Adding datasets to a topic in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight

Adding datasets to a topic in Amazon QuickSight

At any time, you can add datasets to a topic. Use the following procedure to learn how.

To add datasets to a topic
  1. Open the topic that you want to add one or more datasets to.

  2. On the Summary page, under Datasets, choose Add datasets.

    Image of the add dataset button.
  3. On the Add datasets page that opens, choose the dataset or datasets that you want to add, and then choose Add datasets.

    The dataset is added to the topic and Q begins indexing the dataset's unique string values. You can edit the field configurations right away. For more information about the Q index, see Refreshing Amazon QuickSight Q topic indexes. For more information about editing field configurations for Q, see Making Amazon QuickSight Q topics natural-language-friendly.