Associate a customer gateway using AWS Network Manager - AWS Network Manager

Associate a customer gateway using AWS Network Manager

You can associate a customer gateway with a device and link using the Network Manager console on either of the following pages:

  • On the Transit gateways page

  • On the Devices page

Transit gateways page
To associate a customer gateway using the Transit gateways page
  1. Access the Network Manager console at

  2. Under Connectivity, choose Global Networks.

  3. On the Global networks page, choose the global network ID.

  4. In the navigation pane, choose Transit gateways, and then choose the ID of your transit gateway.

  5. Choose On-premises associations.

  6. Select your customer gateway and choose Associate.

  7. For Device, select the ID of the device to associate. For Link, select the ID of the link to associate.

  8. Choose Edit on-premises association.

Devices page
To associate a customer gateway using the Devices page
  1. Access the Network Manager console at

  2. Under Connectivity, choose Global Networks.

  3. On the Global networks page, choose the global network ID.

  4. In the navigation pane, choose Devices, and then choose the ID of your device.

  5. Choose On-premises associations.

  6. Choose Associate.

  7. For Customer gateway, select the ID of the customer gateway to associate. For Link, select the ID of the link to associate.

  8. Choose Create on-premises association.

Create a customer gateway association using the AWS CLI

You can view and create a customer gateway association using the following commands.