Exemplo: Estabelecer conexão com o Neptune usando Python com a assinatura do Signature versão 4 - Amazon Neptune

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Exemplo: Estabelecer conexão com o Neptune usando Python com a assinatura do Signature versão 4

Esta seção mostra um exemplo de programa escrito em Python que ilustra como trabalhar com o Signature versão 4 no Amazon Neptune. Este exemplo é baseado nos exemplos da seção Processo de assinatura da versão 4 do Signature no Referência geral da Amazon Web Services.

Para trabalhar com esse programa de exemplo, você precisa do seguinte:

  • O Python 3.x. instalado em seu computador, que você pode obter no site da Python. Esses programas foram testados usando Python 3.6.

  • A biblioteca de solicitações do Python, que é usada no script de exemplo para fazer solicitações da web. Uma forma conveniente para instalar pacotes do Python é usar pip, que obtém pacotes do site de índices de pacotes da Python. Depois, você pode instalar o requests executando pip install requests na linha de comando.

  • Uma chave de acesso (ID da chave de acesso e chave de acesso secreta) em variáveis de ambiente chamadas AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Como melhores práticas, recomendamos que você não incorpore credenciais no código. Para obter mais informações, consulte Melhores práticas para AWS contas no AWS Account Management Guia de referência.

    A região do cluster de banco de dados do Neptune na variável de ambiente denominada SERVICE_REGION.

    Se estiver usando credenciais temporárias, você deve especificar AWS_SESSION_TOKEN bem como AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, e SERVICE_REGION.


    Se você estiver usando credenciais temporárias, elas expirarão após um intervalo especificado, incluindo o token de sessão.

    Você deve atualizar o seu token de sessão ao solicitar novas credenciais. Para obter mais informações, consulte Usando credenciais de segurança temporárias para solicitar acesso a AWS Recursos.

O exemplo a seguir mostra como fazer solicitações assinadas ao Neptune usando o Python. A solicitação faz uma POST solicitação a GET ou. As informações de autenticação são transmitidas usando o cabeçalho de solicitação Authorization.

Este exemplo também funciona como AWS Lambda função. Para obter mais informações, consulte Configurar AWS Autenticação Lambda para Neptune IAM.

Para fazer solicitações assinadas aos endpoints Gremlin e Neptune SPARQL
  1. Crie um novo arquivo denominado neptunesigv4.py e abra-o em um editor de texto.

  2. Copie e cole o seguinte código no arquivo neptunesigv4.py.

    # Amazon Neptune version 4 signing example (version v3) # The following script requires python 3.6+ # (sudo yum install python36 python36-virtualenv python36-pip) # => the reason is that we're using urllib.parse() to manually encode URL # parameters: the problem here is that SIGV4 encoding requires whitespaces # to be encoded as %20 rather than not or using '+', as done by previous/ # default versions of the library. # See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4_signing.html import sys, datetime, hashlib, hmac import requests # pip3 install requests import urllib import os import json from botocore.auth import SigV4Auth from botocore.awsrequest import AWSRequest from botocore.credentials import ReadOnlyCredentials from types import SimpleNamespace from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter from argparse import ArgumentParser # Configuration. https is required. protocol = 'https' # The following lines enable debugging at httplib level (requests->urllib3->http.client) # You will see the REQUEST, including HEADERS and DATA, and RESPONSE with HEADERS but without DATA. # # The only thing missing will be the response.body which is not logged. # # import logging # from http.client import HTTPConnection # HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 # logging.basicConfig() # logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3") # requests_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # requests_log.propagate = True # Read AWS access key from env. variables. Best practice is NOT # to embed credentials in code. access_key = os.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', '') secret_key = os.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', '') region = os.getenv('SERVICE_REGION', '') # AWS_SESSION_TOKEN is optional environment variable. Specify a session token only if you are using temporary # security credentials. session_token = os.getenv('AWS_SESSION_TOKEN', '') ### Note same script can be used for AWS Lambda (runtime = python3.6). ## Steps to use this python script for AWS Lambda # 1. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN and AWS_REGION variables are already part of Lambda's Execution environment # No need to set them up explicitly. # 3. Create Lambda deployment package https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-python-how-to-create-deployment-package.html # 4. Create a Lambda function in the same VPC and assign an IAM role with neptune access def lambda_handler(event, context): # sample_test_input = { # "host": "END_POINT:8182", # "method": "GET", # "query_type": "gremlin", # "query": "g.V().count()" # } # Lambda uses AWS_REGION instead of SERVICE_REGION global region region = os.getenv('AWS_REGION', '') host = event['host'] method = event['method'] query_type = event['query_type'] query = event['query'] return make_signed_request(host, method, query_type, query) def validate_input(method, query_type): # Supporting GET and POST for now: if (method != 'GET' and method != 'POST'): print('First parameter must be "GET" or "POST", but is "' + method + '".') sys.exit() # SPARQL UPDATE requires POST if (method == 'GET' and query_type == 'sparqlupdate'): print('SPARQL UPDATE is not supported in GET mode. Please choose POST.') sys.exit() def get_canonical_uri_and_payload(query_type, query, method): # Set the stack and payload depending on query_type. if (query_type == 'sparql'): canonical_uri = '/sparql/' payload = {'query': query} elif (query_type == 'sparqlupdate'): canonical_uri = '/sparql/' payload = {'update': query} elif (query_type == 'gremlin'): canonical_uri = '/gremlin/' payload = {'gremlin': query} if (method == 'POST'): payload = json.dumps(payload) elif (query_type == 'openCypher'): canonical_uri = '/openCypher/' payload = {'query': query} elif (query_type == "loader"): canonical_uri = "/loader/" payload = query elif (query_type == "status"): canonical_uri = "/status/" payload = {} elif (query_type == "gremlin/status"): canonical_uri = "/gremlin/status/" payload = {} elif (query_type == "openCypher/status"): canonical_uri = "/openCypher/status/" payload = {} elif (query_type == "sparql/status"): canonical_uri = "/sparql/status/" payload = {} else: print( 'Third parameter should be from ["gremlin", "sparql", "sparqlupdate", "loader", "status] but is "' + query_type + '".') sys.exit() ## return output as tuple return canonical_uri, payload def make_signed_request(host, method, query_type, query): service = 'neptune-db' endpoint = protocol + '://' + host print() print('+++++ USER INPUT +++++') print('host = ' + host) print('method = ' + method) print('query_type = ' + query_type) print('query = ' + query) # validate input validate_input(method, query_type) # get canonical_uri and payload canonical_uri, payload = get_canonical_uri_and_payload(query_type, query, method) # assign payload to data or params data = payload if method == 'POST' else None params = payload if method == 'GET' else None # create request URL request_url = endpoint + canonical_uri # create and sign request creds = SimpleNamespace( access_key=access_key, secret_key=secret_key, token=session_token, region=region, ) request = AWSRequest(method=method, url=request_url, data=data, params=params) SigV4Auth(creds, service, region).add_auth(request) r = None # ************* SEND THE REQUEST ************* if (method == 'GET'): print('++++ BEGIN GET REQUEST +++++') print('Request URL = ' + request_url) r = requests.get(request_url, headers=request.headers, verify=False, params=params) elif (method == 'POST'): print('\n+++++ BEGIN POST REQUEST +++++') print('Request URL = ' + request_url) if (query_type == "loader"): request.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json' r = requests.post(request_url, headers=request.headers, verify=False, data=data) else: print('Request method is neither "GET" nor "POST", something is wrong here.') if r is not None: print() print('+++++ RESPONSE +++++') print('Response code: %d\n' % r.status_code) response = r.text r.close() print(response) return response help_msg = ''' export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[MY_ACCESS_KEY_ID] export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=[MY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=[MY_AWS_SESSION_TOKEN] export SERVICE_REGION=[us-east-1|us-east-2|us-west-2|eu-west-1] python version >=3.6 is required. Examples: For help python3 program_name.py -h Examples: Queries python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q status python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q sparql/status python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q sparql -d "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }" python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q sparql -d "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }" python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q sparqlupdate -d "INSERT DATA { <https://s> <https://p> <https://o> }" python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q gremlin/status python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q gremlin -d "g.V().count()" python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q gremlin -d "g.V().count()" python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q openCypher/status python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q openCypher -d "MATCH (n1) RETURN n1 LIMIT 1;" python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q openCypher -d "MATCH (n1) RETURN n1 LIMIT 1;" python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q loader -d '{"loadId": "68b28dcc-8e15-02b1-133d-9bd0557607e6"}' python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q loader -d '{}' python3 program_name.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q loader -d '{"source": "source", "format" : "csv", "failOnError": "fail_on_error", "iamRoleArn": "iam_role_arn", "region": "region"}' Environment variables must be defined as AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and SERVICE_REGION. You should also set AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variable if you are using temporary credentials (ex. IAM Role or EC2 Instance profile). Current Limitations: - Query mode "sparqlupdate" requires POST (as per the SPARQL 1.1 protocol) ''' def exit_and_print_help(): print(help_msg) exit() def parse_input_and_query_neptune(): parser = ArgumentParser(description=help_msg, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) group_host = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_host.add_argument("-ho", "--host", type=str) group_port = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_port.add_argument("-p", "--port", type=int, help="port ex. 8182, default=8182", default=8182) group_action = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_action.add_argument("-a", "--action", type=str, help="http action, default = GET", default="GET") group_endpoint = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_endpoint.add_argument("-q", "--query_type", type=str, help="query_type, default = status ", default="status") group_data = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_data.add_argument("-d", "--data", type=str, help="data required for the http action", default="") args = parser.parse_args() print(args) # Read command line parameters host = args.host port = args.port method = args.action query_type = args.query_type query = args.data if (access_key == ''): print('!!! ERROR: Your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable is undefined.') exit_and_print_help() if (secret_key == ''): print('!!! ERROR: Your AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is undefined.') exit_and_print_help() if (region == ''): print('!!! ERROR: Your SERVICE_REGION environment variable is undefined.') exit_and_print_help() if host is None: print('!!! ERROR: Neptune DNS is missing') exit_and_print_help() host = host + ":" + str(port) make_signed_request(host, method, query_type, query) if __name__ == "__main__": parse_input_and_query_neptune()
  3. Em um terminal, navegue até o local do arquivo neptunesigv4.py.

  4. Digite os comandos a seguir, substituindo a chave de acesso, a chave secreta e a região pelos valores corretos.

    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=MY_ACCESS_KEY_ID export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=MY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY export SERVICE_REGION=us-east-1 or us-east-2 or us-west-1 or us-west-2 or ca-central-1 or sa-east-1 or eu-north-1 or eu-west-1 or eu-west-2 or eu-west-3 or eu-central-1 or me-south-1 or me-central-1 or il-central-1 or af-south-1 or ap-east-1 or ap-northeast-1 or ap-northeast-2 or ap-southeast-1 or ap-southeast-2 or ap-south-1 or cn-north-1 or cn-northwest-1 or us-gov-east-1 or us-gov-west-1

    Se estiver usando credenciais temporárias, você deve especificar AWS_SESSION_TOKEN bem como AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, e SERVICE_REGION.


    Se você estiver usando credenciais temporárias, elas expirarão após um intervalo especificado, incluindo o token de sessão.

    Você deve atualizar o seu token de sessão ao solicitar novas credenciais. Para obter mais informações, consulte Usando credenciais de segurança temporárias para solicitar acesso a AWS Recursos.

  5. Digite um dos comandos a seguir para enviar uma solicitação assinada à instância de banco de dados do Neptune. Estes exemplos usam o Python versão 3.6.

    O status do endpoint

    python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q status


    python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q gremlin -d "g.V().count()" python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q gremlin -d "g.V().count()"

    Status do Gremlin

    python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q gremlin/status


    python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q sparql -d "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"


    python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q sparqlupdate -d "INSERT DATA { <https://s> <https://p> <https://o> }"


    python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q sparql/status


    python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q openCypher -d "MATCH (n1) RETURN n1 LIMIT 1;" python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q openCypher -d "MATCH (n1) RETURN n1 LIMIT 1;"

    openCypher status

    python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q openCypher/status


    python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q loader -d '{"loadId": "68b28dcc-8e15-02b1-133d-9bd0557607e6"}' python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a GET -q loader -d '{}' python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p 8182 -a POST -q loader -d '{"source": "source", "format" : "csv", "failOnError": "fail_on_error", "iamRoleArn": "iam_role_arn", "region": "region"}'
  6. A sintaxe para executar o script do Python é a seguinte:

    python3.6 neptunesigv4.py -ho your-neptune-endpoint -p port -a GET|POST -q gremlin|sparql|sparqlupdate|loader|status -d "string0data"