Terminology and concepts - Amazon QuickSight

Terminology and concepts

Following, you can find a list of terms and concepts used to describe Amazon QuickSight development in the Amazon QuickSight Developer Guide.

Anonymous QuickSight user – A temporary Amazon QuickSight user identity that virtually belongs to a namespace and that you can use only with embedding. You can use tag-based rules to implement row-level security for such users.

Caller identity – The identity of the IAM user making an API request. The identity of the caller is determined by Amazon QuickSight using the signature attached to the request. Through the use of our provided SDK clients, no manual steps are necessary to generate the signature or attach it to the requests. However, you can do it manually if you want to.

Invoker identity – In addition to the caller identity, but not as a replacement for it, you can assume a caller's identity through the IAM AssumeRole API operation when making calls to Amazon QuickSight. AWS approves callers through their invoker’s identity. This approval means that you can avoid having to explicitly add multiple accounts belonging to the same Amazon QuickSight subscription.

Namespace – A logical container that you can use to isolate user pools so that you can organize clients, subsidiaries, teams, and so on.

QuickSight ARN – Amazon Resource Name (ARN). Amazon QuickSight resources are identified using their name or ARN. For example, the following are ARNs for a group named MyGroup1, a user named User1, and a dashboard with the ID 1a1ac2b2-3fc3-4b44-5e5d-c6db6778df89.

arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:111122223333:group/default/MyGroup1 arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:111122223333:user/default/User1 arn:aws:quicksight:us-west-2:111122223333:dashboard/1a1ac2b2-3fc3-4b44-5e5d-c6db6778df89

The following examples show ARNs for a template named MyTemplate and a dashboard named MyDashboard.

  • The following is the sample ARN for a template.

  • The following is the sample ARN for a template, referencing a specific version of the template.

  • The following is the sample ARN for a template alias.

  • The following is the sample ARN for a dashboard.

  • The following is the sample ARN for a dashboard, referencing a specific version of the dashboard.


Depending on the scenario, you might need to provide an entity's name, ID, or ARN. You can retrieve the ARN if you have the name, using some of the QuickSight API operations.

QuickSight dashboard – An entity that identifies QuickSight reports, created from analyses or templates. You can share QuickSight dashboards. With the right permissions, you can create scheduled email reports from them. The CreateDashboard and DescribeDashboard API operations act on the dashboard entity.

QuickSight template – An entity that encapsulates the metadata required to create an analysis or a dashboard. It abstracts the dataset associated with the analysis by replacing it with placeholders. You can use templates to create dashboards by replacing dataset placeholders with datasets. These datasets need to follow the same schema that was used to create the source analysis and template.

QuickSight user – This is an Amazon QuickSight user identity acted on by your API call. This user isn't identical to the caller identity but might be the one that maps to the user in Amazon QuickSight.