Getting started with Amazon QLDB using a sample application tutorial - Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (Amazon QLDB)

Getting started with Amazon QLDB using a sample application tutorial

In this tutorial, you use the Amazon QLDB driver with an AWS SDK to create a QLDB ledger and populate it with sample data. The driver lets your application interact with QLDB using the transactional data API. The AWS SDK supports interaction with the QLDB resource management API.

The sample ledger that you create in this scenario is a department of motor vehicles (DMV) database that tracks the complete historical information about vehicle registrations. The following topics explain how to add vehicle registrations, modify them, and view the history of changes to those registrations. This guide also shows you how to verify a registration document cryptographically, and it concludes by cleaning up resources and deleting the sample ledger.

This sample application tutorial is available for the following programming languages.