RulesSource - AWS Network Firewall


The stateless or stateful rules definitions for use in a single rule group. Each rule group requires a single RulesSource. You can use an instance of this for either stateless rules or stateful rules.



Stateful inspection criteria for a domain list rule group.

Type: RulesSourceList object

Required: No


Stateful inspection criteria, provided in Suricata compatible rules. Suricata is an open-source threat detection framework that includes a standard rule-based language for network traffic inspection.

These rules contain the inspection criteria and the action to take for traffic that matches the criteria, so this type of rule group doesn't have a separate action setting.


You can't use the priority keyword if the RuleOrder option in StatefulRuleOptions is set to STRICT_ORDER.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 2000000.

Required: No


An array of individual stateful rules inspection criteria to be used together in a stateful rule group. Use this option to specify simple Suricata rules with protocol, source and destination, ports, direction, and rule options. For information about the Suricata Rules format, see Rules Format.

Type: Array of StatefulRule objects

Required: No


Stateless inspection criteria to be used in a stateless rule group.

Type: StatelessRulesAndCustomActions object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: