Test an SFTP connector - AWS Transfer Family

Test an SFTP connector

After you create an SFTP connector, we recommend that you test it before you attempt to transfer any files using your new connector.

To test an SFTP connector
  1. Open the AWS Transfer Family console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/transfer/.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Connectors, and select a connector.

  3. From the Actions menu, choose Test connection.

    The Transfer Family console, showing an SFTP connector selected, and the Test connectionTest connection action highlighted.

The system returns a message, indicating whether the test passes or fails. If the test fails, the system provides an error message based on the reason the test failed.

The SFTP connector test connection panel, showing a successful test.
The SFTP connector test connection panel, showing a failed test: the error message indicates that the access role for the connector is incorrect.

To use the API to test your connector, see the TestConnection API documentation.