Sharing Amazon QuickSight Q topics - Amazon QuickSight

Sharing Amazon QuickSight Q topics

 Applies to: Enterprise Edition 
   Intended audience: Amazon QuickSight administrators and authors 

After you create a topic, you can share it with others in your organization. Sharing a topic allows your users to select the topic and ask questions about it in the Q bar. After you share a topic with your users, you can assign permissions to them that specify who can change the topic.

To share a topic
  1. On the QuickSight start page, choose Topics at left.

    Image of the Topic section.
  2. On the Topics page that opens, open the topic that you want to share.

  3. On the page that opens, choose Share at upper right.

    Image of the share topic button.
  4. On the Share topic with users page that opens, choose the user or users that you want to share the topic with.

    You can use the search bar to search for users by email address.

  5. Choose either Viewer or Co-owner under the Permission column to assign permissions to your users.

    For more information about these permissions, see the following section, Managing topic permissions.

    Image of the permissions drop-down options.
  6. When you're finished selecting users, choose Share.

Managing topic permissions

When you share your Q topics with others in your organization, you might want to control who can change them. To do this, specify which users are viewers and which are co-owners. Viewers can see the topic in the Q bar when they select a topic from the list, but they can't change the topic data. Co-owners can see the topic in the Q bar, and they can also change the topic.

To assign topic permissions to your users
  1. From the QuickSight start page, choose Topics.

    Image of the Topic section.
  2. On the Q Topics page that opens, open the topic that you want to manage permissions for.

  3. On the topic page that opens, choose Share at upper right.

    Image of the share topic button.
  4. On the Share topic with users page that opens, choose Manage topic access.

  5. On the Manage topic permissions page that opens, find the user that you want to manage access for, and then for Permission, choose one of the following options:

    • To allow a user to view and change the topic, choose Co-Owner.

    • To allow a user to view the topic only, choose Viewer.