AWS managed policies for AWS Launch Wizard - AWS Launch Wizard

AWS managed policies for AWS Launch Wizard

An AWS managed policy is a standalone policy that is created and administered by AWS. AWS managed policies are designed to provide permissions for many common use cases so that you can start assigning permissions to users, groups, and roles.

Keep in mind that AWS managed policies might not grant least-privilege permissions for your specific use cases because they're available for all AWS customers to use. We recommend that you reduce permissions further by defining customer managed policies that are specific to your use cases.

You cannot change the permissions defined in AWS managed policies. If AWS updates the permissions defined in an AWS managed policy, the update affects all principal identities (users, groups, and roles) that the policy is attached to. AWS is most likely to update an AWS managed policy when a new AWS service is launched or new API operations become available for existing services.

For more information, see AWS managed policies in the IAM User Guide.

AWS managed policy: AmazonLaunchWizardFullAccessV2

You can attach the AmazonLaunchWizardFullAccessV2 policy to your IAM identities.

This policy grants administrative permissions that allow full access to AWS Launch Wizard and other required services. To view the managed policy content, see the AmazonLaunchWizardFullAccessV2 page in the AWS Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • launchwizard – Allows all Launch Wizard actions.

  • applicationinsights – Allows all CloudWatch Application Insights actions. This permission is required so that an application can be tracked and configured by CloudWatch Application Insights, which provides Launch Wizard with more visibility and insight into the service through functionality such as monitoring and data analysis.

  • route53 – Allows changing and listing resource record sets, listing hosted zones, and listing hosted zones by name. This is required so that scripts running on instances in your account for SAP deployments can perform these actions.

  • s3 – Allows all get or list operations for all resources, and allows for creation, deletion, and getting objects from a bucket, and putting objects in a bucket for certain Launch Wizard and SAP resources. This is required so that the Launch Wizard service can both view and update buckets and contents in Amazon S3 for tasks such as reading and storing scripts that are run on instances in its deployments.

  • kms – Allows listing all AWS KMS keys and aliases. This is required so that Launch Wizard can view keys and aliases in your account.

  • cloudwatch – Allows all get, list, or describe actions for all resources, and allows Launch Wizard alarms and instance profiles to be created, updated, deleted, or described. This is required so that Launch Wizard can create and manage alarms to track metrics.

  • ec2 – Allows creation of all security groups, authorization of ingress rules for all security groups, all get or describe operations, and creation of all VPCs, NAT/internet gateways, subnets, routes/route tables, and key pairs. Allows instances from the AWS CloudFormation stacks in Launch Wizard deployments to be stopped or terminated. Allows anything called from the Launch Wizard endpoint to perform other Amazon EC2 actions. This is required so that all EC2-related resources deployed from the Launch Wizard CloudFormation stacks can be appropriately created and managed.

  • cloudformation – Allows all Launch Wizard and CloudWatch Application Insights CloudFormation stacks to be described and listed. Allows all get operations, all resources to be signaled, and all Launch Wizard stacks to be deleted. Allows all stacks to be created, and allows describe account limits, describe stack drift detection status, all list operations, and tagging of resources with all tag keys, starting with "LaunchWizard". This is required so that Launch Wizard can create CloudFormation stacks in your account, so that the stacks are appropriately signaled, and so that you can view and delete those stacks.

  • iam – Allows Launch Wizard EC2 roles and instance profiles to be created and deleted and attached/detached. Allows Launch Wizard EC2 and AWS Lambda roles and instance profiles to be passed a role as long as it is passed to Lambda or EC2. Allows get operations for all roles or policies, all list operations, and all roles linked to Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, CloudWatch Application Insights, or Amazon EventBridge to be created. This is required so that Launch Wizard can create necessary roles and attach the appropriatepolicies to them to ensure that resources in the Launch Wizard CloudFormation stacks and elsewhere in the service have the appropriate permissions.

  • autoscaling – Allows Launch Wizard Auto Scaling groups, launch configurations, and associated tags, to be created, deleted, and updated. This is required so that the Launch Wizard SQL CloudFormation stacks can perform these actions for the RDGW nodes in its deployments.

  • logs – Allows log groups with names beginning with LaunchWizard to be created and deleted. Allows log streams, log events, and tags to be created, listed, and deleted for log groups with names that begin with LaunchWizard. This is required so that Launch Wizard can publish logs to your account so that a you can view the events from their deployments.

  • sns – Allows Launch Wizard Amazon SNS topics to be created, deleted, subscribed to, and unsubscribed from. Allows all Amazon SNS subscriptions to be listed and messages to be published. This is required so that the Launch Wizard Amazon SNS queues to send signals between resources and Launch Wizard Lambda functions know when to proceed with steps in their event-based workflows.

  • resource-groups – Allows resource groups whose names begin with "LaunchWizard" to be created, deleted, or listed. This is required so that Launch Wizard resources can be grouped together in a resource group, and so that the groups can be viewed or deleted.

  • ds – Allows creation and deletion of a Microsoft Active Directory, adding IP routes, and all describe operations. This is required so that Active Directories can be created, deleted, and viewed in Launch Wizard SQL Server deployments, and so that IP routes can be added to them.

  • sqs – Allows all queues with "SQS" in the name to be tagged, listed, created, and deleted. Allows any queue attributes to be set and read, and for the queue URL to be read and permissions added. This is required so that Launch Wizard SAP deployments can have a queue in the deployment on which these actions can be performed.

  • elasticfilesystem – Allows all Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) resources, and associated tags, to be created, deleted, and described. Allows mount targets to be created, deleted, and described. This is required so that Launch Wizard SAP deployments can create file systems in your account with the appropriate mount targets.

  • lambda – Allows AWS Lambda functions with "LaunchWizard" in the name to be created, deleted, read, and invoked. This is required so that Launch Wizard SAP deployments can perform some Lambda functions at the end of CloudFormation stacks for configuration in your account or for parameter validation.

  • dynamodb – Allows all tables with a name starting with "LaunchWizard" to be created, deleted, or described. This is required so that Launch Wizard scripts for SAP can publish events and metadata from the events of the running threads into a Amazon DynamoDB table in your account.

  • secretsmanager – Allows all secrets with a name starting with "LaunchWizard" to be created, deleted, retrieved, and restored, all resources to be tagged or untagged, all resource policies to be created and deleted, secret version IDs to be listed, and secret values to be updated. Allows all random passwords to be generated and all secrets to be listed. This is required so that secrets can be created in your account to perform operations, such as decrypting a password in order to RDP into an instance from their deployment.

  • fsx – Allows Amazon FSx file systems to be created by Launch Wizard. Allows describing file system properties, listing all tags on the Amazon FSx file share, adding and removing tags. Allows deleting file systems and volumes where tags include LaunchWizard in the CloudFormation stack-id tag.

  • servicecatalog – Allows for the creation of AWS Service Catalog portfolios, products, and launch constraints. Allows for associated tags to be created and deleted. Allows for the association between a product and portfolio, and also the association between the IAM principal of a user and a portfolio.

  • ssm – Allows for all get, list, tag, execute, and delete operations for all SSM resources. This is required so that Launch Wizard can create, run, and delete SSM resources on your behalf to configure your Amazon EC2 instances for application provisioning. Allows Launch Wizard to create and delete associations using the AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage document, which allows AWS Data Provider for SAP installations.


arn:aws:s3:::launchwizard* and “arn:aws:s3:::launchwizard*/* are redundant permissions. Both permissions are present for historical purposes and do not impact security.

AWS managed policy: AmazonEC2RolePolicyForLaunchWizard

This policy grants administrative permissions that allow all AWS Launch Wizard actions to be performed. To view the managed policy content, see the AmazonEC2RolePolicyForLaunchWizard page in the AWS Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • launchwizard – Allows all Launch Wizard actions.

  • ec2 – Allows starting, stopping, and rebooting instances, and attaching volumes to all instances with the LaunchWizardResourceGroupID tag. Allows replacing route table for all instances with the LaunchWizardApplicationType resource tag. Allows all resources to describe and associate IP addresses, describe instances, images, Regions, volumes, and route tables, and modify instance attributes for all resources. Allows creating tags and volumes for all resources with the LaunchWizardResourceType or LaunchWizardResourceGroupID tags.

  • cloudwatch – Allows for getting and writing metrics to CloudWatch. This is required so that CloudWatch can write logs for all resources.

  • s3 – Allows all get or list operations for all resources, and allows for creation, deletion, and getting objects from a bucket, and putting objects in a bucket for certain Launch Wizard and SAP resources. This is required so that the Launch Wizard service can both view and update buckets and contents in Amazon S3 for tasks such as reading and storing scripts that are run on instances in its deployments.

  • ssm – Allows send commands to all Amazon EC2 instances with the LaunchWizardApplicationType resource tag. Allows getting a document. These actions are required to run the Backint install agent SSM document for SAP.

  • logs – Allows all log groups or log streams for all write and read log events. This is required so that Launch Wizard can publish logs to your account so that you can view the events from their deployments.

  • cloudformation – Allows all Launch Wizard and CloudWatch Application Insights CloudFormation stacks to be described and listed. Allows all get operations and for all resources to be signaled. This is required so that the stacks are appropriately signaled by CloudFormation.

  • dynamodb – Allows all tables with a name starting with "LaunchWizard" to be created, deleted, or described. This is required so that Launch Wizard scripts for SAP can publish events and metadata from the events of the running threads into a Amazon DynamoDB table in your account.

  • sqs – Allows sending and receiving messages from Amazon SQS queues. This is required so that Launch Wizard SAP deployments can have a queue in the deployment on which these actions can be performed.

  • iam – Allows Launch Wizard EC2 roles and instance profiles to be created and deleted and attached/detached. Allows Launch Wizard EC2 and AWS Lambda roles and instance profiles to be passed a role as long as it is passed to Lambda or EC2. Allows get operations for all roles or policies, all list operations, and all roles linked to Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, CloudWatch Application Insights, or Amazon EventBridge to be created. This is required so that Launch Wizard can create necessary roles and attach the appropriate policies to them to ensure that resources in the Launch Wizard CloudFormation stacks and elsewhere in the service have the appropriate permissions.

  • fsx – Allows describing file systems and listing tags on file systems on any Amazon FSx resource tagged with the LaunchWizard tag. This is required so that Launch Wizard can retrieve the FSX DNS and administration endpoints to create the FCI SQL cluster.

AWS Launch Wizard updates to AWS managed policies

View details about updates to AWS managed policies for AWS Launch Wizard since this service began tracking these changes. For automatic alerts about changes to this page, subscribe to the RSS feed on the AWS Launch Wizard Document history page.

Change Description Date

AmazonLaunchWizardFullAccessV2 – New policy

AWS Launch Wizard added this new policy to replace the AmazonLaunchWizard_Fullaccess policy. This policy grants administrative permissions that allow full access to Launch Wizard and other required services. September 1, 2023

AmazonLaunchWizard_Fullaccess – Policy deprecation

This policy has been replaced by AmazonLaunchWizardFullAccessV2. August 23, 2023

AmazonLaunchWizard_Fullaccess – Update to an existing policy

  • AWS Launch Wizard added permissions to create or update tags for Auto Scaling groups with the arn:aws:autoscaling:*:*:autoScalingGroup:*:autoScalingGroupName/LaunchWizard* resource.

  • AWS Launch Wizard added new permissions to support creating and deleting tags for Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) resources called through

February 23, 2023

AmazonLaunchWizard_Fullaccess – Update to an existing policy

  • AWS Launch Wizard added new policies to support creating and deleting tags for log groups with the arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:LaunchWizard* resource, called through

  • AWS Launch Wizard added new policies to support creating and deleting tags for AWS Service Catalog resources with the arn:aws:servicecatalog:*:*:*/* or arn:aws:catalog:*:*:*/* resource, called through

  • AWS Launch Wizard added permissions to create and delete associations that run the AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage document when they are called through This allows Launch Wizard to create associations that will install the AWS Data Provider for SAP.

January 12, 2023

AmazonEC2RolePolicyForLaunchWizard – Update to an existing policy

  • AWS Launch Wizard added new policies to support FSx creation with Launch Wizard to support SQL Server ONTAP. AWS Launch Wizard will perform the fsx:DescribeStorageVirtualMachines action on all resources created by Launch Wizard with LaunchWizard* in the tag when they are called via to enable this support.

May 17, 2022

AmazonLaunchWizard_Fullaccess – Update to an existing policy

  • AWS Launch Wizard restricted ssm actions to only documents containing the LaunchWizard prefix and called by the Launch Wizard service to improve the security of this managed policy.

April 12, 2022

AmazonLaunchWizard_Fullaccess – Update to an existing policy

  • AWS Launch Wizard restricted ssm:sendCommand actions to only the arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/* resource and to resources with the tag keys aws:cloudformation:stack-id to improve the security of this managed policy.

February 9, 2022

AmazonLambdaRoleForLaunchWizard – Policy deprecation

  • AWS Launch Wizard deprecated the AmazonLambdaRoleForLaunchWizard policy because it is no longer used by the service.

February 7, 2022

AmazonEC2RolePolicyForLaunchWizard – Update to an existing policy

  • AWS Launch Wizard restricted the ec2:CreateTags and ec2:CreateVolume actions to the arn:aws:ec2:*:*:volume/* resource to prohibit tagging of other resources with the tag keys LaunchWizardResourceGroupID and LaunchWizardApplicationType to improve the security of the managed policy.

February 7, 2022

AmazonLaunchWizard_Fullaccess – Update to an existing policy

  • AWS Launch Wizard added new policies to support the creation of AWS Service Catalog portfolios and products with Launch Wizard. AWS Launch Wizard will perform servicecatalog:CreatePortfolio, servicecatalog:DescribePortfolio, servicecatalog:CreateConstraint, servicecatalog:CreateProduct, servicecatalog:AssociatePrincipalWithPortfolio, servicecatalog:CreateProvisioningArtifact, and servicecatalog:AssociateProductWithPortfolio actions on AWS Service Catalog resources when they are called by Launch Wizard.

August 30, 2021

AmazonEC2RolePolicyForLaunchWizard – Update to an existing policy

  • AWS Launch Wizard added new policies to support FSx creation with Launch Wizard. AWS Launch Wizard will perform fsx:DescribeFileSystems and fsx:ListTagsforResource actions on all resources created by Launch Wizard with LaunchWizard* in the tag when they are called via to enable this support.

May 21 2021

AmazonLaunchWizard_Fullaccess – Update to an existing policy

  • AWS Launch Wizard added new permissions to allow PlacementGroup for SAP HANA scale-out scenarios. AWS Launch Wizard will perform ec2:ModifyInstancePlacement, ec2:DeletePlacementGroup, and ec2CreatePlacementGroup actions on the database instances (in HANA and NetWeaver on HANA scenarios) in your account when they are called via to enable this support.

  • AWS Launch Wizard added new permissions to create an SNS topic in your account, and subscribe to it, unsubscribe from it, and delete it. Permissions are restricted only to resources whose names begin with "Launch Wizard." AWS Launch Wizard will perform sns:CreateTopic, sns:DeleteTopic, sns:Subscribe, and sns:Unsubscribe actions in your account when they are called via to enable this support.

  • AWS Launch Wizard added new permissions to perform FSx operations to support SQL Server FCI on AWS Launch Wizard. Launch Wizard will perform fsx:CreateFileSystem, fsx:DescribeFileSystem, fsx:ListTagsForResource, fsx:TagResource, and fsx:UntagResource actions in your account when they are called via to enable this support.

  • AWS Launch Wizard added a new permission to perform AWS Secrets Manager operations to support retrieving secret values from Secrets Manager on AWS Launch Wizard. Launch Wizard will perform the arn:aws:secretsmanager:*:secret:LaunchWizard* action in your account when they are called via to enable this support.

April 30, 2021

AWS Launch Wizard started tracking changes

AWS Launch Wizard started tracking changes for its AWS managed policies.

April 30, 2021