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Exemplos do Amazon S3 usando o SDK Rust
Os exemplos de código a seguir mostram como realizar ações e implementar cenários comuns usando o AWS SDK for Rust com o Amazon S3.
As noções básicas são exemplos de código que mostram como realizar as operações essenciais em um serviço.
Ações são trechos de código de programas maiores e devem ser executadas em contexto. Embora as ações mostrem como chamar funções de serviço individuais, é possível ver as ações no contexto em seus cenários relacionados.
Os cenários são exemplos de código que mostram como realizar tarefas específicas chamando várias funções dentro de um serviço ou combinadas com outros Serviços da AWS.
Cada exemplo inclui um link para o código-fonte completo, onde você pode encontrar instruções sobre como configurar e executar o código no contexto.
Conceitos básicos
O exemplo de código a seguir mostra como começar a usar o Amazon S3.
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. /// S3 Hello World Example using the AWS SDK for Rust. /// /// This example lists the objects in a bucket, uploads an object to that bucket, /// and then retrieves the object and prints some S3 information about the object. /// This shows a number of S3 features, including how to use built-in paginators /// for large data sets. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `client` - an S3 client configured appropriately for the environment. /// * `bucket` - the bucket name that the object will be uploaded to. Must be present in the region the `client` is configured to use. /// * `filename` - a reference to a path that will be read and uploaded to S3. /// * `key` - the string key that the object will be uploaded as inside the bucket. async fn list_bucket_and_upload_object( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket: &str, filepath: &Path, key: &str, ) -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { // List the buckets in this account let mut objects = client .list_objects_v2() .bucket(bucket) .into_paginator() .send(); println!("key\tetag\tlast_modified\tstorage_class"); while let Some(Ok(object)) = objects.next().await { for item in object.contents() { println!( "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}", item.key().unwrap_or_default(), item.e_tag().unwrap_or_default(), item.last_modified() .map(|lm| format!("{lm}")) .unwrap_or_default(), item.storage_class() .map(|sc| format!("{sc}")) .unwrap_or_default() ); } } // Prepare a ByteStream around the file, and upload the object using that ByteStream. let body = aws_sdk_s3::primitives::ByteStream::from_path(filepath) .await .map_err(|err| { S3ExampleError::new(format!( "Failed to create bytestream for {filepath:?} ({err:?})" )) })?; let resp = client .put_object() .bucket(bucket) .key(key) .body(body) .send() .await?; println!( "Upload success. Version: {:?}", resp.version_id() .expect("S3 Object upload missing version ID") ); // Retrieve the just-uploaded object. let resp = client.get_object().bucket(bucket).key(key).send().await?; println!("etag: {}", resp.e_tag().unwrap_or("(missing)")); println!("version: {}", resp.version_id().unwrap_or("(missing)")); Ok(()) }
Utilitários S3 ExampleError
/// S3ExampleError provides a From<T: ProvideErrorMetadata> impl to extract /// client-specific error details. This serves as a consistent backup to handling /// specific service errors, depending on what is needed by the scenario. /// It is used throughout the code examples for the AWS SDK for Rust. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct S3ExampleError(String); impl S3ExampleError { pub fn new(value: impl Into<String>) -> Self { S3ExampleError(value.into()) } pub fn add_message(self, message: impl Into<String>) -> Self { S3ExampleError(format!("{}: {}", message.into(), self.0)) } } impl<T: aws_sdk_s3::error::ProvideErrorMetadata> From<T> for S3ExampleError { fn from(value: T) -> Self { S3ExampleError(format!( "{}: {}", value .code() .map(String::from) .unwrap_or("unknown code".into()), value .message() .map(String::from) .unwrap_or("missing reason".into()), )) } } impl std::error::Error for S3ExampleError {} impl std::fmt::Display for S3ExampleError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.0) } }
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a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
Conceitos básicos
O exemplo de código a seguir mostra como:
Criar um bucket e fazer upload de um arquivo para ele.
Baixar um objeto de um bucket.
Copiar um objeto em uma subpasta em um bucket.
Listar os objetos em um bucket.
Excluir os objetos do bucket e o bucket.
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. Código para a caixa binária que executa o cenário.
#![allow(clippy::result_large_err)] //! Purpose //! Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Rust to get started using //! Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Create a bucket, move objects into and out of it, //! and delete all resources at the end of the demo. //! //! This example follows the steps in "Getting started with Amazon S3" in the Amazon S3 //! user guide. //! - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/GetStartedWithS3.html use aws_config::meta::region::RegionProviderChain; use aws_sdk_s3::{config::Region, Client}; use s3_code_examples::error::S3ExampleError; use uuid::Uuid; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { let region_provider = RegionProviderChain::first_try(Region::new("us-west-2")); let region = region_provider.region().await.unwrap(); let shared_config = aws_config::from_env().region(region_provider).load().await; let client = Client::new(&shared_config); let bucket_name = format!("amzn-s3-demo-bucket-{}", Uuid::new_v4()); let file_name = "s3/testfile.txt".to_string(); let key = "test file key name".to_string(); let target_key = "target_key".to_string(); if let Err(e) = run_s3_operations(region, client, bucket_name, file_name, key, target_key).await { eprintln!("{:?}", e); }; Ok(()) } async fn run_s3_operations( region: Region, client: Client, bucket_name: String, file_name: String, key: String, target_key: String, ) -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { s3_code_examples::create_bucket(&client, &bucket_name, ®ion).await?; let run_example: Result<(), S3ExampleError> = (async { s3_code_examples::upload_object(&client, &bucket_name, &file_name, &key).await?; let _object = s3_code_examples::download_object(&client, &bucket_name, &key).await; s3_code_examples::copy_object(&client, &bucket_name, &bucket_name, &key, &target_key) .await?; s3_code_examples::list_objects(&client, &bucket_name).await?; s3_code_examples::clear_bucket(&client, &bucket_name).await?; Ok(()) }) .await; if let Err(err) = run_example { eprintln!("Failed to complete getting-started example: {err:?}"); } s3_code_examples::delete_bucket(&client, &bucket_name).await?; Ok(()) }
Ações comuns usadas na situação.
pub async fn create_bucket( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket_name: &str, region: &aws_config::Region, ) -> Result<Option<aws_sdk_s3::operation::create_bucket::CreateBucketOutput>, S3ExampleError> { let constraint = aws_sdk_s3::types::BucketLocationConstraint::from(region.to_string().as_str()); let cfg = aws_sdk_s3::types::CreateBucketConfiguration::builder() .location_constraint(constraint) .build(); let create = client .create_bucket() .create_bucket_configuration(cfg) .bucket(bucket_name) .send() .await; // BucketAlreadyExists and BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou are not problems for this task. create.map(Some).or_else(|err| { if err .as_service_error() .map(|se| se.is_bucket_already_exists() || se.is_bucket_already_owned_by_you()) == Some(true) { Ok(None) } else { Err(S3ExampleError::from(err)) } }) } pub async fn upload_object( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket_name: &str, file_name: &str, key: &str, ) -> Result<aws_sdk_s3::operation::put_object::PutObjectOutput, S3ExampleError> { let body = aws_sdk_s3::primitives::ByteStream::from_path(std::path::Path::new(file_name)).await; client .put_object() .bucket(bucket_name) .key(key) .body(body.unwrap()) .send() .await .map_err(S3ExampleError::from) } pub async fn download_object( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket_name: &str, key: &str, ) -> Result<aws_sdk_s3::operation::get_object::GetObjectOutput, S3ExampleError> { client .get_object() .bucket(bucket_name) .key(key) .send() .await .map_err(S3ExampleError::from) } /// Copy an object from one bucket to another. pub async fn copy_object( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, source_bucket: &str, destination_bucket: &str, source_object: &str, destination_object: &str, ) -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { let source_key = format!("{source_bucket}/{source_object}"); let response = client .copy_object() .copy_source(&source_key) .bucket(destination_bucket) .key(destination_object) .send() .await?; println!( "Copied from {source_key} to {destination_bucket}/{destination_object} with etag {}", response .copy_object_result .unwrap_or_else(|| aws_sdk_s3::types::CopyObjectResult::builder().build()) .e_tag() .unwrap_or("missing") ); Ok(()) } pub async fn list_objects(client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket: &str) -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { let mut response = client .list_objects_v2() .bucket(bucket.to_owned()) .max_keys(10) // In this example, go 10 at a time. .into_paginator() .send(); while let Some(result) = response.next().await { match result { Ok(output) => { for object in output.contents() { println!(" - {}", object.key().unwrap_or("Unknown")); } } Err(err) => { eprintln!("{err:?}") } } } Ok(()) } /// Given a bucket, remove all objects in the bucket, and then ensure no objects /// remain in the bucket. pub async fn clear_bucket( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket_name: &str, ) -> Result<Vec<String>, S3ExampleError> { let objects = client.list_objects_v2().bucket(bucket_name).send().await?; // delete_objects no longer needs to be mutable. let objects_to_delete: Vec<String> = objects .contents() .iter() .filter_map(|obj| obj.key()) .map(String::from) .collect(); if objects_to_delete.is_empty() { return Ok(vec![]); } let return_keys = objects_to_delete.clone(); delete_objects(client, bucket_name, objects_to_delete).await?; let objects = client.list_objects_v2().bucket(bucket_name).send().await?; eprintln!("{objects:?}"); match objects.key_count { Some(0) => Ok(return_keys), _ => Err(S3ExampleError::new( "There were still objects left in the bucket.", )), } } pub async fn delete_bucket( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { let resp = client.delete_bucket().bucket(bucket_name).send().await; match resp { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(err) => { if err .as_service_error() .and_then(aws_sdk_s3::error::ProvideErrorMetadata::code) == Some("NoSuchBucket") { Ok(()) } else { Err(S3ExampleError::from(err)) } } } }
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O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar CompleteMultipartUpload
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. // upload_parts: Vec<aws_sdk_s3::types::CompletedPart> let completed_multipart_upload: CompletedMultipartUpload = CompletedMultipartUpload::builder() .set_parts(Some(upload_parts)) .build(); let _complete_multipart_upload_res = client .complete_multipart_upload() .bucket(&bucket_name) .key(&key) .multipart_upload(completed_multipart_upload) .upload_id(upload_id) .send() .await?;
// Create a multipart upload. Use UploadPart and CompleteMultipartUpload to // upload the file. let multipart_upload_res: CreateMultipartUploadOutput = client .create_multipart_upload() .bucket(&bucket_name) .key(&key) .send() .await?; let upload_id = multipart_upload_res.upload_id().ok_or(S3ExampleError::new( "Missing upload_id after CreateMultipartUpload", ))?;
let mut upload_parts: Vec<aws_sdk_s3::types::CompletedPart> = Vec::new(); for chunk_index in 0..chunk_count { let this_chunk = if chunk_count - 1 == chunk_index { size_of_last_chunk } else { CHUNK_SIZE }; let stream = ByteStream::read_from() .path(path) .offset(chunk_index * CHUNK_SIZE) .length(Length::Exact(this_chunk)) .build() .await .unwrap(); // Chunk index needs to start at 0, but part numbers start at 1. let part_number = (chunk_index as i32) + 1; let upload_part_res = client .upload_part() .key(&key) .bucket(&bucket_name) .upload_id(upload_id) .body(stream) .part_number(part_number) .send() .await?; upload_parts.push( CompletedPart::builder() .e_tag(upload_part_res.e_tag.unwrap_or_default()) .part_number(part_number) .build(), ); }
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a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar CopyObject
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. /// Copy an object from one bucket to another. pub async fn copy_object( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, source_bucket: &str, destination_bucket: &str, source_object: &str, destination_object: &str, ) -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { let source_key = format!("{source_bucket}/{source_object}"); let response = client .copy_object() .copy_source(&source_key) .bucket(destination_bucket) .key(destination_object) .send() .await?; println!( "Copied from {source_key} to {destination_bucket}/{destination_object} with etag {}", response .copy_object_result .unwrap_or_else(|| aws_sdk_s3::types::CopyObjectResult::builder().build()) .e_tag() .unwrap_or("missing") ); Ok(()) }
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a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar CreateBucket
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. pub async fn create_bucket( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket_name: &str, region: &aws_config::Region, ) -> Result<Option<aws_sdk_s3::operation::create_bucket::CreateBucketOutput>, S3ExampleError> { let constraint = aws_sdk_s3::types::BucketLocationConstraint::from(region.to_string().as_str()); let cfg = aws_sdk_s3::types::CreateBucketConfiguration::builder() .location_constraint(constraint) .build(); let create = client .create_bucket() .create_bucket_configuration(cfg) .bucket(bucket_name) .send() .await; // BucketAlreadyExists and BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou are not problems for this task. create.map(Some).or_else(|err| { if err .as_service_error() .map(|se| se.is_bucket_already_exists() || se.is_bucket_already_owned_by_you()) == Some(true) { Ok(None) } else { Err(S3ExampleError::from(err)) } }) }
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a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar CreateMultipartUpload
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. // Create a multipart upload. Use UploadPart and CompleteMultipartUpload to // upload the file. let multipart_upload_res: CreateMultipartUploadOutput = client .create_multipart_upload() .bucket(&bucket_name) .key(&key) .send() .await?; let upload_id = multipart_upload_res.upload_id().ok_or(S3ExampleError::new( "Missing upload_id after CreateMultipartUpload", ))?;
let mut upload_parts: Vec<aws_sdk_s3::types::CompletedPart> = Vec::new(); for chunk_index in 0..chunk_count { let this_chunk = if chunk_count - 1 == chunk_index { size_of_last_chunk } else { CHUNK_SIZE }; let stream = ByteStream::read_from() .path(path) .offset(chunk_index * CHUNK_SIZE) .length(Length::Exact(this_chunk)) .build() .await .unwrap(); // Chunk index needs to start at 0, but part numbers start at 1. let part_number = (chunk_index as i32) + 1; let upload_part_res = client .upload_part() .key(&key) .bucket(&bucket_name) .upload_id(upload_id) .body(stream) .part_number(part_number) .send() .await?; upload_parts.push( CompletedPart::builder() .e_tag(upload_part_res.e_tag.unwrap_or_default()) .part_number(part_number) .build(), ); }
// upload_parts: Vec<aws_sdk_s3::types::CompletedPart> let completed_multipart_upload: CompletedMultipartUpload = CompletedMultipartUpload::builder() .set_parts(Some(upload_parts)) .build(); let _complete_multipart_upload_res = client .complete_multipart_upload() .bucket(&bucket_name) .key(&key) .multipart_upload(completed_multipart_upload) .upload_id(upload_id) .send() .await?;
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a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar DeleteBucket
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. pub async fn delete_bucket( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { let resp = client.delete_bucket().bucket(bucket_name).send().await; match resp { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(err) => { if err .as_service_error() .and_then(aws_sdk_s3::error::ProvideErrorMetadata::code) == Some("NoSuchBucket") { Ok(()) } else { Err(S3ExampleError::from(err)) } } } }
Para API obter detalhes, consulte DeleteBucket
a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar DeleteObject
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. /// Delete an object from a bucket. pub async fn remove_object( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket: &str, key: &str, ) -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { client .delete_object() .bucket(bucket) .key(key) .send() .await?; // There are no modeled errors to handle when deleting an object. Ok(()) }
Para API obter detalhes, consulte DeleteObject
a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar DeleteObjects
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. /// Delete the objects in a bucket. pub async fn delete_objects( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket_name: &str, objects_to_delete: Vec<String>, ) -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { // Push into a mut vector to use `?` early return errors while building object keys. let mut delete_object_ids: Vec<aws_sdk_s3::types::ObjectIdentifier> = vec![]; for obj in objects_to_delete { let obj_id = aws_sdk_s3::types::ObjectIdentifier::builder() .key(obj) .build() .map_err(|err| { S3ExampleError::new(format!("Failed to build key for delete_object: {err:?}")) })?; delete_object_ids.push(obj_id); } client .delete_objects() .bucket(bucket_name) .delete( aws_sdk_s3::types::Delete::builder() .set_objects(Some(delete_object_ids)) .build() .map_err(|err| { S3ExampleError::new(format!("Failed to build delete_object input {err:?}")) })?, ) .send() .await?; Ok(()) }
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a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar GetBucketLocation
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. async fn show_buckets( strict: bool, client: &Client, region: BucketLocationConstraint, ) -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { let mut buckets = client.list_buckets().into_paginator().send(); let mut num_buckets = 0; let mut in_region = 0; while let Some(Ok(output)) = buckets.next().await { for bucket in output.buckets() { num_buckets += 1; if strict { let r = client .get_bucket_location() .bucket(bucket.name().unwrap_or_default()) .send() .await?; if r.location_constraint() == Some(®ion) { println!("{}", bucket.name().unwrap_or_default()); in_region += 1; } } else { println!("{}", bucket.name().unwrap_or_default()); } } } println!(); if strict { println!( "Found {} buckets in the {} region out of a total of {} buckets.", in_region, region, num_buckets ); } else { println!("Found {} buckets in all regions.", num_buckets); } Ok(()) }
Para API obter detalhes, consulte GetBucketLocation
a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar GetObject
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. async fn get_object(client: Client, opt: Opt) -> Result<usize, S3ExampleError> { trace!("bucket: {}", opt.bucket); trace!("object: {}", opt.object); trace!("destination: {}", opt.destination.display()); let mut file = File::create(opt.destination.clone()).map_err(|err| { S3ExampleError::new(format!( "Failed to initialize file for saving S3 download: {err:?}" )) })?; let mut object = client .get_object() .bucket(opt.bucket) .key(opt.object) .send() .await?; let mut byte_count = 0_usize; while let Some(bytes) = object.body.try_next().await.map_err(|err| { S3ExampleError::new(format!("Failed to read from S3 download stream: {err:?}")) })? { let bytes_len = bytes.len(); file.write_all(&bytes).map_err(|err| { S3ExampleError::new(format!( "Failed to write from S3 download stream to local file: {err:?}" )) })?; trace!("Intermediate write of {bytes_len}"); byte_count += bytes_len; } Ok(byte_count) }
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O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar ListBuckets
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. async fn show_buckets( strict: bool, client: &Client, region: BucketLocationConstraint, ) -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { let mut buckets = client.list_buckets().into_paginator().send(); let mut num_buckets = 0; let mut in_region = 0; while let Some(Ok(output)) = buckets.next().await { for bucket in output.buckets() { num_buckets += 1; if strict { let r = client .get_bucket_location() .bucket(bucket.name().unwrap_or_default()) .send() .await?; if r.location_constraint() == Some(®ion) { println!("{}", bucket.name().unwrap_or_default()); in_region += 1; } } else { println!("{}", bucket.name().unwrap_or_default()); } } } println!(); if strict { println!( "Found {} buckets in the {} region out of a total of {} buckets.", in_region, region, num_buckets ); } else { println!("Found {} buckets in all regions.", num_buckets); } Ok(()) }
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a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar ListObjectVersions
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. async fn show_versions(client: &Client, bucket: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let resp = client.list_object_versions().bucket(bucket).send().await?; for version in resp.versions() { println!("{}", version.key().unwrap_or_default()); println!(" version ID: {}", version.version_id().unwrap_or_default()); println!(); } Ok(()) }
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a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar ListObjectsV2
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. pub async fn list_objects(client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket: &str) -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { let mut response = client .list_objects_v2() .bucket(bucket.to_owned()) .max_keys(10) // In this example, go 10 at a time. .into_paginator() .send(); while let Some(result) = response.next().await { match result { Ok(output) => { for object in output.contents() { println!(" - {}", object.key().unwrap_or("Unknown")); } } Err(err) => { eprintln!("{err:?}") } } } Ok(()) }
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em AWS SDKpara referência ao Rust API.
O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar PutObject
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. pub async fn upload_object( client: &aws_sdk_s3::Client, bucket_name: &str, file_name: &str, key: &str, ) -> Result<aws_sdk_s3::operation::put_object::PutObjectOutput, S3ExampleError> { let body = aws_sdk_s3::primitives::ByteStream::from_path(std::path::Path::new(file_name)).await; client .put_object() .bucket(bucket_name) .key(key) .body(body.unwrap()) .send() .await .map_err(S3ExampleError::from) }
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a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O código de exemplo a seguir mostra como usar UploadPart
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. let mut upload_parts: Vec<aws_sdk_s3::types::CompletedPart> = Vec::new(); for chunk_index in 0..chunk_count { let this_chunk = if chunk_count - 1 == chunk_index { size_of_last_chunk } else { CHUNK_SIZE }; let stream = ByteStream::read_from() .path(path) .offset(chunk_index * CHUNK_SIZE) .length(Length::Exact(this_chunk)) .build() .await .unwrap(); // Chunk index needs to start at 0, but part numbers start at 1. let part_number = (chunk_index as i32) + 1; let upload_part_res = client .upload_part() .key(&key) .bucket(&bucket_name) .upload_id(upload_id) .body(stream) .part_number(part_number) .send() .await?; upload_parts.push( CompletedPart::builder() .e_tag(upload_part_res.e_tag.unwrap_or_default()) .part_number(part_number) .build(), ); }
// Create a multipart upload. Use UploadPart and CompleteMultipartUpload to // upload the file. let multipart_upload_res: CreateMultipartUploadOutput = client .create_multipart_upload() .bucket(&bucket_name) .key(&key) .send() .await?; let upload_id = multipart_upload_res.upload_id().ok_or(S3ExampleError::new( "Missing upload_id after CreateMultipartUpload", ))?;
// upload_parts: Vec<aws_sdk_s3::types::CompletedPart> let completed_multipart_upload: CompletedMultipartUpload = CompletedMultipartUpload::builder() .set_parts(Some(upload_parts)) .build(); let _complete_multipart_upload_res = client .complete_multipart_upload() .bucket(&bucket_name) .key(&key) .multipart_upload(completed_multipart_upload) .upload_id(upload_id) .send() .await?;
Para API obter detalhes, consulte UploadPart
a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O exemplo de código a seguir mostra como:
Use o Amazon Polly para sintetizar um arquivo de entrada de texto simples (UTF-8) em um arquivo de áudio.
Fazer upload do arquivo de áudio para um bucket do Amazon S3.
Usar o Amazon Transcribe para converter o arquivo de áudio em texto.
Exibir o texto.
- SDKpara Rust
Use o Amazon Polly para sintetizar um arquivo de entrada de texto simples (UTF-8) em um arquivo de áudio, fazer upload do arquivo de áudio em um bucket do Amazon S3, usar o Amazon Transcribe para converter esse arquivo de áudio em texto e exibir o texto.
Para obter o código-fonte completo e instruções sobre como configurar e executar, veja o exemplo completo em GitHub
. Serviços utilizados neste exemplo
Amazon Polly
Amazon S3
Amazon Transcribe
O exemplo de código a seguir mostra como criar um pré-assinado URL para o Amazon S3 e fazer o upload de um objeto.
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. Crie solicitações pré-assinadas para objetos do GET S3.
/// Generate a URL for a presigned GET request. async fn get_object( client: &Client, bucket: &str, object: &str, expires_in: u64, ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { let expires_in = Duration::from_secs(expires_in); let presigned_request = client .get_object() .bucket(bucket) .key(object) .presigned(PresigningConfig::expires_in(expires_in)?) .await?; println!("Object URI: {}", presigned_request.uri()); let valid_until = chrono::offset::Local::now() + expires_in; println!("Valid until: {valid_until}"); Ok(()) }
Crie solicitações pré-assinadas para objetos do PUT S3.
async fn put_object( client: &Client, bucket: &str, object: &str, expires_in: u64, ) -> Result<String, S3ExampleError> { let expires_in: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(expires_in); let expires_in: aws_sdk_s3::presigning::PresigningConfig = PresigningConfig::expires_in(expires_in).map_err(|err| { S3ExampleError::new(format!( "Failed to convert expiration to PresigningConfig: {err:?}" )) })?; let presigned_request = client .put_object() .bucket(bucket) .key(object) .presigned(expires_in) .await?; Ok(presigned_request.uri().into()) }
O exemplo de código a seguir mostra como criar uma aplicação com tecnologia sem servidor que permite que os usuários gerenciem fotos usando rótulos.
- SDKpara Rust
Mostra como desenvolver uma aplicação de gerenciamento de ativos fotográficos que detecta rótulos em imagens usando o Amazon Rekognition e os armazena para recuperação posterior.
Para obter o código-fonte completo e instruções sobre como configurar e executar, veja o exemplo completo em GitHub
. Para uma análise detalhada da origem desse exemplo, veja a publicação na Comunidade da AWS
. Serviços utilizados neste exemplo
Amazon Rekognition
Amazon S3
Amazon SNS
O exemplo de código a seguir mostra como:
Salvar uma imagem em um bucket do Amazon S3.
Usar o Amazon Rekognition para detectar detalhes faciais, como faixa etária, gênero e emoções (sorriso, etc.).
Exibir esses detalhes.
- SDKpara Rust
Salve a imagem em um bucket do Amazon S3 com um prefixo uploads, use o Amazon Rekognition para detectar detalhes faciais, como faixa etária, gênero e emoções (sorriso, etc.), e exiba esses detalhes.
Para obter o código-fonte completo e instruções sobre como configurar e executar, veja o exemplo completo em GitHub
. Serviços utilizados neste exemplo
Amazon Rekognition
Amazon S3
O exemplo de código a seguir mostra como ler dados de um objeto em um bucket do S3, mas somente se esse bucket não tiver sido modificado desde a última recuperação.
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. use aws_sdk_s3::{ error::SdkError, primitives::{ByteStream, DateTime, DateTimeFormat}, Client, }; use s3_code_examples::error::S3ExampleError; use tracing::{error, warn}; const KEY: &str = "key"; const BODY: &str = "Hello, world!"; /// Demonstrate how `if-modified-since` reports that matching objects haven't /// changed. /// /// # Steps /// - Create a bucket. /// - Put an object in the bucket. /// - Get the bucket headers. /// - Get the bucket headers again but only if modified. /// - Delete the bucket. #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); // Get a new UUID to use when creating a unique bucket name. let uuid = uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); // Load the AWS configuration from the environment. let client = Client::new(&aws_config::load_from_env().await); // Generate a unique bucket name using the previously generated UUID. // Then create a new bucket with that name. let bucket_name = format!("if-modified-since-{uuid}"); client .create_bucket() .bucket(bucket_name.clone()) .send() .await?; // Create a new object in the bucket whose name is `KEY` and whose // contents are `BODY`. let put_object_output = client .put_object() .bucket(bucket_name.as_str()) .key(KEY) .body(ByteStream::from_static(BODY.as_bytes())) .send() .await; // If the `PutObject` succeeded, get the eTag string from it. Otherwise, // report an error and return an empty string. let e_tag_1 = match put_object_output { Ok(put_object) => put_object.e_tag.unwrap(), Err(err) => { error!("{err:?}"); String::new() } }; // Request the object's headers. let head_object_output = client .head_object() .bucket(bucket_name.as_str()) .key(KEY) .send() .await; // If the `HeadObject` request succeeded, create a tuple containing the // values of the headers `last-modified` and `etag`. If the request // failed, return the error in a tuple instead. let (last_modified, e_tag_2) = match head_object_output { Ok(head_object) => ( Ok(head_object.last_modified().cloned().unwrap()), head_object.e_tag.unwrap(), ), Err(err) => (Err(err), String::new()), }; warn!("last modified: {last_modified:?}"); assert_eq!( e_tag_1, e_tag_2, "PutObject and first GetObject had differing eTags" ); println!("First value of last_modified: {last_modified:?}"); println!("First tag: {}\n", e_tag_1); // Send a second `HeadObject` request. This time, the `if_modified_since` // option is specified, giving the `last_modified` value returned by the // first call to `HeadObject`. // // Since the object hasn't been changed, and there are no other objects in // the bucket, there should be no matching objects. let head_object_output = client .head_object() .bucket(bucket_name.as_str()) .key(KEY) .if_modified_since(last_modified.unwrap()) .send() .await; // If the `HeadObject` request succeeded, the result is a typle containing // the `last_modified` and `e_tag_1` properties. This is _not_ the expected // result. // // The _expected_ result of the second call to `HeadObject` is an // `SdkError::ServiceError` containing the HTTP error response. If that's // the case and the HTTP status is 304 (not modified), the output is a // tuple containing the values of the HTTP `last-modified` and `etag` // headers. // // If any other HTTP error occurred, the error is returned as an // `SdkError::ServiceError`. let (last_modified, e_tag_2) = match head_object_output { Ok(head_object) => ( Ok(head_object.last_modified().cloned().unwrap()), head_object.e_tag.unwrap(), ), Err(err) => match err { SdkError::ServiceError(err) => { // Get the raw HTTP response. If its status is 304, the // object has not changed. This is the expected code path. let http = err.raw(); match http.status().as_u16() { // If the HTTP status is 304: Not Modified, return a // tuple containing the values of the HTTP // `last-modified` and `etag` headers. 304 => ( Ok(DateTime::from_str( http.headers().get("last-modified").unwrap(), DateTimeFormat::HttpDate, ) .unwrap()), http.headers().get("etag").map(|t| t.into()).unwrap(), ), // Any other HTTP status code is returned as an // `SdkError::ServiceError`. _ => (Err(SdkError::ServiceError(err)), String::new()), } } // Any other kind of error is returned in a tuple containing the // error and an empty string. _ => (Err(err), String::new()), }, }; warn!("last modified: {last_modified:?}"); assert_eq!( e_tag_1, e_tag_2, "PutObject and second HeadObject had different eTags" ); println!("Second value of last modified: {last_modified:?}"); println!("Second tag: {}", e_tag_2); // Clean up by deleting the object and the bucket. client .delete_object() .bucket(bucket_name.as_str()) .key(KEY) .send() .await?; client .delete_bucket() .bucket(bucket_name.as_str()) .send() .await?; Ok(()) }
Para API obter detalhes, consulte GetObject
a AWS SDKAPIreferência do Rust.
O exemplo de código a seguir mostra como:
Obtenha EXIF informações de um PNG arquivo a JPGJPEG, ou.
Fazer upload do arquivo de imagem para um bucket do Amazon S3.
Usar o Amazon Rekognition para identificar os três principais atributos (rótulos) no arquivo.
Adicione as informações EXIF e o rótulo a uma tabela do Amazon DynamoDB na região.
- SDKpara Rust
Obtenha EXIF informações de um arquivoJPG, ouJPEG, carregue o PNG arquivo de imagem em um bucket do Amazon S3, use o Amazon Rekognition para identificar os três principais atributos (rótulos no Amazon Rekognition) no arquivo e adicione as informações e rótulos a uma tabela do Amazon DynamoDB na região. EXIF
Para obter o código-fonte completo e instruções sobre como configurar e executar, veja o exemplo completo em GitHub
. Serviços usados neste exemplo
Amazon Rekognition
Amazon S3
O exemplo de código a seguir mostra exemplos de técnicas de melhores práticas ao escrever testes unitários e de integração usando um AWS SDK.
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. Cargo.toml para exemplos de testes.
[package] name = "testing-examples" version = "0.1.0" authors = [ "John Disanti <jdisanti@amazon.com>", "Doug Schwartz <dougsch@amazon.com>", ] edition = "2021" [dependencies] async-trait = "0.1.51" aws-config = { version = "1.0.1", features = ["behavior-version-latest"] } aws-credential-types = { version = "1.0.1", features = [ "hardcoded-credentials", ] } aws-sdk-s3 = { version = "1.4.0" } aws-smithy-types = { version = "1.0.1" } aws-smithy-runtime = { version = "1.0.1", features = ["test-util"] } aws-smithy-runtime-api = { version = "1.0.1", features = ["test-util"] } aws-types = { version = "1.0.1" } clap = { version = "4.4", features = ["derive"] } http = "0.2.9" mockall = "0.11.4" serde_json = "1" tokio = { version = "1.20.1", features = ["full"] } tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.15", features = ["env-filter"] } [[bin]] name = "main" path = "src/main.rs"
Exemplo de teste de unidade usando automock e um wrapper de serviço.
use aws_sdk_s3 as s3; #[allow(unused_imports)] use mockall::automock; use s3::operation::list_objects_v2::{ListObjectsV2Error, ListObjectsV2Output}; #[cfg(test)] pub use MockS3Impl as S3; #[cfg(not(test))] pub use S3Impl as S3; #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct S3Impl { inner: s3::Client, } #[cfg_attr(test, automock)] impl S3Impl { #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn new(inner: s3::Client) -> Self { Self { inner } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn list_objects( &self, bucket: &str, prefix: &str, continuation_token: Option<String>, ) -> Result<ListObjectsV2Output, s3::error::SdkError<ListObjectsV2Error>> { self.inner .list_objects_v2() .bucket(bucket) .prefix(prefix) .set_continuation_token(continuation_token) .send() .await } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn determine_prefix_file_size( // Now we take a reference to our trait object instead of the S3 client // s3_list: ListObjectsService, s3_list: S3, bucket: &str, prefix: &str, ) -> Result<usize, s3::Error> { let mut next_token: Option<String> = None; let mut total_size_bytes = 0; loop { let result = s3_list .list_objects(bucket, prefix, next_token.take()) .await?; // Add up the file sizes we got back for object in result.contents() { total_size_bytes += object.size().unwrap_or(0) as usize; } // Handle pagination, and break the loop if there are no more pages next_token = result.next_continuation_token.clone(); if next_token.is_none() { break; } } Ok(total_size_bytes) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use mockall::predicate::eq; #[tokio::test] async fn test_single_page() { let mut mock = MockS3Impl::default(); mock.expect_list_objects() .with(eq("test-bucket"), eq("test-prefix"), eq(None)) .return_once(|_, _, _| { Ok(ListObjectsV2Output::builder() .set_contents(Some(vec![ // Mock content for ListObjectsV2 response s3::types::Object::builder().size(5).build(), s3::types::Object::builder().size(2).build(), ])) .build()) }); // Run the code we want to test with it let size = determine_prefix_file_size(mock, "test-bucket", "test-prefix") .await .unwrap(); // Verify we got the correct total size back assert_eq!(7, size); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_multiple_pages() { // Create the Mock instance with two pages of objects now let mut mock = MockS3Impl::default(); mock.expect_list_objects() .with(eq("test-bucket"), eq("test-prefix"), eq(None)) .return_once(|_, _, _| { Ok(ListObjectsV2Output::builder() .set_contents(Some(vec![ // Mock content for ListObjectsV2 response s3::types::Object::builder().size(5).build(), s3::types::Object::builder().size(2).build(), ])) .set_next_continuation_token(Some("next".to_string())) .build()) }); mock.expect_list_objects() .with( eq("test-bucket"), eq("test-prefix"), eq(Some("next".to_string())), ) .return_once(|_, _, _| { Ok(ListObjectsV2Output::builder() .set_contents(Some(vec![ // Mock content for ListObjectsV2 response s3::types::Object::builder().size(3).build(), s3::types::Object::builder().size(9).build(), ])) .build()) }); // Run the code we want to test with it let size = determine_prefix_file_size(mock, "test-bucket", "test-prefix") .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(19, size); } }
Exemplo de teste de integração usando StaticReplayClient.
use aws_sdk_s3 as s3; #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn determine_prefix_file_size( // Now we take a reference to our trait object instead of the S3 client // s3_list: ListObjectsService, s3: s3::Client, bucket: &str, prefix: &str, ) -> Result<usize, s3::Error> { let mut next_token: Option<String> = None; let mut total_size_bytes = 0; loop { let result = s3 .list_objects_v2() .prefix(prefix) .bucket(bucket) .set_continuation_token(next_token.take()) .send() .await?; // Add up the file sizes we got back for object in result.contents() { total_size_bytes += object.size().unwrap_or(0) as usize; } // Handle pagination, and break the loop if there are no more pages next_token = result.next_continuation_token.clone(); if next_token.is_none() { break; } } Ok(total_size_bytes) } #[allow(dead_code)] fn make_s3_test_credentials() -> s3::config::Credentials { s3::config::Credentials::new( "ATESTCLIENT", "astestsecretkey", Some("atestsessiontoken".to_string()), None, "", ) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use aws_config::BehaviorVersion; use aws_sdk_s3 as s3; use aws_smithy_runtime::client::http::test_util::{ReplayEvent, StaticReplayClient}; use aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody; #[tokio::test] async fn test_single_page() { let page_1 = ReplayEvent::new( http::Request::builder() .method("GET") .uri("https://test-bucket.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/?list-type=2&prefix=test-prefix") .body(SdkBody::empty()) .unwrap(), http::Response::builder() .status(200) .body(SdkBody::from(include_str!("./testing/response_1.xml"))) .unwrap(), ); let replay_client = StaticReplayClient::new(vec![page_1]); let client: s3::Client = s3::Client::from_conf( s3::Config::builder() .behavior_version(BehaviorVersion::latest()) .credentials_provider(make_s3_test_credentials()) .region(s3::config::Region::new("us-east-1")) .http_client(replay_client.clone()) .build(), ); // Run the code we want to test with it let size = determine_prefix_file_size(client, "test-bucket", "test-prefix") .await .unwrap(); // Verify we got the correct total size back assert_eq!(7, size); replay_client.assert_requests_match(&[]); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_multiple_pages() { let page_1 = ReplayEvent::new( http::Request::builder() .method("GET") .uri("https://test-bucket.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/?list-type=2&prefix=test-prefix") .body(SdkBody::empty()) .unwrap(), http::Response::builder() .status(200) .body(SdkBody::from(include_str!("./testing/response_multi_1.xml"))) .unwrap(), ); let page_2 = ReplayEvent::new( http::Request::builder() .method("GET") .uri("https://test-bucket.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/?list-type=2&prefix=test-prefix&continuation-token=next") .body(SdkBody::empty()) .unwrap(), http::Response::builder() .status(200) .body(SdkBody::from(include_str!("./testing/response_multi_2.xml"))) .unwrap(), ); let replay_client = StaticReplayClient::new(vec![page_1, page_2]); let client: s3::Client = s3::Client::from_conf( s3::Config::builder() .behavior_version(BehaviorVersion::latest()) .credentials_provider(make_s3_test_credentials()) .region(s3::config::Region::new("us-east-1")) .http_client(replay_client.clone()) .build(), ); // Run the code we want to test with it let size = determine_prefix_file_size(client, "test-bucket", "test-prefix") .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(19, size); replay_client.assert_requests_match(&[]); } }
O exemplo de código a seguir mostra como fazer upload ou download de arquivos grandes de e para o Amazon S3.
Para obter mais informações, consulte Carregar um objeto usando carregamento fracionado.
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. use std::fs::File; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::path::Path; use aws_config::meta::region::RegionProviderChain; use aws_sdk_s3::error::DisplayErrorContext; use aws_sdk_s3::operation::{ create_multipart_upload::CreateMultipartUploadOutput, get_object::GetObjectOutput, }; use aws_sdk_s3::types::{CompletedMultipartUpload, CompletedPart}; use aws_sdk_s3::{config::Region, Client as S3Client}; use aws_smithy_types::byte_stream::{ByteStream, Length}; use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use s3_code_examples::error::S3ExampleError; use std::process; use uuid::Uuid; //In bytes, minimum chunk size of 5MB. Increase CHUNK_SIZE to send larger chunks. const CHUNK_SIZE: u64 = 1024 * 1024 * 5; const MAX_CHUNKS: u64 = 10000; #[tokio::main] pub async fn main() { if let Err(err) = run_example().await { eprintln!("Error: {}", DisplayErrorContext(err)); process::exit(1); } } async fn run_example() -> Result<(), S3ExampleError> { let shared_config = aws_config::load_from_env().await; let client = S3Client::new(&shared_config); let bucket_name = format!("amzn-s3-demo-bucket-{}", Uuid::new_v4()); let region_provider = RegionProviderChain::first_try(Region::new("us-west-2")); let region = region_provider.region().await.unwrap(); s3_code_examples::create_bucket(&client, &bucket_name, ®ion).await?; let key = "sample.txt".to_string(); // Create a multipart upload. Use UploadPart and CompleteMultipartUpload to // upload the file. let multipart_upload_res: CreateMultipartUploadOutput = client .create_multipart_upload() .bucket(&bucket_name) .key(&key) .send() .await?; let upload_id = multipart_upload_res.upload_id().ok_or(S3ExampleError::new( "Missing upload_id after CreateMultipartUpload", ))?; //Create a file of random characters for the upload. let mut file = File::create(&key).expect("Could not create sample file."); // Loop until the file is 5 chunks. while file.metadata().unwrap().len() <= CHUNK_SIZE * 4 { let rand_string: String = thread_rng() .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(256) .map(char::from) .collect(); let return_string: String = "\n".to_string(); file.write_all(rand_string.as_ref()) .expect("Error writing to file."); file.write_all(return_string.as_ref()) .expect("Error writing to file."); } let path = Path::new(&key); let file_size = tokio::fs::metadata(path) .await .expect("it exists I swear") .len(); let mut chunk_count = (file_size / CHUNK_SIZE) + 1; let mut size_of_last_chunk = file_size % CHUNK_SIZE; if size_of_last_chunk == 0 { size_of_last_chunk = CHUNK_SIZE; chunk_count -= 1; } if file_size == 0 { return Err(S3ExampleError::new("Bad file size.")); } if chunk_count > MAX_CHUNKS { return Err(S3ExampleError::new( "Too many chunks! Try increasing your chunk size.", )); } let mut upload_parts: Vec<aws_sdk_s3::types::CompletedPart> = Vec::new(); for chunk_index in 0..chunk_count { let this_chunk = if chunk_count - 1 == chunk_index { size_of_last_chunk } else { CHUNK_SIZE }; let stream = ByteStream::read_from() .path(path) .offset(chunk_index * CHUNK_SIZE) .length(Length::Exact(this_chunk)) .build() .await .unwrap(); // Chunk index needs to start at 0, but part numbers start at 1. let part_number = (chunk_index as i32) + 1; let upload_part_res = client .upload_part() .key(&key) .bucket(&bucket_name) .upload_id(upload_id) .body(stream) .part_number(part_number) .send() .await?; upload_parts.push( CompletedPart::builder() .e_tag(upload_part_res.e_tag.unwrap_or_default()) .part_number(part_number) .build(), ); } // upload_parts: Vec<aws_sdk_s3::types::CompletedPart> let completed_multipart_upload: CompletedMultipartUpload = CompletedMultipartUpload::builder() .set_parts(Some(upload_parts)) .build(); let _complete_multipart_upload_res = client .complete_multipart_upload() .bucket(&bucket_name) .key(&key) .multipart_upload(completed_multipart_upload) .upload_id(upload_id) .send() .await?; let data: GetObjectOutput = s3_code_examples::download_object(&client, &bucket_name, &key).await?; let data_length: u64 = data .content_length() .unwrap_or_default() .try_into() .unwrap(); if file.metadata().unwrap().len() == data_length { println!("Data lengths match."); } else { println!("The data was not the same size!"); } s3_code_examples::clear_bucket(&client, &bucket_name) .await .expect("Error emptying bucket."); s3_code_examples::delete_bucket(&client, &bucket_name) .await .expect("Error deleting bucket."); Ok(()) }
Exemplos sem servidor
O exemplo de código a seguir mostra como implementar uma função do Lambda que recebe um evento acionado pelo upload de um objeto para um bucket do S3. A função recupera o nome do bucket do S3 e a chave do objeto do parâmetro de evento e chama o Amazon API S3 para recuperar e registrar o tipo de conteúdo do objeto.
- SDKpara Rust
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. Consumir um evento do S3 com o Lambda usando Rust.
// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 use aws_lambda_events::event::s3::S3Event; use aws_sdk_s3::{Client}; use lambda_runtime::{run, service_fn, Error, LambdaEvent}; /// Main function #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_max_level(tracing::Level::INFO) .with_target(false) .without_time() .init(); // Initialize the AWS SDK for Rust let config = aws_config::load_from_env().await; let s3_client = Client::new(&config); let res = run(service_fn(|request: LambdaEvent<S3Event>| { function_handler(&s3_client, request) })).await; res } async fn function_handler( s3_client: &Client, evt: LambdaEvent<S3Event> ) -> Result<(), Error> { tracing::info!(records = ?evt.payload.records.len(), "Received request from SQS"); if evt.payload.records.len() == 0 { tracing::info!("Empty S3 event received"); } let bucket = evt.payload.records[0].s3.bucket.name.as_ref().expect("Bucket name to exist"); let key = evt.payload.records[0].s3.object.key.as_ref().expect("Object key to exist"); tracing::info!("Request is for {} and object {}", bucket, key); let s3_get_object_result = s3_client .get_object() .bucket(bucket) .key(key) .send() .await; match s3_get_object_result { Ok(_) => tracing::info!("S3 Get Object success, the s3GetObjectResult contains a 'body' property of type ByteStream"), Err(_) => tracing::info!("Failure with S3 Get Object request") } Ok(()) }