RStudioServerProDomainSettingsForUpdate - Amazon SageMaker


A collection of settings that update the current configuration for the RStudioServerPro Domain-level app.



The execution role for the RStudioServerPro Domain-level app.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 20. Maximum length of 2048.

Pattern: ^arn:aws[a-z\-]*:iam::\d{12}:role/?[a-zA-Z_0-9+=,.@\-_/]+$

Required: Yes


Specifies the ARN's of a SageMaker AI image and SageMaker AI image version, and the instance type that the version runs on.


When both SageMakerImageVersionArn and SageMakerImageArn are passed, SageMakerImageVersionArn is used. Any updates to SageMakerImageArn will not take effect if SageMakerImageVersionArn already exists in the ResourceSpec because SageMakerImageVersionArn always takes precedence. To clear the value set for SageMakerImageVersionArn, pass None as the value.

Type: ResourceSpec object

Required: No


A URL pointing to an RStudio Connect server.

Type: String

Required: No


A URL pointing to an RStudio Package Manager server.

Type: String

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: