Customizing QuickSight welcome content
To customize QuickSight welcome content
In Amazon QuickSight, choose your profile icon at upper right to open the menu.
Choose Manage QuickSight to open the administration page.
On the navigation pane, choose Account customization to open the customization options.
Select the Show introductory videos check box to show the default tutorial videos and the introductory animation. Clear the check box to hide QuickSight videos and the intro animation for all users in your current region.
Select the Create sample datasets and analyses check box to accept sample datasets and analyses for new users. Doing this also applies to existing users who open QuickSight in a new AWS Region. Clear the check box if you want to decline sample datasets and analyses. You can also provide your own versions of these to your users.
Choose Update.
Any changes to customizations take about 10 minutes to appear. They apply only to your current AWS Region.