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DescribeDomain - Amazon SageMaker
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The description of the domain.

Request Syntax

{ "DomainId": "string" }

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


The domain ID.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 63.

Pattern: ^d-(-*[a-z0-9]){1,61}

Required: Yes

Response Syntax

{ "AppNetworkAccessType": "string", "AppSecurityGroupManagement": "string", "AuthMode": "string", "CreationTime": number, "DefaultSpaceSettings": { "CustomFileSystemConfigs": [ { ... } ], "CustomPosixUserConfig": { "Gid": number, "Uid": number }, "ExecutionRole": "string", "JupyterLabAppSettings": { "AppLifecycleManagement": { "IdleSettings": { "IdleTimeoutInMinutes": number, "LifecycleManagement": "string", "MaxIdleTimeoutInMinutes": number, "MinIdleTimeoutInMinutes": number } }, "BuiltInLifecycleConfigArn": "string", "CodeRepositories": [ { "RepositoryUrl": "string" } ], "CustomImages": [ { "AppImageConfigName": "string", "ImageName": "string", "ImageVersionNumber": number } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "EmrSettings": { "AssumableRoleArns": [ "string" ], "ExecutionRoleArns": [ "string" ] }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "JupyterServerAppSettings": { "CodeRepositories": [ { "RepositoryUrl": "string" } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "KernelGatewayAppSettings": { "CustomImages": [ { "AppImageConfigName": "string", "ImageName": "string", "ImageVersionNumber": number } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "SecurityGroups": [ "string" ], "SpaceStorageSettings": { "DefaultEbsStorageSettings": { "DefaultEbsVolumeSizeInGb": number, "MaximumEbsVolumeSizeInGb": number } } }, "DefaultUserSettings": { "AutoMountHomeEFS": "string", "CanvasAppSettings": { "DirectDeploySettings": { "Status": "string" }, "EmrServerlessSettings": { "ExecutionRoleArn": "string", "Status": "string" }, "GenerativeAiSettings": { "AmazonBedrockRoleArn": "string" }, "IdentityProviderOAuthSettings": [ { "DataSourceName": "string", "SecretArn": "string", "Status": "string" } ], "KendraSettings": { "Status": "string" }, "ModelRegisterSettings": { "CrossAccountModelRegisterRoleArn": "string", "Status": "string" }, "TimeSeriesForecastingSettings": { "AmazonForecastRoleArn": "string", "Status": "string" }, "WorkspaceSettings": { "S3ArtifactPath": "string", "S3KmsKeyId": "string" } }, "CodeEditorAppSettings": { "AppLifecycleManagement": { "IdleSettings": { "IdleTimeoutInMinutes": number, "LifecycleManagement": "string", "MaxIdleTimeoutInMinutes": number, "MinIdleTimeoutInMinutes": number } }, "BuiltInLifecycleConfigArn": "string", "CustomImages": [ { "AppImageConfigName": "string", "ImageName": "string", "ImageVersionNumber": number } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "CustomFileSystemConfigs": [ { ... } ], "CustomPosixUserConfig": { "Gid": number, "Uid": number }, "DefaultLandingUri": "string", "ExecutionRole": "string", "JupyterLabAppSettings": { "AppLifecycleManagement": { "IdleSettings": { "IdleTimeoutInMinutes": number, "LifecycleManagement": "string", "MaxIdleTimeoutInMinutes": number, "MinIdleTimeoutInMinutes": number } }, "BuiltInLifecycleConfigArn": "string", "CodeRepositories": [ { "RepositoryUrl": "string" } ], "CustomImages": [ { "AppImageConfigName": "string", "ImageName": "string", "ImageVersionNumber": number } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "EmrSettings": { "AssumableRoleArns": [ "string" ], "ExecutionRoleArns": [ "string" ] }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "JupyterServerAppSettings": { "CodeRepositories": [ { "RepositoryUrl": "string" } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "KernelGatewayAppSettings": { "CustomImages": [ { "AppImageConfigName": "string", "ImageName": "string", "ImageVersionNumber": number } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "RSessionAppSettings": { "CustomImages": [ { "AppImageConfigName": "string", "ImageName": "string", "ImageVersionNumber": number } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" } }, "RStudioServerProAppSettings": { "AccessStatus": "string", "UserGroup": "string" }, "SecurityGroups": [ "string" ], "SharingSettings": { "NotebookOutputOption": "string", "S3KmsKeyId": "string", "S3OutputPath": "string" }, "SpaceStorageSettings": { "DefaultEbsStorageSettings": { "DefaultEbsVolumeSizeInGb": number, "MaximumEbsVolumeSizeInGb": number } }, "StudioWebPortal": "string", "StudioWebPortalSettings": { "HiddenAppTypes": [ "string" ], "HiddenInstanceTypes": [ "string" ], "HiddenMlTools": [ "string" ], "HiddenSageMakerImageVersionAliases": [ { "SageMakerImageName": "string", "VersionAliases": [ "string" ] } ] }, "TensorBoardAppSettings": { "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" } } }, "DomainArn": "string", "DomainId": "string", "DomainName": "string", "DomainSettings": { "AmazonQSettings": { "QProfileArn": "string", "Status": "string" }, "DockerSettings": { "EnableDockerAccess": "string", "VpcOnlyTrustedAccounts": [ "string" ] }, "ExecutionRoleIdentityConfig": "string", "RStudioServerProDomainSettings": { "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "DomainExecutionRoleArn": "string", "RStudioConnectUrl": "string", "RStudioPackageManagerUrl": "string" }, "SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ] }, "FailureReason": "string", "HomeEfsFileSystemId": "string", "HomeEfsFileSystemKmsKeyId": "string", "KmsKeyId": "string", "LastModifiedTime": number, "SecurityGroupIdForDomainBoundary": "string", "SingleSignOnApplicationArn": "string", "SingleSignOnManagedApplicationInstanceId": "string", "Status": "string", "SubnetIds": [ "string" ], "TagPropagation": "string", "Url": "string", "VpcId": "string" }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


Specifies the VPC used for non-EFS traffic. The default value is PublicInternetOnly.

  • PublicInternetOnly - Non-EFS traffic is through a VPC managed by Amazon SageMaker AI, which allows direct internet access

  • VpcOnly - All traffic is through the specified VPC and subnets

Type: String

Valid Values: PublicInternetOnly | VpcOnly


The entity that creates and manages the required security groups for inter-app communication in VPCOnly mode. Required when CreateDomain.AppNetworkAccessType is VPCOnly and DomainSettings.RStudioServerProDomainSettings.DomainExecutionRoleArn is provided.

Type: String

Valid Values: Service | Customer


The domain's authentication mode.

Type: String

Valid Values: SSO | IAM


The creation time.

Type: Timestamp


The default settings for shared spaces that users create in the domain.

Type: DefaultSpaceSettings object


Settings which are applied to UserProfiles in this domain if settings are not explicitly specified in a given UserProfile.

Type: UserSettings object


The domain's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256.

Pattern: arn:aws[a-z\-]*:sagemaker:[a-z0-9\-]*:[0-9]{12}:domain/.*


The domain ID.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 63.

Pattern: ^d-(-*[a-z0-9]){1,61}


The domain name.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 63.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9](-*[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,62}


A collection of Domain settings.

Type: DomainSettings object


The failure reason.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 1024.


The ID of the Amazon Elastic File System managed by this Domain.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 32.


This parameter has been deprecated.

Use KmsKeyId.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 2048.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:/_-]*$


The AWS KMS customer managed key used to encrypt the EFS volume attached to the domain.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 2048.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:/_-]*$


The last modified time.

Type: Timestamp


The ID of the security group that authorizes traffic between the RSessionGateway apps and the RStudioServerPro app.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 32.

Pattern: [-0-9a-zA-Z]+


The ARN of the application managed by SageMaker AI in IAM Identity Center. This value is only returned for domains created after October 1, 2023.

Type: String

Pattern: ^arn:(aws|aws-us-gov|aws-cn|aws-iso|aws-iso-b):sso::[0-9]+:application\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+\/apl-[a-zA-Z0-9]+$


The IAM Identity Center managed application instance ID.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256.


The status.

Type: String

Valid Values: Deleting | Failed | InService | Pending | Updating | Update_Failed | Delete_Failed


The VPC subnets that the domain uses for communication.

Type: Array of strings

Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 16 items.

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 32.

Pattern: [-0-9a-zA-Z]+


Indicates whether custom tag propagation is supported for the domain.

Type: String



The domain's URL.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 1024.


The ID of the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that the domain uses for communication.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 32.

Pattern: [-0-9a-zA-Z]+


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


Resource being access is not found.

HTTP Status Code: 400

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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