AWS Infrastructure Composer troubleshooting - AWS Infrastructure Composer

AWS Infrastructure Composer troubleshooting

The topics in this section provide guidance on troubleshooting error messages when using AWS Infrastructure Composer.

Error messages

"Can't open this folder"

Example error:

"Can't open this folder" error message displayed in Infrastructure Composer
Possible cause: Infrastructure Composer is unable to access a sensitive directory using local sync mode.

To learn more about this error, see Data Infrastructure Composer gains access to.

Try connecting to a different local directory or using Infrastructure Composer with local sync deactivated.

"Incompatible template"

Example error: When loading a new project in Infrastructure Composer, you see the following:

Possible cause: Your project contains an externally referenced file that isn’t supported in Infrastructure Composer.

To learn about supported external files in Infrastructure Composer, see Reference external files.

Possible cause: Your project links to an external file in a different local directory.

Move your externally referenced file to a subdirectory of the directory that you select to use with Infrastructure Composer local sync mode.

"The provided folder contains an existing template.yaml"

When attempting to activate local sync, you see the following error:

"The provided folder contains an existing template.yaml" error message in Infrastructure Composer
Possible cause: Your selected folder already contains a template.yaml file.

Select another directory that doesn’t contain an application template, or create a new directory.

"Your browser doesn't have permissions to save your project in that folder..."

Possible cause: Infrastructure Composer is unable to access a sensitive directory using local sync mode.

To learn more about this error, see Data Infrastructure Composer gains access to.

Try connecting to a different local directory or use Infrastructure Composer with local sync deactivated.