TerminologyData - Amazon Translate API Reference


The data associated with the custom terminology. For information about the custom terminology file, see Creating a Custom Terminology in the Amazon Translate Developer Guide.



The file containing the custom terminology data. Your version of the AWS SDK performs a Base64-encoding on this field before sending a request to the AWS service. Users of the SDK should not perform Base64-encoding themselves.

Type: Base64-encoded binary data object

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 10485760.

Required: Yes


The data format of the custom terminology.

Type: String

Valid Values: CSV | TMX | TSV

Required: Yes


The directionality of your terminology resource indicates whether it has one source language (uni-directional) or multiple (multi-directional).


The terminology resource has one source language (for example, the first column in a CSV file), and all of its other languages are target languages.


Any language in the terminology resource can be the source language or a target language. A single multi-directional terminology resource can be used for jobs that translate different language pairs. For example, if the terminology contains English and Spanish terms, it can be used for jobs that translate English to Spanish and Spanish to English.

When you create a custom terminology resource without specifying the directionality, it behaves as uni-directional terminology, although this parameter will have a null value.

Type: String

Valid Values: UNI | MULTI

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: