Acessar atributos do documento aprimorado como objetos personalizados - AWS SDK for Java 2.x

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Acessar atributos do documento aprimorado como objetos personalizados

Além de fornecer uma API para ler e gravar atributos com estruturas sem esquemas, a API de Documento Aprimorado permite converter atributos de e para instâncias de classes personalizadas.

A API de Documento Aprimorado usa AttributeConverterProviders e AttributeConverters que foram mostrados na seção de conversão de atributos de controle como parte da API do Cliente Aprimorado do DynamoDB.

No exemplo a seguir, usamos um CustomAttributeConverterProvider com sua classe AddressConverter aninhada para converter objetos Address.

Este exemplo mostra que você pode misturar dados de classes e também dados de estruturas que são criadas conforme necessário. Esse exemplo também mostra que classes personalizadas podem ser usadas em qualquer nível de uma estrutura aninhada. Os objetos Address neste exemplo são valores usados em um mapa.

public static void attributeToAddressClassMappingExample(DynamoDbEnhancedClient enhancedClient, DynamoDbClient standardClient) { String tableName = "customer"; // Define the DynamoDbTable for an enhanced document. // The schema builder provides methods for attribute converter providers and keys. DynamoDbTable<EnhancedDocument> documentDynamoDbTable = enhancedClient.table(tableName, DocumentTableSchema.builder() // Add the CustomAttributeConverterProvider along with the default when you build the table schema. .attributeConverterProviders( List.of( new CustomAttributeConverterProvider(), AttributeConverterProvider.defaultProvider())) .addIndexPartitionKey(TableMetadata.primaryIndexName(), "id", AttributeValueType.N) .addIndexSortKey(TableMetadata.primaryIndexName(), "lastName", AttributeValueType.S) .build()); // Create the DynamoDB table if needed. documentDynamoDbTable.createTable(); waitForTableCreation(tableName, standardClient); // The getAddressesForCustomMappingExample() helper method that provides 'addresses' shows the use of a custom Address class // rather than using a Map<String, Map<String, String> to hold the address data. Map<String, Address> addresses = getAddressesForCustomMappingExample(); // Build an EnhancedDocument instance to save an item with a mix of structures defined as needed and static classes. EnhancedDocument personDocument = EnhancedDocument.builder() .putNumber("id", 50) .putString("firstName", "Shirley") .putString("lastName", "Rodriguez") .putNumber("age", 53) .putNull("nullAttribute") .putJson("phoneNumbers", phoneNumbersJSONString()) // Note the use of 'EnhancedType.of(Address.class)' instead of the more generic // 'EnhancedType.mapOf(EnhancedType.of(String.class), EnhancedType.of(String.class))' that was used in a previous example. .putMap("addresses", addresses, EnhancedType.of(String.class), EnhancedType.of(Address.class)) .putList("hobbies", List.of("Hobby 1", "Hobby 2"), EnhancedType.of(String.class)) .build(); // Save the item to DynamoDB. documentDynamoDbTable.putItem(personDocument); // Retrieve the item just saved. EnhancedDocument srPerson = documentDynamoDbTable.getItem(Key.builder().partitionValue(50).sortValue("Rodriguez").build()); // Access the addresses attribute. Map<String, Address> srAddresses = srPerson.get("addresses", EnhancedType.mapOf(EnhancedType.of(String.class), EnhancedType.of(Address.class))); srAddresses.keySet().forEach(k ->; documentDynamoDbTable.deleteTable(); // The content logged to the console shows that the saved maps were converted to Address instances. Address{street='123 Main Street', city='Any Town', state='NC', zipCode='00000'} Address{street='100 Any Street', city='Any Town', state='NC', zipCode='00000'}
public class CustomAttributeConverterProvider implements AttributeConverterProvider { private final Map<EnhancedType<?>, AttributeConverter<?>> converterCache = ImmutableMap.of( // 1. Add AddressConverter to the internal cache. EnhancedType.of(Address.class), new AddressConverter()); public static CustomAttributeConverterProvider create() { return new CustomAttributeConverterProvider(); } // 2. The enhanced client queries the provider for attribute converters if it // encounters a type that it does not know how to convert. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> AttributeConverter<T> converterFor(EnhancedType<T> enhancedType) { return (AttributeConverter<T>) converterCache.get(enhancedType); } // 3. Custom attribute converter private class AddressConverter implements AttributeConverter<Address> { // 4. Transform an Address object into a DynamoDB map. @Override public AttributeValue transformFrom(Address address) { Map<String, AttributeValue> attributeValueMap = Map.of( "street", AttributeValue.fromS(address.getStreet()), "city", AttributeValue.fromS(address.getCity()), "state", AttributeValue.fromS(address.getState()), "zipCode", AttributeValue.fromS(address.getZipCode())); return AttributeValue.fromM(attributeValueMap); } // 5. Transform the DynamoDB map attribute to an Address oject. @Override public Address transformTo(AttributeValue attributeValue) { Map<String, AttributeValue> m = attributeValue.m(); Address address = new Address(); address.setStreet(m.get("street").s()); address.setCity(m.get("city").s()); address.setState(m.get("state").s()); address.setZipCode(m.get("zipCode").s()); return address; } @Override public EnhancedType<Address> type() { return EnhancedType.of(Address.class); } @Override public AttributeValueType attributeValueType() { return AttributeValueType.M; } } }
public class Address { private String street; private String city; private String state; private String zipCode; public Address() { } public String getStreet() { return this.street; } public String getCity() { return; } public String getState() { return this.state; } public String getZipCode() { return this.zipCode; } public void setStreet(String street) { this.street = street; } public void setCity(String city) { = city; } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } public void setZipCode(String zipCode) { this.zipCode = zipCode; } }

O método auxiliar a seguir fornece o mapa que usa instâncias Address personalizadas para valores em vez de instâncias Map<String, String> genéricas para valores.

private static Map<String, Address> getAddressesForCustomMappingExample() { Address homeAddress = new Address(); homeAddress.setStreet("100 Any Street"); homeAddress.setCity("Any Town"); homeAddress.setState("NC"); homeAddress.setZipCode("00000"); Address workAddress = new Address(); workAddress.setStreet("123 Main Street"); workAddress.setCity("Any Town"); workAddress.setState("NC"); workAddress.setZipCode("00000"); return Map.of("home", homeAddress, "work", workAddress); }