Data labels on visual types in QuickSight
To customize data labels on a visual, you can use the Properties pane to show data labels, and then use the settings to configure them. Data label customization is supported on bar, line, combo, scatter, and pie charts.
You can customize the following options:
Position, which determines where the label appears in relation to the data point (for bar, combo, and line charts):
For vertical bar charts, you can customize to set position:
Above bars
Inside of bars
Bottom of bars
Top of bars
For horizontal bar charts, you can customize to set position:
Right of bars
Inside of bars
For line charts, you can customize to set position:
Above lines
Left or right of points on lines
Below lines
For scatter charts, you can customize to set position:
Above points
Left or right of points
Below points
Font size and color (for bar, combo, line, scatter, and pie charts)
Label pattern, which determines how data is labeled (for bar, combo, line, and scatter charts):
For bar, combo, and scatter charts, you can label:
By group or color
For line charts, the following label options are available:
By group or color
Line ends
Minimum or maximum value only
Minimum and maximum values
For pie charts, the following label options are available:
Show category
Show metric
Choose to show the metric label as value, percent, or both
Group selection (for bars and lines, when the label pattern is "by group/color")
Allow labels to overlap (for bars and lines), for use with fewer data points
For vertical bar, combo, and line charts, labels that are too long are angled by default. You can configure the degree of angle under the X-axis settings.
If you add more than one measure to an axis, the data label displays the formatting for the first measure only.
To configure data labels
On the analysis page, choose the visual that you want to format.
Choose the on-visual menu from the down icon at the upper-right corner of the visual, and then choose Format visual.
On the Properties pane, choose Data Labels.
Enable Show data labels to show and customize labels. Disable this option to hide data labels.
Choose the settings that you want to use. The settings offered are slightly different for each chart type. To see all available options, see the list before this procedure.
You can immediately view the effect of each change on the visual.
Close the Properties pane by choosing the X icon in the upper-right corner of the pane.