Configuring an SFTP, FTPS, or FTP server endpoint
You can create a file transfer server by using the AWS Transfer Family service. The following file transfer protocols are available:
Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) – File transfer over SSH. For details, see Create an SFTP-enabled server.
We provide an AWS CDK example for creating an SFTP Transfer Family server. The example uses TypeScript, and is available on GitHub here
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File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS) – File transfer with TLS encryption. For details, see Create an FTPS-enabled server.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – Unencrypted file transfer. For details, see Create an FTP-enabled server.
Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) – File transfer for transporting structured business-to-business data. For details, see Configuring AS2. For AS2, you can quickly create an AWS CloudFormation stack for demonstration purposes. This procedure is described in Use a template to create a demo Transfer Family AS2 stack.
You can create a server with multiple protocols.
If you have multiple protocols enabled for the same server endpoint and you want to provide access by using the same username over multiple protocols, you can do so as long as the credentials specific to the protocol have been set up in your identity provider. For FTP, we recommend maintaining separate credentials from SFTP and FTPS. This is because, unlike SFTP and FTPS, FTP transmits credentials in clear text. By isolating FTP credentials from SFTP or FTPS, if FTP credentials are shared or exposed, your workloads using SFTP or FTPS remain secure.
When you create a server, you choose a specific AWS Region to perform the file operation requests of users who are assigned to that server. Along with assigning the server one or more protocols, you also assign one of the following identity provider types:
Service managed by using SSH keys. For details, see Working with service-managed users.
AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AWS Managed Microsoft AD). This method allows you integrate your Microsoft Active Directory groups to provide access to your Transfer Family servers. For details, see Using AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory.
A custom identity provider. Transfer Family offers several options for using a custom identity provider, as described in the Working with custom identity providers topic.
You also assign the server an endpoint type (publicly accessible or VPC hosted) and a hostname by using the default server endpoint, or a custom hostname by using the Amazon Route 53 service or by using a Domain Name System (DNS) service of your choice. A server hostname must be unique in the AWS Region where it's created.
Additionally, you can assign an Amazon CloudWatch logging role to push events to your CloudWatch logs, choose a security policy that contains the cryptographic algorithms that are enabled for use by your server, and add metadata to the server in the form of tags that are key-value pairs.
You incur costs for instantiated servers and for data transfer. For information about
pricing and to use AWS Pricing Calculator to get an estimate of the cost to use Transfer Family, see AWS Transfer Family pricing