Submit with Deadline Cloud - Deadline Cloud

Submit with Deadline Cloud

To run Deadline Cloud jobs on your worker hosts, you create and use an Open Job Description (OpenJD) job bundle to configure a job. The bundle configures the job, for example by specifying input files for a job and where to write the output of the job. This topic includes examples of ways that you can configure a job bundle.

Before you can follow the procedures in this section, you must complete the following:

To use AWS Deadline Cloud to run jobs, use the following procedures. Use the first AWS CloudShell tab to submit jobs to your developer farm. Use the second CloudShell tab to view the worker agent output.

Submit the simple_job sample

After you create a farm and run the worker agent, you can submit the simple_job sample to Deadline Cloud.

To submit the simple_job sample to Deadline Cloud
  1. Download the sample from GitHub.

    cd ~ git clone
  2. Choose your first CloudShell tab, then navigate to the job bundle samples directory.

    cd ~/deadline-cloud-samples/job_bundles/
  3. Submit the simple_job sample.

    deadline bundle submit simple_job
  4. Choose your second CloudShell tab to view the logging output about calling BatchGetJobEntities, getting a session, and running a session action.

    ... [2024-03-27 16:00:21,846][INFO ] 🔷 Session.Starting 🔷 [session-053d77cef82648fe2] Starting new Session. [queue-3ba4ff683ff54db09b851a2ed8327d7b/job-d34cc98a6e234b6f82577940ab4f76c6] [2024-03-27 16:00:21,853][INFO ] 📤 API.Req 📤 [deadline:BatchGetJobEntity] resource={'farm-id': 'farm-3e24cfc9bbcd423e9c1b6754bc1', 'fleet-id': 'fleet-246ee60f46d44559b6cce010d05', 'worker-id': 'worker-75e0fce9c3c344a69bff57fcd83'} params={'identifiers': [{'jobDetails': {'jobId': 'job-d34cc98a6e234b6f82577940ab4'}}]} request_url= /fleets/fleet-246ee60f46d44559b1 /workers/worker- 75e0fce9c3c344a69b /batchGetJobEntity [2024-03-27 16:00:22,013][INFO ] 📥 API.Resp 📥 [deadline:BatchGetJobEntity](200) params={'entities': [{'jobDetails': {'jobId': 'job-d34cc98a6e234b6f82577940ab6', 'jobRunAsUser': {'posix': {'user': 'job-user', 'group': 'job-group'}, 'runAs': 'QUEUE_CONFIGURED_USER'}, 'logGroupName': '/aws/deadline/farm-3e24cfc9bbcd423e9c1b6754bc1/queue-3ba4ff683ff54db09b851a2ed83', 'parameters': '*REDACTED*', 'schemaVersion': 'jobtemplate-2023-09'}}], 'errors': []} request_id=a3f55914-6470-439e-89e5-313f0c6 [2024-03-27 16:00:22,013][INFO ] 🔷 Session.Add 🔷 [session-053d77cef82648fea9c69827182] Appended new SessionActions. (ActionIds: ['sessionaction-053d77cef82648fea9c69827182-0']) [queue-3ba4ff683ff54db09b851a2ed8b/job-d34cc98a6e234b6f82577940ab6] [2024-03-27 16:00:22,014][WARNING ] 🔷 Session.User 🔷 [session-053d77cef82648fea9c69827182] Running as the Worker Agent's user. (User: cloudshell-user) [queue-3ba4ff683ff54db09b851a2ed8b/job-d34cc98a6e234b6f82577940ac6] [2024-03-27 16:00:22,015][WARNING ] 🔷 Session.AWSCreds 🔷 [session-053d77cef82648fea9c69827182] AWS Credentials are not available: Queue has no IAM Role. [queue-3ba4ff683ff54db09b851a2ed8b/job-d34cc98a6e234b6f82577940ab6] [2024-03-27 16:00:22,026][INFO ] 🔷 Session.Logs 🔷 [session-053d77cef82648fea9c69827182] Logs streamed to: AWS CloudWatch Logs. (LogDestination: /aws/deadline/farm-3e24cfc9bbcd423e9c1b6754bc1/queue-3ba4ff683ff54db09b851a2ed83/session-053d77cef82648fea9c69827181) [queue-3ba4ff683ff54db09b851a2ed83/job-d34cc98a6e234b6f82577940ab4] [2024-03-27 16:00:22,026][INFO ] 🔷 Session.Logs 🔷 [session-053d77cef82648fea9c69827182] Logs streamed to: local file. (LogDestination: /home/cloudshell-user/demoenv-logs/queue-3ba4ff683ff54db09b851a2ed8b/session-053d77cef82648fea9c69827182.log) [queue-3ba4ff683ff54db09b851a2ed83/job-d34cc98a6e234b6f82577940ab4] ...

    Only the logging output from the worker agent is shown. There is a separate log for the session that runs the job.

  5. Choose your first tab, then inspect the log files that the worker agent writes.

    1. Navigate to the worker agent logs directory and view its contents.

      cd ~/demoenv-logs ls
    2. Print the first log file that the worker agent creates.

      cat worker-agent-bootstrap.log

      This file contains worker agent output about how it called the Deadline Cloud API to create a worker resource in your fleet, and then assumed the fleet role.

    3. Print the log file output when the worker agent joins the fleet.

      cat worker-agent.log

      This log contains outputs about all the actions that the worker agent takes, but doesn't contain output about the queues it runs jobs from, except for the IDs of those resources.

    4. Print the log files for each session in a directory that is named the same as the queue resource id.

      cat $DEV_QUEUE_ID/session-*.log

      If the job is successful, the log file output will be similar to the following:

      cat $DEV_QUEUE_ID/$(ls -t $DEV_QUEUE_ID | head -1) 2024-03-27 16:00:22,026 WARNING Session running with no AWS Credentials. 2024-03-27 16:00:22,404 INFO 2024-03-27 16:00:22,405 INFO ============================================== 2024-03-27 16:00:22,405 INFO --------- Running Task 2024-03-27 16:00:22,405 INFO ============================================== 2024-03-27 16:00:22,406 INFO ---------------------------------------------- 2024-03-27 16:00:22,406 INFO Phase: Setup 2024-03-27 16:00:22,406 INFO ---------------------------------------------- 2024-03-27 16:00:22,406 INFO Writing embedded files for Task to disk. 2024-03-27 16:00:22,406 INFO Mapping: Task.File.runScript -> /sessions/session-053d77cef82648fea9c698271812a/embedded_fileswa_gj55_/tmp2u9yqtsz 2024-03-27 16:00:22,406 INFO Wrote: runScript -> /sessions/session-053d77cef82648fea9c698271812a/embedded_fileswa_gj55_/tmp2u9yqtsz 2024-03-27 16:00:22,407 INFO ---------------------------------------------- 2024-03-27 16:00:22,407 INFO Phase: Running action 2024-03-27 16:00:22,407 INFO ---------------------------------------------- 2024-03-27 16:00:22,407 INFO Running command /sessions/session-053d77cef82648fea9c698271812a/ 2024-03-27 16:00:22,414 INFO Command started as pid: 471 2024-03-27 16:00:22,415 INFO Output: 2024-03-27 16:00:22,420 INFO Welcome to AWS Deadline Cloud! 2024-03-27 16:00:22,571 INFO 2024-03-27 16:00:22,572 INFO ============================================== 2024-03-27 16:00:22,572 INFO --------- Session Cleanup 2024-03-27 16:00:22,572 INFO ============================================== 2024-03-27 16:00:22,572 INFO Deleting working directory: /sessions/session-053d77cef82648fea9c698271812a
  6. Print information about the job.

    deadline job get

    When you submit the job, the system saves it as the default so you don't have to enter the job ID.

Submit a simple_job with a parameter

You can submit jobs with parameters. In the following procedure, you edit the simple_job template to include a custom message, submit the simple_job, then print the session log file to view the message.

To submit the simple_job sample with a parameter
  1. Select your first CloudShell tab, then navigate to the job bundle samples directory.

    cd ~/deadline-cloud-samples/job_bundles/
  2. Print the contents of the simple_job template.

    cat simple_job/template.yaml

    The parameterDefinitions section with the Message parameter should look like the following:

    parameterDefinitions: - name: Message type: STRING default: Welcome to AWS Deadline Cloud!
  3. Submit the simple_job sample with a parameter value, then wait for the job to finish running.

    deadline bundle submit simple_job \ -p "Message=Greetings from the developer getting started guide."
  4. To see the custom message, view the most recent session log file.

    cd ~/demoenv-logs cat $DEV_QUEUE_ID/$(ls -t $DEV_QUEUE_ID | head -1)

Create a simple_file_job job bundle with file I/O

A render job needs to read the scene definition, render an image from it, and then save that image to an output file. You can simulate this action by making the job compute the hash of the input instead of rendering an image.

To create a simple_file_job job bundle with file I/O
  1. Select your first CloudShell tab, then navigate to the job bundle samples directory.

    cd ~/deadline-cloud-samples/job_bundles/
  2. Make a copy of simple_job with the new name simple_file_job.

    cp -r simple_job simple_file_job
  3. Edit the job template as follows:


    We recommend that you use nano for these steps. If you prefer to use Vim, you must set its paste mode using :set paste.

    1. Open the template in a text editor.

      nano simple_file_job/template.yaml
    2. Add the following type, objectType, and dataFlow parameterDefinitions.

      - name: InFile type: PATH objectType: FILE dataFlow: IN - name: OutFile type: PATH objectType: FILE dataFlow: OUT
    3. Add the following bash script command to the end of the file that reads from the input file and writes to the output file.

      # hash the input file, and write that to the output sha256sum "{{Param.InFile}}" > "{{Param.OutFile}}"

      The updated template.yaml should exactly match the following:

      specificationVersion: 'jobtemplate-2023-09' name: Simple File Job Bundle Example parameterDefinitions: - name: Message type: STRING default: Welcome to AWS Deadline Cloud! - name: InFile type: PATH objectType: FILE dataFlow: IN - name: OutFile type: PATH objectType: FILE dataFlow: OUT steps: - name: WelcomeToDeadlineCloud script: actions: onRun: command: '{{Task.File.runScript}}' embeddedFiles: - name: runScript type: TEXT runnable: true data: | #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "{{Param.Message}}" # hash the input file, and write that to the output sha256sum "{{Param.InFile}}" > "{{Param.OutFile}}"

      If you want to adjust the spacing in the template.yaml, make sure that you use spaces instead of indentations.

    4. Save the file, and exit the text editor.

  4. Provide parameter values for the input and output files to submit the simple_file_job.

    deadline bundle submit simple_file_job \ -p "InFile=simple_job/template.yaml" \ -p "OutFile=hash.txt"
  5. Print information about the job.

    deadline job get
    • You will see output such as the following:

      parameters: Message: string: Welcome to AWS Deadline Cloud! InFile: path: /local/home/cloudshell-user/BundleFiles/JobBundle-Examples/simple_job/template.yaml OutFile: path: /local/home/cloudshell-user/BundleFiles/JobBundle-Examples/hash.txt
    • Although you only provided relative paths, the parameters have the full path set. The AWS CLI joins the current working directory to any paths that are provided as parameters when the paths have the type PATH.

    • The worker agent running in the other terminal window picks up and runs the job. This action creates the hash.txt file, which you can view with the following command.

      cat hash.txt

      This command will print output similar to the following.

      eaa2df5d34b54be5ac34c56a24a8c237b8487231a607eaf530a04d76b89c9cd3 /local/home/cloudshell-user/BundleFiles/JobBundle-Examples/simple_job/template.yaml

Next steps

After learning how to submit simple jobs using the Deadline Cloud CLI, you can explore: