Creating a service request in AMS - AMS Advanced User Guide

Creating a service request in AMS

To create a service request using the AWS Managed Services (AMS) console:

  1. From the left navigation, choose Service requests.

    The Service requests list opens.

    Service requests interface with options to create requests and view open requests.

    If your service request list is empty, the Clear filter option resets the filter to Any status.

    Service requests list showing resolved items with options to filter and create new requests.

    If you know you want to use phone or chat, click Create service request in Support Center to open the service request Create page in the AWS Support Center, auto-populated with the AMS service type.


    Phone calls initiated with AWS Support center are recorded, to better improve response. If the call drops, you must call back through the Support Center case, AWS has no mechanism for calling you back.


    Phone and chat support is designed to help with support cases, incidents and service requests. For RFC issues, use the correspondence option on the relevant RFC details page, to reach an AMS engineer.

  2. If you want to find an existing service request, select a service request status filter in the drop-down list.

    Dropdown menu showing ticket status options including Open, Reopened, and Resolved.
    • All service requests that are not yet resolved.

    • A new service request that is not yet assigned.

    • A service request that has been assigned.

    • A service request that you reopened.

    • An assigned, complicated, service request.

    • Service requests that require your feedback before the next step.

    • Service requests to which you have recently submitted information.

    • A service request that has concluded.

    • All service requests in the account.

  3. Choose Create.

    The Create a service request page opens.

    Service request form with fields for category, subject, CC emails, and details.
  4. Select a Category:

    • Access: Use this when you have a question about accessing your AMS-managed resources. To request access to an AMS-managed resource, submit an RFC with the Access Management category.

    • Alert notification: Use this when you have an alert and have not heard from AMS.

    • Feature Request: Use this to request that AMS add a feature.

    • General Guidance: Use this for non-resource specific questions.

    • Operations On Demand: Use this for requests about the OOD feature.

    • Security Related: Use this when you have a security concern about your AMS-managed resources. Note that while we use encryption, you should exercise caution with the information you submit here.

    • Service Reporting Query: Use this to request a specific report.

    • Other: Use this when none of the other categories apply.


    If you are going to test service request functionality, AMS asks that you add the no-action flag, AMSTestNoOpsActionRequired. to your service request title.

  5. Enter information for:

    • Subject: This creates a link to the service request details on the list page.

    • CC emails: These emails receive correspondence in addition to your default email contacts.

    • Details: Provide as much information here as possible.

    To add an attachment, choose Add Attachment, browse to the attachment you want, and click Open. To delete the attachment, click the Delete icon: Blue circular icon with a white X symbol in the center. .

  6. Choose Submit.

    A details page opens with information on the service request--such as Type, Subject, Created, ID, and Status--and a Correspondence area that includes the description of the request you created.

    Service request detail showing type, subject, creation date, ID, and resolved status.

    Additionally, your service request displays on the Service Request list page. Use this when you have an alert but have not yet heard from AMS.

    Click Reply to open a correspondence area and provide additional details or status updates.

    Click Resolve Case when the service request has been resolved.

    Click Load More to view additional correspondences that do not fit on the inital page.

    Don't forget to rate the communication!

    Correspondence section showing a test message from Amazon Web Services with rating stars.

For billing-related queries, use the Other Category in the AMS console; the ct-1e1xtak34nx76 change type in the AMS CM API, or the IssueType=AMS in the AWS Support API.

YouTube Video: How and when to raise service requests from AWS Console and what are it’s Service Level Objectives?