Enable trusted access in Reachability Analyzer - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

Enable trusted access in Reachability Analyzer

When you enable trusted access, Reachability Analyzer deploys the AWSServiceRoleForReachabilityAnalyzer service-linked role and the required cross-account access roles to all accounts in your organization.

To enable trusted access using the console
  1. Sign in to the management account.

  2. Open the Network Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/networkmanager/home.

  3. From the navigation pane, choose Reachability Analyzer, Settings.

  4. For Trusted Access, choose Turn on trusted access.

  5. Do not close or navigate away from this page until you see a success notification indicating that trusted access is turned on. This can take several minutes.

To enable trusted access using the AWS CLI

From the management account, use the enable-reachability-analyzer-organization-sharing command.