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Use CreateDomain
com um AWS SDK
Os exemplos de código a seguir mostram como usar o CreateDomain
Exemplos de ações são trechos de código de programas maiores e devem ser executados em contexto. É possível ver essa ação no contexto no seguinte exemplo de código:
- Java
- SDKpara Java 2.x
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. /** * Creates a new OpenSearch domain asynchronously. * @param domainName the name of the new OpenSearch domain to create * @return a {@link CompletableFuture} containing the domain ID of the newly created domain */ public CompletableFuture<String> createNewDomainAsync(String domainName) { ClusterConfig clusterConfig = ClusterConfig.builder() .dedicatedMasterEnabled(true) .dedicatedMasterCount(3) .dedicatedMasterType("t2.small.search") .instanceType("t2.small.search") .instanceCount(5) .build(); EBSOptions ebsOptions = EBSOptions.builder() .ebsEnabled(true) .volumeSize(10) .volumeType(VolumeType.GP2) .build(); NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions encryptionOptions = NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions.builder() .enabled(true) .build(); CreateDomainRequest domainRequest = CreateDomainRequest.builder() .domainName(domainName) .engineVersion("OpenSearch_1.0") .clusterConfig(clusterConfig) .ebsOptions(ebsOptions) .nodeToNodeEncryptionOptions(encryptionOptions) .build(); logger.info("Sending domain creation request..."); return getAsyncClient().createDomain(domainRequest) .handle( (createResponse, throwable) -> { if (createResponse != null) { logger.info("Domain status is {}", createResponse.domainStatus().changeProgressDetails().configChangeStatusAsString()); logger.info("Domain Id is {}", createResponse.domainStatus().domainId()); return createResponse.domainStatus().domainId(); } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create domain", throwable); }); }
Para API obter detalhes, consulte CreateDomainem AWS SDK for Java 2.x APIReferência.
- Kotlin
- SDKpara Kotlin
Tem mais sobre GitHub. Encontre o exemplo completo e saiba como configurar e executar no Repositório de exemplos de código da AWS
. suspend fun createNewDomain(domainNameVal: String?) { val clusterConfigOb = ClusterConfig { dedicatedMasterEnabled = true dedicatedMasterCount = 3 dedicatedMasterType = OpenSearchPartitionInstanceType.fromValue("t2.small.search") instanceType = OpenSearchPartitionInstanceType.fromValue("t2.small.search") instanceCount = 5 } val ebsOptionsOb = EbsOptions { ebsEnabled = true volumeSize = 10 volumeType = VolumeType.Gp2 } val encryptionOptionsOb = NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions { enabled = true } val request = CreateDomainRequest { domainName = domainNameVal engineVersion = "OpenSearch_1.0" clusterConfig = clusterConfigOb ebsOptions = ebsOptionsOb nodeToNodeEncryptionOptions = encryptionOptionsOb } println("Sending domain creation request...") OpenSearchClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { searchClient -> val createResponse = searchClient.createDomain(request) println("Domain status is ${createResponse.domainStatus}") println("Domain Id is ${createResponse.domainStatus?.domainId}") } }
Para API obter detalhes, consulte a CreateDomain
referência AWS SDKdo Kotlin API.