Seattle, WA and was founded July 5th, 1994 by Jeff Bezos, allowing customers to buy everything from books to blenders. Seattle is north of Portland and south of Vancouver, BC. Other notable Seattle - based companies are Starbucks and Boeing."; Region region = Region.US_EAST_1; ComprehendClient comClient = ComprehendClient.builder() .region(region) .build(); System.out.println("Calling DetectKeyPhrases"); detectAllKeyPhrases(comClient, text); comClient.close(); } public static void detectAllKeyPhrases(ComprehendClient comClient, String text) { try { DetectKeyPhrasesRequest detectKeyPhrasesRequest = DetectKeyPhrasesRequest.builder() .text(text) .languageCode("en") .build(); DetectKeyPhrasesResponse detectKeyPhrasesResult = comClient.detectKeyPhrases(detectKeyPhrasesRequest); List<KeyPhrase> phraseList = detectKeyPhrasesResult.keyPhrases(); for (KeyPhrase keyPhrase : phraseList) { System.out.println("Key phrase text is " + keyPhrase.text()); } } catch (ComprehendException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); System.exit(1); } } }
  • Para API obter detalhes, consulte DetectKeyPhrasesem AWS SDK for Java 2.x APIReferência.

SDKpara Python (Boto3)

Tem mais sobre GitHub. Encontre o exemplo completo e saiba como configurar e executar no Repositório de exemplos de código da AWS.

class ComprehendDetect: """Encapsulates Comprehend detection functions.""" def __init__(self, comprehend_client): """ :param comprehend_client: A Boto3 Comprehend client. """ self.comprehend_client = comprehend_client def detect_key_phrases(self, text, language_code): """ Detects key phrases in a document. A key phrase is typically a noun and its modifiers. :param text: The document to inspect. :param language_code: The language of the document. :return: The list of key phrases along with their confidence scores. """ try: response = self.comprehend_client.detect_key_phrases( Text=text, LanguageCode=language_code ) phrases = response["KeyPhrases"]"Detected %s phrases.", len(phrases)) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't detect phrases.") raise else: return phrases
  • Para API obter detalhes, consulte a DetectKeyPhrasesReferência AWS SDK do Python (Boto3). API